Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Jars & Frames

Like I said in yesterday I joined Pineterest last week.
I have no idea what took me so long!!
I'm a bit addicted and LOVE looking up new ideas!

I saw this idea and knew I could do it!
We have a million mason jars in the basement (from gardening) and I bought the paint from Wal-Mart for $2!
I only painted the inside of the jar so the outside is still shiny from the glass!
Not sure what I'm going to do with them exactly but they were shown with one hydrangea in them sitting on a shelf.  I'll figure something out:)

 This is the picture frame I got 2 years ago from a friend. 
She gifted it with the paper and all!
I finally did something with it!
 I printed the pictures off on our printer at home.
The hardest part of this project was looking for pictures to use (not for the boys of course)!
 I really want to display it above the dining room table but the window is really heavy! 
We are still working on locations!

Next up....laundry room!
I have so many fun ideas but I need to contact a few crafty people before going too far:)


Pierce starts swim lessons tonight!  He's 4 1/2 and has never had any lessons. 
In Williamsburg they do them in the summer around the lunch hour.  That does NOT work here;(
Another mom in my situation did some looking around and found some in Coralville (25 minutes away).
Hopefully this snow holds off and they can swim....Pierce is so excited!!

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Weekend Recap

We had a great, relaxing weekend!

I had a spray tan party here Friday night and was in the basement most of the night. 
I came upstairs to find this sitting on the counter with MY name on it.....
 24 ounces if deliciousness from a very smart daycare mom;)

The boys are still getting up early (like 5am early!) and this is Cash come noon....
 How many times do I have to tell ya Buddy...quit waking up at 5am;)


I joined Pinterest last week and wondering why the heck I waited so long!!!
I found a few projects I wanted to try and I did them!

I got this window a few years ago from a friend at our girls Christmas....
This is how I got it....
I finally did something with it Saturday (blog post to come soon!).

Saturday morning Travis took Pierce to Romp'n Raiders and Cash and I tackled Wal-Mart!
We got there early and to my surprise it wasn't busy and the shelves were fully stocked! 

The boys napped then we headed out to my parents to sled with cousins!
Cash really was excited....he was just pissed I wanted to take a picture!
He has been scared to death of his snow pants and this was the first weekend he put them on and had a blast outside!
I took a really cute video of them sledding but now I can't find it on my phone;(
Stupid technology!

We had a babysitter lined up for Saturday night but my mom wanted the boys to stay overnight!
Another score for Kim!
The boys had fun with their cousins and grandparents and this mama slept in til 9am!!!  It felt amazing!

I went with some girlfriends Saturday night to see Identity Thief.....HILARIOUS! 
I would highly recommend it to anyone wanting a good laugh!
It was a nice, relaxing night out with some great girls!


Sunday we picked the boys up, went to church then my mom invited us over for breakfast!
Yep...that's right...she kept our kids overnight then cooked us breakfast!
Love that woman!!

We came home and everyone took a nap:)

We had Heitman family supper at my in-laws Sunday night (that's right...I got out of cooking for the whole day!)
The kids love books and Grandma can never say no!

Travis isn't a big fan of the Oscars so he headed downstairs and I checked Pinterest and watched them!

It's a new week....and come hell or high water I'm gonna make it a good one!!!!
Happy Monday:)

Friday, February 22, 2013


Well...it's been a long, long week BUT it's Friday and I made it (well almost...come on 5pm!)!!!!!

Pierce has a summer birthday and celebrated his 1/2 birthday at school!
He was pretty excited:)

Sometimes...when you're having a bad day...snuggling with a baby makes it all better!!

 Pierce doesn't think he needs to nap anymore...
This is him at 7pm...not cool!!

It's been one of those "Christmas PJ's and chocolate donuts for breakfast" kind of weeks:)

We got about 6 inches of snow Thursday night and numbers are low with the daycare so I've labeled today Guy-Day Friday at Kim's:)
We've had a little female addition to the daycare since I took this picture.

 Wild, wild boys!  That's all I will say about that!

Sadly, I am NOT ready for this!

TGIF to all of you!
My motto today is I THINK I CAN, I THINK I CAN, I THINK I CAN!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Needed This....

Yesterday was not my favorite day....

Nothing in particular happened...just a million things in one!

One of the major hurdles I'm trying to jump right now is a naughty, naughty 4 1/2 year old boy!
My patience officially ran out Tuesday at 3:31 when I made a desperate phone call to Travis telling him he better come straight home after work because I couldn't deal anymore!
{I already know I'm not getting mother of the year this year!}

I'm the type of person that needs some down time during the day from all the hustle and bustle of kids!
I did not get one minute to myself yesterday (could have been another reason for the desperate phone call!).  In Pierce's defense it wasn't just him depriving me of my "down time"!

So when everyone was in bed last night I pulled my fuzzy blanket out and parked my butt in the recliner!
I watched TV until midnight...which is unheard of with me because I'm usually in bed by 9:30 at the latest!!

It was great!
I didn't have anyone needing me, pulling my shirt, whining (UGH), calling me names, I didn't have to repeat myself a million times......
I think that's why I was up so late!

SO.....I got up this morning like today is a new day and I need to get a better attitude!

I was checking my Facebook first thing this morning and saw this quote...

"Every day is a second chance, just be better than you were yesterday!"

Ummmm...HELLO that's exactly what I needed!!!
Point taken!

Today is a new day everyone....go out and make it a good one:)
{It doesn't hurt today is volleyball day and I'll get to hang out with my girls;)}

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Perfect 4 Hours

I just want to start out by saying I LOVE my kids very, very much!

I really don't ever want to complain about being with them 24/7 because I know how very lucky I am BUT sometimes mama needs a break!
I think every mom needs a breather every once in a while. 
I know it's good for my sanity!!!

Travis was busy ALL weekend and away from the house (don't even get me started!). 
That left me with the boys AGAIN....kinda like Ground Hog day...same old shit stuff, just a different day!

Travis thinks he understands what I go through but he really has no idea!
One minute the boys can be so sweet and loving and the next you're getting smacked in the ass and called a poopy face!  There's only so much one mama can take!
This post alone took me a few days to complete just because of things like this....
This was Cash screaming and crying at my side because he couldn't find his blankie!
He was hitting me, pulling my shirt and demanding his blankie!
Oh the joys of it;)
{Again...I LOVE my boys!}

Anyway...I was really annoyed with the fact that Travis was gone all weekend so I tried desperately to find a babysitter Saturday afternoon so I could have a few hours to myself.

After trying 6 girls and them all telling me they were busy I had given up.
Saturday morning one last name popped in my head.
I texted her at 10am to babysit at noon and she said YES!


I met my sister at Premiere Nails for pedicures!
I got the deluxe package and sat there for close to an hour....someone rubbing my feet and the massage chair working on my back!
Totally worth the money!!!

My sister had to go to work so I headed over to Gordmans (haven't been there for years).
I was so relaxed and walking up and down the sales racks!
I can't remember the last time I was that relaxed!

I headed over to Kohl's (my heaven!) and strolled around that store!
I got a few things for myself but my main shopping purpose was for Pierce.
He used to love jeans but now is into mesh/slicky pants.
Of course he has way too many pairs of jeans and no slicky pants!

I kept running into this woman in the boys section and I finally asked if she'd seen any mesh/slicky pants (all the spring stuff is out!).  She told me I needed to head to Younkers because they were having huge sales!

I was trying to avoid the craziness of the mall but decided to give it a try!
UMMMMM.....if anyone is looking for these types of clothes for boys you need to check Younkers out!
I found Puma, Adidas and Nike outfits for way cheap!! 
I think I spent $5 on a few long sleeve shirts!  I bought matching pants and jackets for $15 and Adidas pants for $10! 
I stocked up in larger sizes as well!
Score for mama....and Pierce!!!

It was time to head home after Younkers because I needed to get the boys ready for preschool prom!

It was an amazing 4 hours by myself and I'm hoping to do this once a month if I can!

AHHHHHHH....feels so good to vent!
Thanks for listening;)
I'm done!

Happy Tuesday.....is it Friday yet?! ;)

Monday, February 18, 2013

Weekend Recap

We continued Valentine's day over to the 15th this year:)
 This was me...all by myself...after all the boys went to bed....taking one bite of a few chocolates:)

 One of my daycare families brought these for all the kids.  I LOVE this idea!!

 My boys got up at 5:40AM on Thursday and 5:04AM Friday (went into their room at 5:04 and Pierce was already dressed for the day with shoes on!).  Needless to say I threw a fit like a 2 year old (in the privacy of my own room) and let them get up and play.  There's no going back to sleep once they are both up!
I MADE Pierce take a nap Friday. 
He hasn't napped for quite some time but Friday was a must!
We both needed it;)
{As I saw his eyes starting to shut I screamed (in my head) THANK THE LORD}


 Saturday morning we started Romp'n Raiders (a kids class our local recreation center has for kids).
I made sure to sign him up for Saturday mornings so we had somewhere to go!
He really enjoys it!!


Saturday night we had PRESCHOOL PROM!

 Pierce wasn't so sure about the loud music and all the people (we need to get this kid out more!). 
It took him a good hour to warm up but he eventually did!
What a great night for the kids!  It's all about them and I think everyone had a great time!

I found Cash's suit in his closet with tags still on it. I bought it for Pierce when he was a 3T at Sears for $10!  We finally got some use out of it!! 
Pierce is wearing a hand-me-down from his friend Tate!  Perfect;)

 Travis decided to process his own deer meat this year.
He went out to his brother-in-laws (Jeremy) with his brother Arec.
 Looks so gross but hopefully will be amazing!
These are the deer sticks they cut to size after cooking.
I've never been a fan of deer meat but I'll be a good wife and try some of this!


Here's to a great Monday!
We have a busy week coming up...spray tan parties, supper to friends, conferences, volleyball and probably overtime for Travis....we are supposed to get a huge snow storm Thursday.  I say BRING.IT.ON!!

Friday, February 15, 2013


Wednesday night we had volleyball (okay we had a bye but we still went up to the local bar for a few drinks!)
There was only 4 of us there and my parents came up to eat.
I'm not really sure how it all started but we started talking about my Grandma Vonie.
 She was a great lady who loved BINGO, her family, gambling and being with her friends!
When we went to the medium she explained my Grandma perfectly!

Anyway...we started talking about some of her funny stories (there were a few) and most of us were in tears laughing so hard!
After about a half hour telling Vonie stories my mom raised her glass and we did a cheers....
Valentine's day marked 6 years since she was taken to heaven!

She died a few months short of seeing 3 granddaughters get married...two being me and my sister.
Brings a tear to my eye thinking she'll never get to meet my boys:(

I know for a fact she was sitting right there with us Wednesday night laughing and drinking along!!
There was a reason she was brought up in conversation and I feel it's because she was with us!!

Very neat feeling!!!


I've been wanting to share this photo on here for a long time but I couldn't find the right time.
I figure today is the perfect time:)

As some of you read my sister, my mom and I all went to a medium (story HERE) in November.
It was an amazing experience and something none of us will ever forget!

On Christmas Eve we always go to Holbrook for mass.
Korbyn, my sisters baby she lost, is buried in Holbrook.
We always go to my Grandma Spratt's after church for some food and family time.

Kadence was goofing around being silly and I was trying to get a picture of her.
I snapped this with my digital camera.....
I think it's safe to say Korbyn was with us that night!!

You can't really explain this photo but Kellie took it to the medium and she said she's not surprised because Korbyn is always with Kadence.  The medium loved this picture!

My sister LOVES this picture and I think she's made 100 copies;) 
I don't blame her...I would make a million!!


Happy Friday to all of you!
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Heart Day 2013


 Travis surprised me last night with these flowers and box of chocolates!
 I was truly surprised because this is the 2nd bouquet of flowers I've gotten in 13 years from him!!
He had Pierce carry in the flowers and Cash carry in the chocolates.....so cute:)
LOVE him:)
Our romantic night includes a heart shape pizza, popcorn and Hotel Transylvania with the boys:)

I decided to do a list of things I love again!
These are things I love and don't think I could live without!
Short and sweet and in no particular order.....

1. Travis
2. Pierce & Cash
3. Family 
4. My girlfriends (you know who you are!)
5. DVR
6. Diet Pepsi
7. Bud Light;)
8. Naptime (for the kids!)
9. Facebook (pathetic, I know!)
10. Weekends

(Things I Love 2012 HERE)

I hope you all have a great day full of love!
I know I plan to:)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Valentine #2

The best things come in small packages and it's so true for this guy!
 He's such a little lover!
I found him like this on my bedroom floor last Saturday morning!
This is his baby Maceyn (after a daycare baby!) and if anyone else touches her he's all over it!
He will hunt you down and get her back if it's the last thing he does;)


He give thee best hugs!!
He randomly comes up and wraps his arms around my neck and gives me the biggest hug!
He says "I wub you" when he does it:)
The other day he gave me a big hug and told me I was his "bes fwend"!
These little moments make everything all better!!


Every time I go into my spray tanning room to clean he sneaks in behind me and puts this shower cap on!
 I made him pose in the tent;)


At his 2 year check up the other day (yes we are a few months behind thanks to insurance!) he got his finger pricked and he was NOT happy!
We also learned Cash is a bleeder!  That thing did not stop for an hour!
The good news was he didn't have any shots so it was just the prick!
He weighs in at a healthy 37 pounds (>95%) and is 36 inches tall (75%)!


He's at the age where he loves doing what everyone else is doing!
Dad was doing "work" on the computer so Cash had to also:)


Oh Mr. Cash you bring so much joy to our life you have no idea!
You have the biggest heart and I hope it never shrinks...only gets bigger!

Although he's allergic to peanuts and eggs he hasn't had a piece of food he doesn't like!  Might be why he's above 95% with weight;)
Nothing wrong with that....I love him just the way he is!

It may not be all peaches 'n cream....lets be honest he's 2 and with that comes tantrums!
When he doesn't get his way he will come over and hit me on the butt! 
I try not to laugh but it's hilarious;)
He also has a lot of fun picking on his older brother and pushing every button Pierce has!

Aside from all the normal 2 year old stuff we love you so much!!
You make my heart smile every day!
Please stay the sweet, adorable boy you are!!
Love you forever Cash Edward!

Valentine #1 HERE

Valentine #1

My heart is divided into thirds!
This little man definitely has a big chunk of it!!
 He wears these shorts every day! 
If he has preschool he knows he has to wear "winter" clothes but comes home and puts this on within minutes!  I have to sneak these shorts away just to wash them!
Love the cheese-ball grin:)

I was doing some measuring the other day and Pierce wanted to play with the tape measure....
 I saw this and had to snap a picture! 

These Valentine's for his classmates might be the death of me!
We started them last week....he does 3 at a time and says he's done!
Good thing we started early!
He did very well and was so happy with himself when he finished!
{I was also happy!}

Pierce is FINALLY 4 1/2 now and he lets people know!
He can be so stubborn but also the biggest sweetheart! 
Every night before bed he tells Travis "Daddy, I hope your back feels better tomorrow!" 
It never fails...he has to say it! 
It makes my heart smile:)

I get called many things throughout the day...poopy head, booby face, fart smeller...but the one that makes me most proud is MOMMY!!
Love you Pierce Randall to the moon and back!!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

"New" Hutch

One of our local flower shops is closing and everything in the shop is on sale.
And she also happens to be a friend:)

I went in there last weekend and bought this beauty at a very reasonable price!
 Travis was busy and wasn't able to pick it up until this weekend...
I was super excited to get it into our home and start playing around with it!

I have always felt like our table is too big for the small space we have....
 The corner shelf is going bye bye and we're trying to figure out what to do with the table.

I personally want to sell this table and get a new one.....like this one:
I'm still working on this one;)
My favorite things about this table is the fact that it's lower (not really liking the counter height table with kids!) and I LOVE the bench seat.  The kids can squeeze on there!

I don't know about all the details on the table situations just yet but I have started clearing off the corner shelf and added things to the "new" hutch!
One of my favorite things about this are all the drawers and cupboards!!
3 of our kitchen cupboards have been taking over with paper work...bills, preschool papers and crafts and all the crap stuff I have to have to be a registered daycare provider.

I organized all of the taken over cupboards and found a new home for all the papers!
Plus I added a few craft drawers for the kids and I have some still empty!
Travis is pretty excited to get our cupboard space back;)

If anyone has any suggestions on my limited-on-space dining room I'd love to hear them!

Happy Tuesday!