Friday, March 29, 2013

Outside Bunnies

Finally, FINALLY we are having decent weather!

We signed Pierce up for T-ball this summer so he's been practicing!

We finally got to bring the jeep up out of storage!
It's been a long time since Christmas and they were just as excited here as they were on Christmas!!



Check out this adorable bunny Pierce made in school!

I've been busy......

Happy Easter to all of you!
Have a great weekend:)


Wednesday, March 27, 2013


We are still having issues with Cash waking up at 5am! 
And I say issues because IT'S NOT OKAY!!!

I've kind of thought about putting a child lock on the inside of his door but felt horrible doing that!
What if there was a fire....what if Pierce has to go to the bathroom... All these questions started going through my head.

Then Travis calmed my nerves and said if there was a fire we'd rather have them contained to their room and not running wild around the house so we can't find them.
Okay....I'm with ya Travis!

So we tried it out last night.....
 They slept til 6:30 and didn't scream to get out until 7am!!!
{Measuring board story here!}
 I still have a twinge of guilt but if they are going to be "trapped" until I get out of the shower then it's worth it!

Then I put one on the pantry door for good measure;)
Stay out, stay out, stay out!!


Travis has been home with us all week. 
His foot is getting better and better by the day.

He'd much rather be at work then here with us;)
Almost anyone would love a week off work to lay around and rest your foot.
NOT Travis!  For one, he cannot sit's not in his blood!  And secondly there are 8 kids running all over this house!  Not one piece of this house is free for him to go sit in silence!

I keep finding errands for him to run and he's hoping the 50 degree weather really does come later this week so he can clean out his beloved garage!  I think the sand on the garage floor haunts him in his sleep;)

It's been a long week for me, I mean ALL of us but we are surviving!!!


I have volleyball again tonight but I have a continuing education class for daycare...
I won't be able to play volleyball...but don't worry...I'm meeting up with my team after class;)

Happy Hump Day!!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

PB Eggs

They're baaaaaaack......
I've been trying to avoid these in all stores but decided I better grab some for fear of them being sold out!!!

I had them in the "Easter Stash" in the hall closet for a good week before opening them!

I was really going to wait for Easter but then decided things need to be fair with the boys and Cash can't eat them (peanut allergy) so I took one for the team!
I really didn't want a fight on Easter morning over peanut butter eggs!

So...Travis and I will finish them before Easter;)


I cannot wait for Easter and all the fun stuff the boys are getting. 

As they get older I find myself having more and more fun with this! 
Please tell me this never ends:)


Monday, March 25, 2013

Ankle/80s/Snow...OH MY!

Another great, busy weekend!

It didnt' start out so good....Travis sprained his ankle pretty bad on Thursday during mens volleyball. 
It was still pretty swollen during the x-rays and they are thinking there's a little fracture.

He was ordered to ice all day Friday and in a boot for 3 weeks!
He didn't listen very well because he helped at the fish fry all afternoon Friday!
He stayed through the night and served carry-out meals!

We ended up leaving before the fish fry was over because he was hurting pretty bad.
We were able to watch the Iowa basketball game:)

Here's his foot on day 3 of injury....
Pretty gross and really swollen!


 Saturday we were invited to an 80s theme pepper tournament.
Stacy and I went shopping Saturday morning for costumes and sadly it wasn't very hard to find because the 80s are coming back!  Sad, sad, sad!

We had a great time shopping and a few times we were laughing so hard we about peed our pants;)
I love those kind of shopping trips!!
Good times...Good times!

Here's the final outcome.....
 My mom does not throw anything away so we were able to crimp our hair;)
 Travis is a dud when it comes to dressing up so he didn't partake but Marky-Mark did...
 It was a fun night and we stayed out a little later then we should have;)


March 24th and we got another snow storm!

The boys were begging to go out so we took them out to my parents house (more room and they can run and run without fear of cars)!
We had a fun time!
I was a little under the weather from our Saturday night but I put on a happy face for the boys!
And yes, my hair is still crimped;)

No, I am not posting the same picture...
The picture on the left is Pierce from December 2009 and the one on the right is Cash from March 2013!
My dad is still wearing the same overalls and Cash is still wearing hand-me-downs:)


Another busy week this week!
I have a new daycare family starting and I am beyond excited about it!!

I have 2 spray tan parties this week, another round of volleyball games (for me...not for the hubs) and fire meetings for Travis!

Hope you all go out and make it a good week!

Friday, March 22, 2013


"On the road again.....just can't wait to get on the road again".... :)
Went to a few more spray tanning parties this week!

Took a family trip to Walmart and Theisens
I saw these in the freezer section and it's like there was a spot light on them and angels were singing!
I could not walk by these ICE CREAM Reese's peanut butter eggs!
I  had one and they are AWESOME!!
Feel like a horrible mom because Cash can't enjoy them!  I'll just have to finish them off so no one knows they were even here;)

It's been so flip'n cold here!
Thought the Old Navy pullovers should make an appearance in this nasty weather!
My Aunt Diane passed away 10 years ago March 21st from cancer (I.HATE.CANCER.).
She loved the color red and wearing bold lipstick.  Her daughter sent us all a messages and wanted us to wear red on Thursday in honor of Diane.  I said consider it done:)
The boys proudly wore their red (as did their mom!).

We couldn't leave Theisens without looking at the baby chicks!!

 I found this baked taco recipe on Pinterest and revised it to our liking!
Pinterest recipe here!
This is my revised recipe:

1 pound ground beef
1 Tbsp Onion Onion (Tastefully Simple....I hate touching and cutting a real onion!)
1 small can diced green chilies
1 package taco seasoning
1 can Rotel with green chilies
1/2 can refried beans
Shredded your liking.
8 hard shells

Brown meat with Onion Onion...drain grease.  Add green chilies, taco seasoning, Rotel and refried beans.  Heat a few minutes in microwave.
Stand shells in 9x13 pan and add meat mixture to to them.  Sprinkle with cheese.
Bake 10 minutes at 400 degrees.
Top with your favorite taco toppings!

Super easy and it makes a lot so I've been eating leftovers all week.  I'm lucky and work from home so I heat the oven up and make 2 for lunch!


My only complaint from the week is Cash waking up at 5am!  He's super loud and wakes his brother up!  There's nowhere for him to go...can't put him in bed with us because he won't just lay there and be quiet (I need my sleep people!)....can't send him to the living room because the house will be destroyed and all our frozen waffles will be gone!  Hopefully it's just a phase....and this too shall pass!  If it doesn't I'm in trouble!

Pretty pumped for the weekend!  
Travis and I will be helping out at the fish fry (information here!)  tonight and then we are invited to an 80s theme pepper tournament Saturday night! 

TGIF to all of you!!!

PS: Happy Birthday Leash!!!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Fish Fry

Come out and support your local fire fighters this Friday in Williamsburg!

These men and women VOLUNTEER to run into burning houses, offices, fields, buildings, cars, semis, grain bins and everything else on fire without thinking twice!

They deserve our support!

I'll be in the back serving carry-out meals:)

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Life Rules

I love these rules to live by....

I would have to say I struggle the most with #2.
{What others think of you is none of your business}
I learned this rule the hard way:(
I thought I really needed (and wanted) to know how someone in my life was feeling about me...turns out I didn't want or need to know at all! 
It happened a while ago and it's something I still think about!


I'll never make that mistake again;)
I'm hoping #3 and #5 help me!

What are some rules you live by?!

One of my all time favorite rules is THE GOLDEN RULE....treat others the way you want to be treated!
You have no idea how many times I repeat this rule daily!!
I remember hearing this rule as a child and it stuck with me...I remember thinking, "wow, how true is this?!"
With every situation in my life, this "rule" runs through my head!
I will raise my boys to treat others the same as they want to be treated!

Another saying I love is "EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON"
Not everyone likes this saying but I'm a believer!!

A big saying I tell me kids (daily!) is "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit!"  Of course that doesn't always work but Pierce has repeated it a few times to his friends in the right context...I'm just glad it's sinking in!

Okay...there's Kim's deep thoughts for the day;)

Hope you all have a great Wednesday!

I wrote this post a few days ago and scheduled it for today.
This morning I was checking Facebook (as I do every morning!) and one of my friends shared this from Sweet Empowerment's status....

What others think of us is not our business. Everyone has a their own perceptions, experiences and fears. They will perceive us through the filter of their story no matter what we try to do or say to change it. It's not personal, it's their perception and it has nothing to do with Who you are!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

St. Patrick's Day 2013

St. Patrick's Day 2013

We had a low key day filled with great food, naps and family time!

My sister bought these for the kids and Cash loved them!

 The boys are not smiling but at least they are looking....Kadence wanted her mommy:)

The traditional Irish meal....corned beef and cabbage!
SO DELICIOUS and even better because Travis made it!

Our day in one shot!

Pierce made this at school and it's exactly how I feel:)

The weather was chilly so we opted out of going to the parade!
We had a great day with the boys!

I hope you all had a great day as well!!

St. Patrick's Day 2012 here!

Monday, March 18, 2013

BIG Weekend Recap

We had a very busy but FUN weekend!

I had gotten a pedicure and put my shoes on too fast.  It ruined my big toe paint job so I put a Jamberry sticker on them!  Not exactly the same pink but it works:)


 My sisters husband had deviated septum surgery Friday so she and the kids spent the weekend at my parents house to let him heal. 
I took the boys out there Friday night. 
They had fun playing and making popcorn:)


Saturday morning Pierce had his last session of Rompin Raiders.
They got the parents involved and we actually had to race our kids on did NOTHING for my confidence...not because Pierce beat me but because my a$$ is too big for that scooter!!
The kids had fun and that's all the matters!!

 Saturday Travis and a few guys cleaned the fire station (getting ready for the big fish fry this Friday!).
He called when he was done to bring the boys out. 
Pierce is always in heaven out there!

 My brother and his wife (Mimi & Bubba) finally got to move into their new house this weekend!
Pierce has been there every week "helping" with he remodel and he was so excited when "his" room was done!
We actually couldn't get him out of there!

 It was Mimi's (Amy's) birthday so we sang happy birthday to her!
My boys love their Aunt Mimi!
The adults enjoyed a nice dinner out Saturday night for her birthday!


**St. Patrick's Day blog post to come soon**

Sunday night we enjoyed a family movie in our basement.
My sister talked about staying here Saturday night but then we all decided to stay at my parents house.
Travis got this bed out all ready for Kellie but no one used it.

We decided to veg out with popcorn and milk shakes while watching Hotel Transylvania (the only movie Pierce will watch!).
We've had surround sound for 5 years and I bet it's been used 5 times...if that!  We turned that baby on last night and it was like we were in the theater!
Boys had a blast!


Happy Monday to all of you!

I've said this a million times already but I'm so over winter and need spring! I write this, this is what's going on outside;(
STOP the madness!

Friday, March 15, 2013


It's been a long, long week but we survived!
Between spray tan parties, swim lessons, volleyball (both men & women) and Cash being sick I am exhausted!
I'm glad it's Friday and we don't have any set plans for the weekend!

 There isn't one show that holds all their attention EVER but for some reason Team Umizoomi did one day this week!
It was complete silence while it was on and I was able to get lunch prepared with out any distractions:)
Ahhh...the little things;)

 There is absolutely nothing wrong with starting a movie during nap and praying to God my own boys fall asleep;)  SUCCESS!

 Ummmm...blast from the past! This came in the mail this week!
Unless I've been living under a rock and haven't seen an Eastbay magazine lately....but I'm pretty sure the last one I saw was in high school!
I remember looking at the shoes in high school and they were all $45 or $ they are $149 or higher!  My how times have changed!
Oh, and I'd also like her abs!

I guess that would mean I need to stop eating cookies.....
 The weather has been warmer this week but it's been too muddy to send the boys outside.
I decided we would try to make cookies and they had a great time!
The cookies are from Pinterest and they are blueberry yogurt. 
Sadly they look much better then they taste!
2 kids out of 7 ate them....the rest wouldn't touch them:(
{Can't say I blame them!}

TGIF....go out and make it a good one!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Loooooong Day....

Tuesday started out like any other day....
Boys up early, find some breakfast, daycare kids start rolling in, play play play, eat some snacks and lunch and then naptime!! Totally normal day!

Cash only napped for an hour and he kept coughing.
I let him get up and we snuggled for a bit...

...hang on, I forgot one important (AWESOME) part of nap.  My dad texted at 1:30 and said he was off for the afternoon and asked if I wanted to "get rid" of Pierce...  Ummmmmm YES!
He came and got him and I didn't see him again until 5pm!

Okay.... so anyway, back to Cash!
He woke up crabby and things went downhill fast.
You know Cash is sick when he lays down while everyone else is playing!

 He continued to be clingy and a hot mess!
I had a spray tan party in Sigourney so I gave my kisses and rushed out the door.
I did my thing and spray tanned 15 ladies then got home about 9pm.

I was in my bedroom getting in my comfy clothes when I heard Cash breathing through the wall.
I quickly went in there and brought him out to the living room.
His cheeks were as red as a tomato so I lifted his shirt to take his temp.
Temp was good (99.2) but I noticed he was really struggling to breath.

We called Mercy on-call and they paged our pediatrician who just so happened to be on-call.
She said to do three back to back breathing treatments and if things didn't improve we better get to the emergency room.

Things didn't improve so Cash and I took off at 11pm for the emergency room.
 He wasn't very happy because they were doing lots of poking and checking:(
He was much better in mamas arms!
They wondered if it was pneumonia but oxygen levels were good and lungs didn't sound too bad.
Then they wondered if it was an asthma attack.
My diagnosis: A cold that went straight to his lungs and affected his breathing!

They sent us home at 1am with prednizone and a breathing treatment every 3 hours.
He was all jacked up on albuterol from the treatments so he didn't go to sleep until 3:30am!

The show must go on so my alarm went off at 6:30am (sick days would be really nice!) and Cash was up at 7am.
All the kiddos are here in full force!
He is wild as ever and feeling good!  I haven't quite mastered the art of doing a breathing treatment by myself (little shit is fast!) so it should be an interesting day!

Looking back he probably would have been fine if we just kept him at home but when it comes to breathing you can never be too safe!  I'd rather be safe then sorry!  Cash's health is totally worth being up from 6:30am(Tuesday) to 3:30am(Wednesday)!

Hope you all have a great Wednesday!