Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Pumpkins, Tumbling & Football...OH MY!

 I love when we start the weekend without plans and then we create a fun weekend!

Every year for the past few years Stacy and I have taken our kids to Uncle Bill's Farm in Grinnell.
They have a great set up and the kids always have fun!
The sun was bright...but totally worth it for this pic!

We started this tradition six years ago when Karli was a baby and Cash was still in my belly!
We've added a few since then!

 Corn....always a hit with the Heitmans!
It was a great day with beautiful weather!
I remember the first year, we went the Mexican restaurant in Grinnell after the farm for adult drinks and dinner...
...and this year we ran into Walmart quick for baby formula!
My how times have changed!!

I always enjoy (and need) a night out with my girls!

Sunday morning the boys thought it would be cool to dress exactly like dad!
Iowa Hawkeye shorts and the same Raider t-shirt!
Travis, you're so cool!!

I can't even with this picture!!

I put Cash into an all boys tumbling class this year.
He's loving it!!
This week was parent observation and I finally got to go!
(Cash's class is from 4-4:30 on Tuesdays and I'm still working.).
He did awesome and loved every minute of it!
I'm excited to see him perform at the recital in May!

Our flag football season wrapped up Tuesday night with games on the high school field under the lights!
It's always a hit with Pierce and this year was the same!
(I may or may not be excited for no 9am games on Saturdays anymore...)
 Thanks to the coaches (Lance and Ben) for a great season!


And you may have noticed I changed my picture on the home page of the blog!
At 3 months old Kroy finally had his first professional pictures taken (third kid probz).
I have only seen a few and am patiently (not patiently) waiting to see the rest!!
I wanted to share the ones I've seen...
LOVE this one of all three boys!
Kroy is all about smiling but he didn't crack one smile the whole shoot.
Oh well...he was content and looking at the camera at least!

Pierce and Cash did AWESOME!!
When they were little pictures were a nightmare!!
A little bride of going to Fast Stop and picking out a candy bar really helps!
You gotta do what you gotta do!

Oh Kroy:)

One smile would have been nice:)
Those cheeks though!!


Go out and make it a good rest of the week and awesome weekend!

Friday, October 7, 2016

Ed Turns 60!

My dad turned 60 on October 5th!

The Sunday before his birthday we had a family day!
We had lunch at my mom and dad's then headed to the Spratt Farm for a hayrack ride!
Naturally my dad drove the tractor and the rest of us enjoyed the ride!

Here's the Spratt Farm with the beautiful Holbrook church in the background!

 So much fun!!

 Baby's first hayrack ride!

 My 87 year old grandma joined in the fun too!
This is not her first hayrack ride!

If you haven't noticed already Pierce and Travis were missing the fun.
They were at a 5th & 6th grade football game (Travis coaches).
Kroy is waving!

These kids had so much fun on the hay bales!

Leo is seriously the cutest!

And Delaney knows how to work it:)

We couldn't leave without a 4-wheeler ride.
The day of my dad's actual birthday we had pizza (his favorite meal) at their house and hung out!
All the grandkids (and their parents!) put their heads together and came up with 60 reasons why they love Grandpa Ed!

I'll spare you all 60 reasons but they were hilarious! 

Here are a few...

- you love Cheetos
- you have awesome work boots
- you are messy with your toothpaste
- you finally let grandma get a dog
- you're funny
- you fart
- you have a big lunch box
- you tell us ghost stories
- you say "pull my finger!"
- you know how to drive a semi
- you give us lawn mower rides
- you sing to us
- you sneak us treats
- you let us eat whatever we want
- you only have 9 fingers
- you like your 20 min power nap
- you like to shovel snow

We made him a fancy copy and I think he really enjoyed reading them!

Happy Happy 60th Birthday to a great man!!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Pics Pics & More Pics

 Still busy around here.... but not busy enough that I can't take pictures!

Our life in pics....

Raider Homecoming!
 Kroy's little smirk gets me every time!

We blinked and our baby turned 3 months old!
 He's trying really hard to roll over...but hasn't quite mastered it yet.

I can't even...

He gets a lot of kisses from mommy all day long:)
He likes it, I swear!

All ready to cheer on the Hawkeyes!

Here's a win-win...
Pierce reading and Kroy content!

A very intense book about fires right here!

I turned the big 3-5 (gulp!) and threw myself a party.
One of my friends wasn't able to make it so she sent me a picture of herself having a drink so I sent this back.  Turns out this was the only picture I took all night... oops!

On a no school day Pierce had plans to go be a farmer for the day with Keith.
He was so excited and all ready to go!
Travis came home on his lunch break to take him out and they got all the way there and Pierce had a freak out moment and didn't want to stay! 
So... he came home! 
Not sure what happened there... but it doesn't surprise me!

This is the norm around here.... double duty... feeding the baby and listening to Pierce read!

The school had dress up days for Homecoming and "twin day" was one of them.
Here's Cash and his 3 best buds... Tyson, Eli and Cormac!

Pierce and his friend Cole were twins...
...and they could really be twins!

Cash was selected by his teacher to receive the Raider Rockstar Award!
Each teacher chooses one student who follows the "Raider Ready" rules, who is respectful, responsible and safe!  We are so proud  of Cash!

My cousin Tracey lives in Canada and made a quick trip home!
She surprised me and stopped by one afternoon!
It was so good catching up with her!

Oh... and I joined snap chat... for the kids;)

Okay, that's it for now! 
I'll save the other 100 pictures for another post...BAHAHAHAHAHA!!