Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Spring Break 2016

The boys actually got a spring break this year!
It was also dubbed Easter break!
They got out of school early Tuesday March, 22nd and didn't return until Tuesday, March 29th!
We didn't have anything planned and I worked the whole time.
It didn't bother me until I noticed everyone else (or what felt like everyone else!) was doing something fun with their kids!
Mommy-guilt started to set in and I quickly was regretting not taking any time off!
{vaca days are slim due to the baby!!}
Travis was off Friday for good Friday and after hearing my ridiculous explanation of mommy-guilt he planned a whole day for he and the boys!
Travis is a great dad and loves spending time with his boys....but I also think he was giving me a little break after a long week with extra kids because of spring break!
They started out going to Theisen's!
They all love that store!
Then they ate at Red Lobster for lunch (lucky boys!!), hit up the Children's Museum, walked the beach at the Coralville reservoir and ended at the fossil gorge!
Travis' first selfie!!
I cannot get over the smiles on the boys' faces!! 
They love the outdoors!
{PS: Pierce NEVER smiles like this for me!!!}
 They had a great time and I'm very lucky to have a husband so involved!!
Friday while they were gone I came up with a game plan for Saturday!
A day trip to Des Moines:)
We started early in the morning and stopped at the Botanical Garden.
It didn't take us too long to walk the whole place but it was beautiful!

Next stop...Iowa State Capital!
This was not on our itinerary but the Botanical Garden didn't take as long as we thought...and we drove right up to the capital trying to find our next we got out!
Pierce and Travis loved every minute of it...Cash and I were pretty much just along for the ride!
Not exactly my cup of tea but I did it with a smile on my face!
We decided we were going to eat at Spaghetti Works for lunch!
It was a very eventful lunch because Pierce choked on a mozzarella stick and had to have a few whacks to the back by Travis and he spit up his food into a napkin!
Then about 20 minutes later he lost his front tooth that he'd been working on for a few weeks!
It was hanging by a thread so I asked if I could do it in the bathroom.
It was out in one tug and he was so excited!
He hugged me and said "Oh mommy, thank you so much!!"
 Never a dull moment!!
While we were finding a parking spot for lunch we ran right into another one of our destinations... The Science Center of Iowa!
The boys loved exploring and trying all sorts of new things!
We attended a "fire works" show and all three of my boys LOVED it!
We were at the Science Center for over 2 hours!
On the way out of Des Moines we stopped at The Bass Pro Shop!
We've made numerous attempts to stop here but every single time one of the boys gets sick!
That didn't happen this time!!
Here the boys are dreaming of owning a 4-wheeler!
Dream on!!
We have a favorite Mexican place in Grinnell we love, Casa Margaritas, so we stopped there on the way home!
I had a big 'ol burrito and Travis enjoyed a big 'ol beer!!!
It was a very busy but FUN day!!
The boys were so excited and it makes it all worth it!!
Did you do anything for Spring Break?
Travel anywhere?
Do nothing at all?
The boys are still working on earning their new TV!
Blog story here!
Cash had been slacking but once he got into the swing of chores he realized how much he loves it!!
On Monday alone he:
-made his bed
-got the mail
-loaded the dishwasher
-put his dirty clothes in hamper
-cleared the supper table
-got all of the recycling ready for garbage day
-cleaned the laundry room
-put his clean clothes away
-swept kitchen floor
-wiped door knobs with a Clorox wipe
-and helped clean the bathroom!
They love the visual of their lists and actually checking off the chores!
If we can keep this up I'll be one happy mama!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Easter 2016

Easter was really early this year (March 27th) but my side of the family starts even earlier because we never celebrate Easter, Thanksgiving or Christmas on their actual holidays (my brother and sister travel to their in-laws on the actual holidays.)  So we celebrated Easter on March 20th!
On Saturday we were invited to Haley's house for an Easter egg hunt!
When the hunt was wrapping up it started snowing!!
The flakes were huge!!
Oh Grandpa Ed!!
Cash had no idea until I showed him the picture:)
Sunday we all went to Palm Sunday service as a family...and the kids in their matching outfits!
I was waiting for my family to join me in a picture and my sister took this!
YIKES!!  Hello baby!!
{26 this I'm 27 weeks!!}

There's my family:)

Too cute!

All the kids with Great Grandma Spratt!
And let the egg hunt begin!
It was a great weekend spent with family!!
On Friday we dyed eggs!
And Saturday night the Easter Bunny found us!!!
Funny story...Pierce lost a tooth on Saturday so the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy were visiting us that pressure for mom at all!
When I tucked Pierce into bed Saturday night he asked if the bunny and fairy were going to meet up in the kitchen and have a beer!!
Travis told him at least one of them would be having a drink!
Only in my house would this conversation happen!!
Due to other plans this was the first year in 7 years the boys didn't visit the Easter Bunny.
For some reason I'm having a hard time with this:(
On Easter Sunday we went to church...and got there early because church is always full on Christmas and Easter!
(We call it the C & E crowd!)
 After church my mom invited us out for breakfast...ummmm...yes please!!
Of course we had to get a family photo again!
 After breakfast we came home for naps (okay, so maybe I was the only one who napped!) then geared up for the Heitman Easter!
It was cold...but the kids had fun hunting their eggs!

Checking out all their goodies!
My MIL made a delicious lasagna then we hung out playing games and chatting!
This was a friendly game of UNO!
We brought home a few extra kids for a sleepover since there was no school Monday!
As you all know my kids are early risers and I'm not sure their cousins were thrilled they woke them up at 6:30am!!
We all survived!!
It was a great Easter holiday spent with lots of family and really good food!
That's all I need:)
Happy Easter to all of you!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Life Lessons

I'm gonna lay it all out there now and tell you my kids have a TV in their room!
I've got no shame in admitting that!
After books and the nightly routine they get a half hour to hour of TV...depending on when they fall asleep!  The TV usually comes on at 8pm and sometimes they're asleep by 8:15!
Bedtime is so much smoother this way!
Okay, moving on!
Their TV is a really old box TV from our college years!
In the last month it has started to make an awful buzzing drives the boys and myself nuts!
So Travis and I talked about it and decided to get them a new TV.
With Easter coming up we debated having the Easter Bunny bring it...
...but we were hesitant because that's a big gift for Santa...let alone the EB (in our house!).
I also didn't want to just replace the old TV with the new one because that doesn't teach them anything...other then they get whatever they want!
So we decided to make them earn it!
That's right...we're putting our kids to work!
I came up with these daily and weekly chores we'll keep track of for a few weeks until they earn it...
To be clear, my kids do most of these chores every single day...
...we just don't track them!
Their daily chores listed are:
*Brush teeth
Make bed
Sleep in your own bed
*Get mail
Help load dishwasher after supper
*Dirty clothes in hamper
Help set table
Their weekly chores listed are:
*Clean laundry room
*Put clean clothes away
*Sweep floors
Wipe baseboards
Wipe door knobs and light switches
*Clean your room
*Clean your bathroom
(Chores with a * are the ones they already do daily/weekly along with others not listed)
This is going to be a struggle for me also!
I'm a bit of a control freak and have certain ways of doing things...say the dishwasher for instance!  I had a very hard time giving that up!  But a close friend of mine suggested letting them load it and I can re-load it when they go to bed. 
We started and Pierce is loving it...and Cash is slacking!
I knew that would happen!
They're going to learn teamwork fast because there's one TV, one bedroom and TWO boys!
The TV has already been delivered so they can actually see it...but can't have it just yet!
Wish me luck while managing them;)
How would you have handled this situation??!!
I would love feedback!!

Friday, March 18, 2016


Here's our week from Instagram!
You can follow me @kimheitman.

Yep...this happened...AGAIN!

Parenting at it's finest!
Both boys were mesmerized by Henry Danger and I enjoyed 30 minutes of quiet!

I had me some Leo time on Wednesday night!
He's the cutest thing ever!!!

Get your prom spray tan booked!
I am VERY proud of this kid!!
We had his preschool parent/teacher conference this week and it went great!
Not only is he excelling in the education department but they raved about how good of a kid he is!
I want my kids to do well in school... but to me, being a good/nice person is way more important in life!
Being a decent human being will take you farther then anything!!

I am NOT a fan of this picture (maybe it's the angel) but I figure what the hell!
25 weeks pregnant!
{Photo cred: Cash Heitman}

And St. Patrick's Day was this week!!

Throw Back Thursday with this gem...
In 2012 we took the kids to the Cedar Rapids parade and it was 80 degrees!!
Today we are in the 40s:(
We enjoyed our traditional corned beef and cabbage at my parents last night!
I love that meal!!
I also enjoyed a NONALCOHOLIC green beer! It's a tradition!!
And one more plug for our local firemen and personally the my Ass Chief, Travis!!
Be there!!
I just have to share this!
I know a lot of women are all about image and how they look!
I am no different!
{See prego pic above!)

There are plenty of pictures I take and don't post because I don't like the way I look!

I didn't mean to do just happened...
...but these pictures were taken 12 hours apart and I'm in love with one(#1) and not the other(#2)!

The difference in pictures are:

Picture #1 was taken at 7pm and picture #2 was taken at 7am the next day!

(both selfies taken by me!  I personally like the high angel shot of pic #1 but I fit my kids into pic #2 so the angel was lowered).

-Location and lighting!
(#1 was at my parents and #2 was at my house!)
(I had makeup on in pic #1 and was oh-natural in pic #2! The only reason I had makeup on for #1 is because we had a school conference)
-Spray tan!!!
(In pic #1 my spray tan was fresh!  I had showered and some came off for pic #2)
Some of you may be looking at these two pictures and wondering what I'm going on and on about!
I'm sure you don't notice a huge difference at all!
This is my point!
We are too hard on ourselves!!!
I'm conscious of the way I look and wonder what others think about me.
And 9 times out of 10 nobody probably gives a damn about how I look...
...not because they're rude or mean but because they are probably self-conscious about the way they look!
If you have no idea what I'm talking about and don't care what others think about you...GOOD FOR YOU!!
Seriously, kudos to you!!
I'm not saying my life is consumed with this...'s not!!
I am a confident person in my own skin!
However, I'm just like any other female!!
That's all:)
So to make a long story short...pic #1 would totally be my profile picture and pic #2 will be saved to my computer as a memory from St. Patrick's Day 2016...and that's it!
Also, moral of the story...GET A SPRAY TAN!!!
The boost of confidence you get with just a little color is amazing!!!
{Sorry, had to throw that in here....BAHAHAHAHA!!!}
TGIF to all of you!!
We are celebrating Easter this weekend with my family and also at my friend Haley's for the kids!!