Friday, August 30, 2013


It's been a yucky week here:(
Cash somehow got hand foot and mouth disease.

He had a low fever Tuesday from 11:30-3 and never again!
Travis took him to the doctor because he was complaining about his ears..which he never does.
Ears were okay!

Two days later he started getting these blisters all over his face, arms, legs and privates.
I called the doctor and they confirmed hand foot and mouth.

There's nothing they can do for them...just to keep them comfortable (Tylenol!).

I think he's still pretty cute with blisters on his face!
 Lots and lots and lots of cleaning went on here this week!

I have a love hate relationship with HFM because you would never know Cash is sick...he's acting fine and luckily the blisters do not bother him.  He's sick...but not down for the count sick! 
On the other hand it's highly contagious and having 8 kids here everyday doesn't help!
As soon as he fever was gone he was no longer unfortunately everyone was exposed on Tuesday and if they are going to get it they are all contagious now!

So here's to a three day weekend.....and a very clean house:)

I'm also excited about Raider football tonight and Iowa football tomorrow:)
Love me some fall....just wish it felt like it and not 1 million degrees!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

1st Day of Pre-K

Pierce started his final year of preschool yesterday!

He and I were both very excited for him to start!
He's a very wild 5 year old boy and he needs some structure;)

His schedule is a little hectic but we'll survive.

He goes to WCP (W'Burg Community Preschool) MWF mornings and then he goes to LR (Lil' Raiders) MTWTh afternoons.
Two days a week he has 20 minutes to come home, eat lunch quick then head right back out the door for more!
I feel bad because he's a little confused...he thinks WCP is preschool and LR is kindergarten!
I keep correcting him...eventually he'll catch on:)

He was up at 6:30am dressed (in his new back-to-school outfit) and ready for breakfast!
He was most excited about his new shoes.  We've had them for a month and I made him wait until the first day of school to wear them!
I had to throw this in because it's SO Pierce:)

Oh, and in case anyone is wondering we signed and posted the contract!

I hope everyone has a great school year!!

Monday, August 26, 2013


It really was a great weekend....but it was also a long one!

Travis left Friday at 12:30 on a guys fishing trip to Wisconsin.
He didn't return until Sunday at 10pm.
The boys made sure to ask about him every 15minutes ALL weekend!

I'm happy Travis had a great guys weekend but now that he's home I'm even happier:)

So while dad played I busted butt back on the home front!
Some of our highlights included:
2 sleepovers:  
Friday night the boys and I stayed at my sisters in North Liberty.
Saturday night my friend Lea stayed overnight with her 3 kids (both our husbands were gone).
Pierce was so excited when he woke up the next morning and his friends were still here!

Back to school haircuts:
Cash HATES having his hair cut!  He screams, cries and arches his back to a point it's impossible to hold him!  I dread hair appointments for this reason! 

I made three...YES THREE trips to Wal-Mart in 3 days...WITH THE BOYS!
Either I have the patience of a queen or I'm completely stupid!
{Also went to Kohl's}

A group of us girls went to We're The Miller's and it was hilarious!
Highly recommend!
We stopped for drinks on the way home then rushed here to let our 2 sitters go home who were here with 6  kids!

The boys and I made it to church and luckily my parents were there so we sat with them!

Birthday Parties:
My sister had her kids' birthday parties together at Iowa Gym Nest Sunday afternoon.
The boys had a great time!  What a neat place to have a birthday party!
We went to my sisters for supper and presents after.
It took Pierce a good hour to jump off the "high board" into the pit.
Once he did he couldn't be stopped!

I felt like super-mom running around doing all these things this weekend...
...until bedtime on Sunday night.
Pierce didn't get his way and laid in bed crying for Daddy because Mommy is mean!
No Pierce....Mommy isn't mean....Mommy's just DONE!
The good news is Preschool starts today and he'll be busy all day now!

More good news....the boys and I survived the weekend!
I'm dog tired today (and look like a$$) but we survived:)

Happy Monday to all of you!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Presents Semi's and Football

Pierce is still enjoying his birthday presents!
You can't tell but he's smiling in this TMNT mask:)

He hit the jackpot with tractors, trailers, lawn mowers and maintainers!
He's loving every minute of it!!

 Our neighbors are moving and the company she works for brought in a moving team.
They parked their semi right in front of our driveway...completely blocking it!
It was there for a few hours.
That doesn't mix with daycare traffic and spray tanning traffic on a Thursday!
So annoying!
And yes we did ask them to move but the other neighbor must have b*tched more!


Travis is loving being a coach to 5th and 6th grade tackle football.
They practice right by our house so it's very hard for the boys to stay home!
Travis saw us hanging out on the deck and called to send Pierce down (Cash is too wild!).
That's Pierce to the right of the flag in a red shirt!
He loves it and talks about going down there everyday!


My sweet little man Pierce brought me a pretty bouquet of flowers!!
I was excited to see them but knew they came from the neighbors garden!!
He meant well!
It's the neighbor that's moving so she won't miss them;)
{We talked to her about it!}

I feel like this whole post portrays life with one child!
Poor Cash gets left out again!

He's keeping busy playing hard 100% of the day!
He's really into camping right now so he and the other daycare kids pretend to camp every day!
It keeps them busy and happy!!

Cash is still my love muffin and loves to snuggle!
He still begs me at night to snuggle with him!
I don't hesitate because I know when he's 16 I won't be cool;)
He's so stink'n cute to cuddle with because he plays with my hair then rubs my face....LOVE HIM!!

Anyway, just thought I had to throw in a few lines about my other son, Cash;)

TGIF to all of you! 
Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Back-To-School Contract

I like to read blogs and a couple years ago I ran across a blog about letter a mom wrote to her son before school started.
At the time I didn't have any kids in school but held onto this letter and decided this would be a great year to start a Back-To-School Contract with Pierce.

I researched different sights (and of course Pinterest) and found the content that would best suit a 5 year old in preschool!

A lot of moms and dads wonder how they can get a well rounded, respectable child..... In my opinion manners is all that matters!  If your child has manners it will get them a long way!

Pierce and I worked on this contract and he's actually really excited!
It's not as much of a contract as it is a guide.....

When doing a contract with a child it's very important to FOLLOW THROUGH, FOLLOW THROUGH, FOLLOW THROUGH!!
This will build love trust and respect:)

Do any of you do back to school contracts?!
What are some must have manners in your household?!

Before school officially starts next week Travis, Pierce and I will sign the contract!
It will be displayed out in the open so Pierce can be reminded what he signed;)

Have a great day everyone and remember your manners;)

Tuesday, August 20, 2013



I've been suffering since Sunday with one.

I haven't had one for 2 years now and when I would get them it would come in the morning and I'd be perfectly fine by afternoon.
{Just give me a Mt. Dew and my prescription migraine pill and I was good to go!}

I have no idea why I all of a sudden got one 2 years later and it's going on day 3!

Migraines are all different but when I get them my vision is distorted...
 {if I look at someones face straight on I know what I'm looking at but I can't see their face at all!}
Then I get the whole head headache and really nauseous:(

Sunday night started with my vision....then the whole head headache....then nauseous....then I went to bed!
Monday started with the headache and being nauseous and around 1pm (luckily when most of the kids were napping) I got the vision crap again!
I pushed through a couple spray tans, preschool open house (x2) took the boys to the park AND to eat at McDonald's (going in is a big deal!).

I woke up with another headache today but I'm praying and hoping I don't get the vision problems!


Okay....there is a point to this story!

My mom suffered for years with migraines (unfortunately she handed that down to my sister and me).

I did a semester in New York in college and I remember she had a terrible migraine that morning I was supposed to fly out.
She was puking all the way to the airport but was still there to see me off!

There are too many stories I could go on and on....

My mom's mom remarried when my mom was a teenager to the kindest, sweetest grandpa Kenny.

Kenny saw my mom suffer for years with migraines and hated it because there was nothing anyone could do.

Fast forward 20+ years later.....

He was diagnosed with cancer and was dying.
On his death bed he grabbed my moms hand and said when he dies he is going to take my mom's migraines with him.
9.5 years later and she hasn't had a migraine!

Pretty crazy story and I believe he really did take her migraines with him!

I just wish I was in that room and he would have taken away all our migraines:)


Reading social media this morning I see I'm not the only one suffering with terrible headaches this week.
Must be something in the atmosphere....

Like I said goes on...and so does work!
Full day of kids, spray tan party tonight and Travis has football practice!

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Camping, Golf and Fires!

We had another busy but great weekend!

Friday afternoon we had Pierce's daycare birthday party!
Cupcakes and juice....then send them all home;)

Friday night Pierce had his choice of camping or a kernels game.
Here's how my conversation went with him earlier last week....
"Pierce, do you want to go to **A KERNELS BASEBALL GAME**...yay so fun and excited....or camping?!"
So, we camped in the backyard!
I will admit I was not excited about this at all!
I'm not what you would call an outdoor, sleep on the ground kind of gal!
 BUT... the boys had a blast and it was fun to see them so excited!
Bud Light helped me too;)
This could be my favorite picture of all time!!!!

After smores the boys were falling apart and needed to go to bed.
Pierce fell asleep in the tent with no problems....
....Cash (my man, my hero, my buddy!) wasn't having the tent so I opted to take him to our bed (what else is a mom to do?!)
Cash and I had a great sleepover in the master suite king bed;)
Pierce lasted all night until 7am in the tent!
He loved it and I think this will be a family father/son tradition!


Saturday afternoon we golfed in another tournament!
I swear I'm like a kid on Christmas morning with these tournaments!
It was a beautiful day and we had a great group of people!!
And...we were in the money so that always helps:)


Sunday was spent going to church, two of our nephews birthday parties (HAPPY 8th BIRTHDAY TO CARTER TODAY!!), naps, making tomato juice from our endless amounts of tomato's and ended the night with a controlled fire at a friends barn.

Pretty neat to be this close and watching how they do their jobs!!
 This is Travis and BIL Jeremy
 Sexy hubs:)

I ended Sunday night with a migraine (haven't had one in forever!!), nauseous and sweaty:(
Woke up this morning with a whole head headache and nauseous again.
Not sure what's going on but life must go on.....and work too...!


Go out and make it a good week!!
Happy Monday:)

Friday, August 16, 2013

Pierce Turns 5!!

At 8:53am Pierce officially turns 5!
I remember the day like it was yesterday!
How does 5 years go so fast?!

I woke up to Pierce 2 inches from my face staring at me....I smiled and he whispered "I'm 5 now!"
Yes you are buddy!!

He and I sat down this morning and had a little conversation!
I asked him what some of his favorite things are.....

1. His FAVORITE FOOD is chocolate cake & donuts.
2. His FAVORITE PERSON is Rogan.
3. His FAVORITE THING TO DO is play with trucks and also play outside.
4. His FAVORITE COLOR is green and blue.
5. His FAVORITE PLACE TO EAT is McDonald's.
6. His FAVORITE MOVIE is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
7. His FAVORITE ANIMAL is a puma. (This one made me laugh!)
8. His FAVORITE DRINK is chocolate milk and water.
9. His FAVORITE HOLIDAY is Christmas.
10. His FAVORITE THING TO WEAR is tshirt, shorts, socks and tennis shoes.
And according to him his full name is PIERCE HEITMAN RANDALL!

He's grown into a very loving, caring, sensitive, stubborn, wild and crazy boy!
We are so proud of you and love you more then you will ever know!!!

Thursday, August 15, 2013


I'm doing my weekly update on Thursday because I'm observing Friday's post to my 5 year old!!


I am very lucky...and some of you may be jealous...but my husband cleans!
When he gets on a kick it's best to just let him go until it's done!

This was last Friday.  I was going out with my girlfriends and he got on one of his kicks.
I felt bad for the boys!  Well, not enough to stay home;)
He's up for hire but I have to warn you....he's got quite the mouth on him;)


 So I am always on a hunt for the delicious ranch you get in restaurants. 
It's never the same out of the Hidden Valley bottle at home.
I decided to make ranch from the Hidden Valley dry ranch packet!
It's awesome and soooooo good:)
{Not healthy...but good!}
Best salad ever!!
 -hard boiled egg sliced up
 -shredded cheese
 -crushed club crackers
 -real ranch!!



The other day one of Pierce's pairs of underwear were hanging out in the living room.
(probably got lost in the laundry shuffle)
Cash put them on his head....then got stuck!
I had to take a pic;)
Ahhh....2 year old problems!!


And last but certainly not least........
SIL Amy made the Cedar Rapids Gazette (big time news!) because she had a hole in one this week!
This is like once in a lifetime ordeal people!!
I can't wait for the day when I make mine!


I just want to say I feel like supermom this week!

I washed, dried, folded and put away every single towel in this house!
The towels get neglected with all the other laundry!
AND I washed, dried, folded and made all of our beds!
All of this on top of our usual 6 loads of clothes.

I know how ridiculous I sound in saying all this because people do this all the time BUT I felt like "I am mama here me ROAR!!"

I may have a husband that cleans the house but he won't touch the laundry....
...I got this:)

Alright...there's my mom bragging moment for the week...and it was about sad....


HAPPY THURSDAY to all of you!!!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Tough Mudder

Last weekend our friends (Ackermans) had a TOUGH MUDDER for the kids!

What a great idea!!
There were lots of excited kids before they started!!

Here's the before muscle picture....
 They came off the start line like a bat outta hell!!

This is how most kids looked.....
 FULL.OF.MUD and loving it!!

Here's the after muscle picture!
So much fun!

You might be realizing that my boys aren't in any of the pictures (except the "before" picture!)
That's because this is what my kids did the whole time....
They watched!
Not one piece of mud on their bodies!

What 5 and 2 year old wouldn't jump at the first sight of mud...especially when they get the okay from mom and dad?!?!

Obviously mine....

WahWahWah :(

Travis and I had a great time catching up with friends and watching everyone elses kids get muddy;)

Towards the end of the race Cash stepped out of his comfort zone and got a little crazy....
He let Lee soak him with the hose:)

Go Cash!!! 
That's my boy!!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Pierce's 5th Birthday PARTY

WARNING: Picture overload:)

We decided to have Pierce's birthday at our local aquatic center!
It was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle theme:)
Waiting for all the guests to arrive!
Lots of our friends and family came to help celebrate!

 Look at that genuine smile!!
 EVERYBODY loves cake and ice cream!
 So much fun!!
That blurry face at the bottom is Pierce!

 We tried to get the whole group but there are a few missing!!
 Best friends!!
It was a great night and I have to be honest and tell you this was the most stress free party I've ever done!
The kids and adults were entertained with the pool and all we had to do was scoop up ice cream and cake then we got to enjoy the pool also!
We will definitely be doing more birthdays here in the future!
It didn't hurt the weather was B-E-A-U-TIFUL:)

Gift Bags
Each bag had a Goin Fishin', TMNT fruit snacks, a water gun and a personalized water bottle.

I found these bad boys on Pinterest.... 
The tag says:
Hold the "cracker"
fishing rod.
Dip it in the cheese and
go fishin' for some
cheesy fish!
Good luck!

Completely simple and easy and only cost me $0.62 each!

I hope everyone enjoyed the pool party and their gift bags:)

Thanks for making Pierce's 5th birthday party a success!!!
He had a blast:)

His actual birthday is Friday (August 16th) and we aren't quite sure what we're going to do.
Kernels baseball and/or camping are in the mix of ideas.
To Be Continued.....

Actual birthday party UPDATES here and here!