Friday, December 21, 2012

It's Friday!!!!

What a great week!

I was trying to figure out a new way to display our Christmas cards so I put my sister (pinterest queen) on a mission!  I could have come up with this one but I'll give her the credit;)
I didn't want to go too low on the pantry door because the kids will just rip them off so I stopped halfway.
They didn't all fit (and I still have more to hang) so I started on the coat closet door.  I'll be starting on the basement door pretty soon!
I bought double stick tape and it's held up all week!

 You know they say it's the little things that matter....well it's true!
I bought myself a bunch of new socks and I love them:)

 I love doing simple lunches:)

 I finally frosted my peanut butter balls!  They are delicious and I cannot promise they will make it to any holiday gathering:)  They are made with all natural peanut butter so Cash gets to enjoy them also!

We had a blizzard yesterday and I actually had a snow day.  I've had 2 in the last 5 years!  The boys and I had a great day:)

Most of the daycare is back today and I'm actually glad because we are doing our Christmas party!
All the kids will have a present to open and they are EXCITED!

I'm not sure how often I'll get on here in the next 4 days so I want to wish all my followers a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and remember the reason for the season...Jesus!  Take time to look around and really enjoy your families!


Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Travis had some things to do at the fire station the other night so we made it a family outing (you know I never get out of my house so I'll go anywhere just to get out!!)

Of course the boys know where Travis' locker is so they checked it out.

They begged Travis to put on his gear so he gave in and did.

The boys loved it:)

Last night started off the spray tan parties for the week!
I was in Sigourney last night, here Thursday night for GNO and I had a huge amount of ladies wanting tans for the holidays so I'm doing another party here Saturday!

Then starts the crazy busy weekend full of friends, family and holiday fun!!!!

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Holiday Cheer

It's starting to look a lot like Christmas!!

This is my favorite display of my holiday decorations....
Both boys as babies with Santa and then a picture of them this year together with Santa.

 Travis and I wrapped presents last weekend....
No rhyme or reason to any wrapping or organizational skills! 
I wrapped what was in front of me with whatever paper I had!
I am not crazy anal about things like that!
I do organize them in the order they will be opened (Christmas Eve at my parents, Christmas morning here and Christmas afternoon at the Heitmans). 

My SIL gave us this ornament this year.
It's the footprints (and a nice poem) of their sweet baby Kynleigh that will not be joining us this year for Christmas....but I know she'll be there in spirit!
  I immediately put it on our tree!  It looks perfect:)

When Pierce saw all the presents under the tree Saturday he was so excited! 
He asked us 100 times if Christmas was tomorrow! 
We decided to make a chain and countdown the days til Christmas!
Every time he asks me I tell him to count the links:)

For the first time EVER I attempted sugar cookies!
It was a fun family attempt!
The cookies didn't turn out the best but the boys had fun and that's all that matters!

Happy Tuesday to all of you!!!!

Monday, December 17, 2012

One Weekend Away From The Best Time of Year!

First of all I'd like to take a second and say my heart goes out to all who were affected by the horrific tragedy in Newtown, CT last Friday.  I cannot imagine going through anything like this! 
I do not want to give any attention to the piece of shit that caused all this!  I'd rather hear about the heroic teachers and all the students involved.  They are the victims and they are the ones who should be getting all the focus!

I took this picture of Pierce Friday morning.... not knowing how the day would unfold in CT.  Lets just say he got lots of hugs and kisses when he got home from school!

There was news coverage on every single channel about the tragedy so we turned on Charlie Brown Christmas!  Perfect ending to an emotional daycare day!
{I do NOT understand how someone can hurt...let alone kill a child!}

Friday night Travis, Cash and I had a date and we went to McDonald's and to Theisens (Pierce was with Grandpa Heitman at a wrestling meet).
Cash had an allergic reaction to something (not sure what!) so we came home, gave him a shot of Benadryl and sent him to bed.
Travis and I turned on White Christmas and wrapped presents like the loving, happy couple we are (enter sarcasm here!!)  He started out in the chair watching the movie and I kept cracking jokes about doing it all by myself...then he joined me and I quickly regretted every comment I made;)
Good news was we got it all done and now they are under the tree!


Saturday morning we woke up early to get Cash out to G'ma & G'pa Heitmans along with Pierce!
We helped my brother and his wife (Jacob and Amy) move to Williamsburg!
They bought a "fixer-upper" and it's not quite done.  Luckily they sold their house in Tiffin and needed to get out.  They will be living with my parents for a few weeks until their house is done! 
I am so happy to have them in Williamsburg!

Last week we realized all of Pierce's shoes are too small! I swear it happened overnight!
So while at Theisen's Friday night we picked him up these sweet pair of snake-skin boots!
He loves them!


We ended our weekend on the couch, with popcorn, watching Brave!

Thanks to social media I found out everyone was to wear green today to support all the victims of Sandy Hook Elementary. 
The boys chose their Green Bay shirts.
Doesn't hurt the Packers beat the Bears yesterday;)

Praying for every single family involved and for that community to find peace....

Friday, December 14, 2012


Since I am the only girl in the house Travis thinks it's hilarious to call me 'Princess'.  For some reason it rubs me the wrong way! 
I hate it when he calls me this!

It wasn't really a big deal until Pierce started catching on to me not liking it and then he started calling me princess.  And it's not sweet and cute like "Princess"'s more so to get under my skin and saying it really deep with a raspy voice..."PRINC-ESS" (almost sounds like prince-ass!)
Not cool, Trav, NOT COOL!

I took matters into my own hands and explained to Pierce that mommy is not a princess and you shouldn't call her that.  I explained it in 4 year old terms and said..."mommy isn't a grandma either and you don't ever call her that.." 

I was hopeful I got through to him until this morning....
I asked what he wanted for breakfast and he said "french toast sticks PRINC-ESS!"

I was flustered and pissed at Travis (of course) but I didn't let him see this!  I figure if I ignore it, it will go away...right?!

Anyway...while on Facebook I found this and couldn't resist sharing! 
It's funny how things show up when you need them the most! 
I'm going to print this out and hang it all over my house!
I'll whip these boys into shape one way or the other;)

TGIF to all of you!
I plan to finish up Christmas shopping and wrapping this weekend!
We are also helping my brother and his wife move to Williamsburg...YAHOO!!  Finally:)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Fallen Tree Update & Baby Jace

Over the 4th of July holiday we had a huge wind storm and my parents lost their big shade tree.
Blog post here!

They celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary at the end of July so my siblings and I went in on another tree!
The tree expert (TNT Landscaping) said it's best to transplant a tree in the fall.
So...over the weekend they received their new tree!

This summer will be so much better with shade on their back patio!!

So glad it's Wednesday!  That means it's volleyball night and this mama is getting O-U-T!!  It's very much needed right now and I couldn't be happier:)

PS: I'm loving this date... 12-12-12!


Want to congratulate my BFF Stacy on her perfect baby boy....Jace David.  He came into this world weighing in at 8 pounds 9 ounces!  I'm sure his sisters can't wait to dress him up:)
He was born yesterday on 12-11-12!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Love'n December

WARNING: photo bomb!

 This is the problem with never getting to put your baby items away....
{I found Cash like this and made such a fuss over it so big brother had to do it!}
 Looking at Christmas lights. We need to shut their DVD's off next time...
 He drank too much water...then passed out;)
 The hubs is on supper duty.....
 ...and I'm on baking duty. 
Peanut butter balls...the beer was a must!
 The loves of my life!!
 A daycare mom brought these for her daughters birthday snack!
Books, books, books!
I love that he can keep himself entertained with all these trucks!
We are not fans of this colder weather!  He wants to be outside!

Happy Tuesday!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Saying Goodbye...

To the beloved pacifier:(
It's been a rough ROUGH week for both Cash and myself!
Poor guy loved his "fire"(paci-"fire").

We decided now that he's two *sniff sniff* it was time to limit the pacifier access!
He still gets it at nap and bedtime (good lord I wouldn't do that to myself or to him!!).

He has thrown a fit after nap every day this week for a good half hour:(
It kills me not to give in but I know if we just get through this week hopefully things will get better.

Please send happy thoughts our way;)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Church & Wrestling

We were in Holbrook over the weekend.  Travis helped my dad decorate and light a tree. 
I was running around chasing the boys so I decided to do take a few pictures.

I just love the way the church looks! 

The church is closed and rarely filled with people but on Christmas Eve they have a fabulous service!  We look forward to it every year!


Sometimes, this is how our nights are spent....wrestling in their undies;)
Travis is dead set on the boys wrestling but what he hasn't learned yet is mama knows best!
Wrestling scares me a bit and I'm not sure I can watch my boys take part!
They would have to have a tremendous amount of love for the sport for me to sign off;)
We shall see.....
{Just want to be clear...I would never tell them NO...I'm just hoping they never seem interested;)}

Happy Hump Day:)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tis' The Season

SANTA came to the local library!
Pierce is still scared of Santa and as you can see Cash isn't so sure himself;)
Who is this guy?!
"Mom...are you sure I'm okay?!"
Deer in the headlights:)
See...Grandma likes Santa!
This is the best picture I could get of them!
Pierce would NOT touch Santa but this is good enough!

I am getting so excited for Christmas!  I LOVE LOVE LOVE December!!!
I got all giddy when I flipped our calender from November to December!
I love seeing the calender full of Christmas parties and lots of family time!!

I'm about 90% done with all my Christmas shopping!  I really enjoy doing it early because when I wrap them closer to Christmas it's like a surprise for me all over....I forget what I've gotten;)

I hope you're all getting in the spirit as well!!

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Cash-Man Turns 2!!

Happy 2nd Birthday to the funniest kid I know:)

You went from a baby that was up every two hours for six months to a loving, tough boy!  You often get called "bully" during daycare (by me) but I still love you!  I love when you wrap your arms around my neck and give me the biggest kisses and hug a mama could ask for!  I especially love it when you don't release your arms from my neck until you get just the right amount of kisses:)  Melts my heart every time!

You have a love/hate relationship with your older brother and I can only assume that will get better/worse as you grow older!  You two are the bestest friends and I just love when Pierce protects you!  I know you're in good hands with him!

You are learning new things everyday and your vocabulary is crazy!  You have to do/try everything on your own and mommy has to muster up the patience but I know you're only learning!

You have no idea how much we love you!!  I wish you nothing but the best and I'll work my behind off to make sure you get the very best!  YOU DESERVE IT BUDDY!!


We had a great birthday party on December 1st (his actual birthday)!
Warning: picture overload!!
Best cake balls around.  Find them here!
 Getting ready to take a family picture for Grandma Spratt!
 Best idea for a cooler...I take full credit for this idea;)
It was full at the beginning of the night...this picture was taken at the end!
This was my attempt at getting ONE good picture of him on his birthday!
As you can see it was a process!

2 Days Old....
2 Years Old:)

Thank you to all our family that came to his birthday and for all the messages, texts and emails from friends with birthday wishes!

Cash didn't have a clue it was his birthday but I think he had a good day;)

Happy Monday