Friday, March 23, 2012


I feel so productive today and it's only 7:30! I have 2 school-age girls coming in the mornings now so I have to get up earlier then normal (6am). Today I decided I'd get some things started before all the other kids show up.

I was out last night for a friends 30th birthday supper so the boys had a babysitter (Travis was also out!). I hate having sitters give the boys a bath so I did it this morning. They were up at 6:30 so I threw them in the tub! They LOVE baths so it was a great way for them to start their day!

Pierce has been having issues peeing on the bathroom floor. Every time I announce it's clean up time he says he has to go potty. I know he's just playing me but I've told him he can go potty when everything is cleaned up....and pees on the floor! I hate making him wait (I'd rather clean pee off my tiled bathroom floor then my living room carpet!). So lately he thinks it's funny to pee on bathroom floor (b/c it delays him having to clean up). I hate putting him in time-out for having an accident but I did yesterday b/c he was laughing thinking he was pretty funny! Ummm...NO you're not! Anyway....back to my point! Every time he had an accident I would just throw the clothes & towels in the washer. I never started it...just them sit there! So this morning I figure we had 4 days of pee clothes in there so I started it. Feels good to have laundry going so early on a Friday! I don't usually do laundry during daycare hours. And by the way...Travis had a talk with Pierce this morning so I'm hoping we don't have any accidents today!

I started the dishwasher through the night so I've already unloaded that and put it all away! I love having an empty dishwasher all day! It's the little things;) I also dusted the kitchen and living room areas (something that hasn't happened in a while!).

And now I'm soaking my Norwex cloths in the sink! I'm a big fan of Norwex (have been for a while) and it's funny how it's all catching on right now! My mother-in-law (Donna Heitman) sells it so if you're interested look her up!! I'm planning on doing a before/after Norwex picture so stay tuned!


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