Friday, January 31, 2014

Wrestling, Birthdays and Everyday Life

We've been having lots of fun this week!
Once again...not much is new but one thing I know for sure is I'm SOOOOO over winter!
It's so cold and this damn white stuff just keeps coming...we are supposed to get another 3-5 inches today!
We are finding indoor activities to keep the boys busy!
Of course one stop was the fire station!
Travis, his dad, his brothers Austin & Arec and Pierce and Rayce all went to an Iowa wrestling meet.
Travis said Pierce was in heaven!
While they were at the wrestling meet Cash got to play with his cousins Taylor and Brynnleigh (with a babysitter) while Melanie and I went to August: Osage County.  It's the new movie with Meryl Streep and Julia Roberts.  It was definitely different...but well worth the $27.50!
Yes...that's right...I spent $27.50 on just myself that day! Here's what I got for $ ticket into the movie, a small popcorn, a regular pop, and ICE slushy and a KitKat! 
I quickly realized why movies aren't in our date night outings!  Way too expensive!
We celebrated Travis' birthday last weekend with great friends!
It was a good time had by all...especially the birthday boy!
Love these girls:)
A trip to the mall and a carousel ride happened at some point too!
The static is out of control around hair, my clothes...everything!
I bought this bad boy and it does work! 
 Thursday night I had 20+ spray tans and one of my clients walked in with this little brown box...
Scratch Cupcakery...Wedding Day flavored cupcake!!
The weird thing about all this is on ladies night out Wednesday we were talking about cupcakes and Scratch was brought up and I'm pretty sure I was the only one who hasn't tried them!
This client was not part of our conversation but somehow knew I needed one;)
This was my first experience with Scratch...and it's certainly not my last!
I'm so glad this is the last day of January...I'm over it already:)
TGIF to all of you!!
Have a great weekend:)

Friday, January 24, 2014

Finally Friday

Not much has happened this week....except I deserve an award for cook of the week;)
I'm not exactly sure how it all started but Sunday I decided I was going to try really hard and cook every night!
Sunday we did tacos...super easy and everyone loves them!
Monday I made a creamy chicken recipe in the crockpot with rolls, noodles AND cherry bars:)
{6 pounds chicken breast, 2 8oz cream cheese, 2 cans cream of chicken and dry packet of Italian seasoning.  Cook on low for 8 hours.  Chicken will shred!)
The weather got bad and my SIL Melanie wasn't able to pick up her kids from daycare on time so Travis did.
The boys were so excited for Taylor and Brynnleigh to come over!
Travis got called out to a fire so it was me and the kids!
Supper was ready so I fed everyone.  Melanie enjoyed a plate when she came also!
They all ate really well and Melanie said Taylor is still talking about how good of a cook I am;)
{I said yea...I sure do know how to follow a recipe!}
Tuesday the boys absolutely loved supper...I call it my "cool-mom" meal!
Peanut butter (Cash's special PB), sliced bananas and chocolate chips on the quesadilla maker!
Wednesday was Travis birthday and I figured we would go out to eat but when I asked him what he wanted he said "anything you make will me good!"  Ah crap!
So I threw some Iowa chops in the crockpot (my new BFF this week!) and made more dinner rolls and also made his favorite food...scalloped potato's!  He enjoyed it!
Thursday I put my foot down and said we were getting Chinese:)  He didn't complain at all!
I only had one boy coming for daycare on Thursday and he doesn't come til 10:15 so the boys and I had a lazy morning!
Cash and I sat in the chair and snuggled for 2 hours....yep L-A-Z-Y!!
We also spent plenty of time on the Kindles:)
Thursday night I ran to the outlet mall in search of new tops and I hit the jackpot at Old Navy...
I got 7 new shirts for $54! 
Who doesn't love adding to their wardrobe?!
We are celebrating Travis' birthday tonight with great friends!
The boys are staying at my parents....I'm doing my happy dance because I get to sleep in tomorrow!  Sorry mom;)
I hope you all have a great Friday and even better weekend!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Happy Birthday Travis

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the best husband and daddy!!
I took this video of the boys and I was prepared for it to take many, many attempts!
I'm happy to report this was the first take and I LOVE it:)
We hope you have the best day ever!!
Love: Kim, Pierce & Cash!!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Girls Christmas

Friday night was our annual girls Christmas!
It's my favorite party because it's all the gals I love to hang out with and there's always good stories that come from it. 
This year was no different!
 Lots of catching up and chit chat going on....
 Everyone brings a grab bag item and they are items people throw in a box they no longer want!
There were some interesting ones this year......
 Did I mention the attire is sweatpants?!  Ummm....awesome!
 I'd say it was a success!
 Final four....
 Then this happened....we got stuck in Haley's yard!
 Disclaimer...our driver was NOT drinking....she's just a good driver (JK Stac!)
We didn't have any luck getting it out that night (although we had some good laughs!) but her husband was more then thrilled to dig it out the next day;)
Good times....good times!
Needless to say I was moving pretty slow on Saturday.
Lucky for me we didn't have any plans!
I made my way to Bath & Body Works and got all this for $21!!
That's 9 hand soaps and 4 different body sprays!
I was pretty excited!!

After B&BW I made my way back to the couch and took a good nap!
Saturday night Travis had a guys night out so the boys and I got bowling alley food (greasy food always helps hangovers!) and had a night of snuggling and watching TV!
Sunday we went to church then out for breakfast.
Travis watched the Iowa basketball game and I ran to Walmart for my monthly big trip...always hate seeing the total:(
We straightened the house up, started laundry and I've been on the couch watching football all day!
{Since I can't cheer for my normal team...Packers...I'm going to say GO BRONCOS!}
You know you're getting old when it takes 2 days to recover from a night out with friends!!
I hope you all have a great week!
New start:)

Friday, January 17, 2014

Finally Friday...Vent Session

Whew....what a week! 
Nothing major happened but it's that time of the month for me (TMI?!!) and things seem to escalate during this special time;)
Vent Session here:
Travis had a meeting Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday nights this week (got home around 9:30 each time.)  He got called out to a fire two hours after falling asleep Wednesday night/Thursday morning and was up 19 hours after.  He looked like hell (sorry Trav!) and finally decided to go to bed around 7:30 Thursday night....which left me to deal with the boys....AGAIN!
{Love my boys to death but the whole 24/7 thing really wears on a person....just saying!}
So...continuing all know Pierce is crazy for his dad and not being with him a lot this week has really gotten to him!
And when I say "gotten to him" I mean he's been a little sh*t for me!!!
Just a glimpse into our Thursday....I finally got a baby to sleep (twice) Pierce threw a Texas size fit and slammed the door and woke her up....BOTH times!!
I swear he was running around the house like I gave him Mt. Dew (which he's never had!).
The icing on the cake happened Thursday night when I was in my spray tanning room doing a mother/daughter tan and he walked in!  I.ABOUT.DIED.
He knows that room is OFF limits to kids!
I know these things don't seem like a huge deal but like I said...I'm PMS'ing and this all just accumulated and accumulated and I had a breakdown last night.
The boys had dumped out every.single.toy. they own in their room and it was a disaster!
I went in and yelled at them (yeah...I what?!) and then walked to the kitchen and broke down!
Travis heard all this and saved the day....for all of us!
He helped the boys and gave me the 5 minutes I needed!
The boys fell asleep with Travis in our bed and I sat in the recliner, under my blanket and watched TV for 3 hours!!  I didn't move!!!
At 11:30 I put the boys in their beds and snuggled in my bed and I was about asleep when Pierce came in because he was scared of the wind!
I was up with him until 1am!!!  1 AM PEOPLE!!
But...I'm finding the good in all this and after 5 hours of sleep I looked at myself in the mirror (noticing my lovely bags under my eyes) and decided today is a new day (and Friday at that!) and to make it the best day I can!
It won't be hard because tonight is our annual girls Christmas!!!
Travis and the boys have a date of their own and this mama is getting O-U-T!! 
Can't wait!!
Vent Session over!!!
I hate complaining about the boys and my life but like I've said's not all peaches and cream over here!
There are a lot of women who dream of being a stay at home mom and what I'm here to tell you is it's not easy!!  It's the hardest thing I've ever done.....but it's also the most rewarding!  All those sweet kisses and big bear hugs erase the "I HATE YOUs" (yea...I heard that for the first time this week!) and tantrums!
{I'm still waiting for my sweet kisses and bear hugs after yesterday!}
I assume all moms go through this and it's 100% normal...or at least I'm telling myself it is;)
Before all hell broke loose Thursday we did manage to get a few fun things in this week!
Pierce got Crazy Eights from G'ma Donna and he loves playing it!
I used to play this all the time growing up so we've been having fun playing together!!
I'm sure I've mentioned this before but Cash loves to play with baby's, wear princess dresses and his favorite color is purple!  I remember Pierce going through all this when he was his age also! sister sent me this today and I thought it was perfect!!!
Happy Friday!!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Weekend Recap

Friday morning I made these store bought cinnamon rolls in a can and put them on our waffle maker for 3 minutes!
It was super fast and delicious!
They boys ate them up:)
While getting the mail Friday I found this.....
One of my clients left it for sweet!!
I was supposed to drive to a spray tan party Friday night in Harper, IA but the weather got bad.
It was ice and that scares the crap out of me. 
I started out and was only going 35mph and got a call from my dad telling me to turn around and get my a$$ home! 
I listened!
There was actually a really bad accident around Williamsburg and that scared me enough to turn around!
Saturday was all about the boys!
They had a play date with their best buds...Rogan & Cormac.
I was woken up at 6:45am with Pierce standing at my head asking if they were here yet!
You don't even want to know how many times he asked that morning!!
It was all better when they got here and they had so much fun!
The boys used to come to my daycare until their mom was blessed to stay home.
My boys miss them so much so we need to do this more often!
 Saturday night our friends Karli & Demi came over...with their parents!
The boys got these blocks for Christmas and it was their most expensive toy...and they got a Kindle!
They really don't play with them and it kills me!
Demi and Karli were excited to build with them and this is what they came up with!
I'm hoping the boys become more interested now!!

Was all about BABY BABY BABY!!!!
Now that Justin Bieber is in your head.....
I FINALLY got to meet and hold Delaney Jo this weekend!
She is SOOOOOO precious!!
 Love this picture of Cash and Delaney!
{Pierce freaked out last minute and didn't want to hold her!}
 It was a great day with family!!
Sunday night I did the usual....go through backpack routine and found a sheet of paper that said Pierce is star student this week!
So I did some cutting and pasting pictures from Facebook (since my pics are all on my crashed computer!) and came up with these.....
He only goes to this preschool 3 times a week and there isn't school on Wednesday so that's kind of a bummer for him that he's only star student for 2 days!  Oh well!!
You are supposed to fill out a sheet of your favorite things and also bring a favorite book each day of school.  Well...Pierce's favorite book is Walter The Farting Dog!  Appropriate for school....?! I don't know...but it went anyway;)
It was a great weekend and I'm looking forward to a great week ahead!
Go out and make it a good day:)


Friday, January 10, 2014

Random Facts

We didn't do anything exciting this I decided to do something different today on the blog!
I'm doing a little random facts Friday about me:)
-I appreciate things in even numbers!
-When I was in college (2003) I did a semester in New York City.
{I'm from a small town in Iowa and I had never even been on a plane before that trip!  It was the best thing I could have done!  I surprised the hell out of myself and adapted really well!  It was there I realized I'm a true small town girl at heart and knew that was the only thing for me!}
-I'm a husband is NOT!
{I drive him crazy!!  My side of the bed is never made, my clothes are never put away, our bathroom counter is always a disaster, my PJ's are on our bathroom floor, our closets are so unorganized and you can often find my pop cans/trash in the vehicle left over from a week ago!!  I'm hoping the boys take after their father;)}
-I worry about EVERYTHING!!
{Seriously, everything!}
-I love FRIENDS the TV show!
{It puts me to sleep every night on Nickelodeon!  There's rumors of a 2014 reunion and I'm all about it!}

-I have not worn my wedding ring since I had Cash....3 years ago!
{My fingers got too fat and it didn't fit:(  I finally bit the bullet and had it resized last week.  $160 later and I'm finally "married" again;)}
-I truly believe everything happens for a reason!
-Being a mommy is thee best thing that has happened to me! 
{I've never felt love like this before:)  My heart has never been so full of happiness!!}
-I'm a typical middle child and am the biggest people pleaser.
{Sometimes at my own expense!}
-Even in high school I would have rather spent a night with my family then a night out with friends! 
{ Love my friends but family comes first!}
-Some of my best friends in my life I've known since kindergarten!
-My brother Jacob and his wife Amy (one of my best friends!) had a baby 6 days ago and I have yet to meet her because of these F'ing germs! 
{I'm bound and determined to meet her this weekend!!!}
-And last but not least...I wish I still looked like this....
Senior Picture 2000! skinny:)
I hope you enjoyed some of these random facts about me!!
TGIF to all of you!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Shopping, Bowling, Germs & Baby!!

We had a great weekend:)
Friday night we hung out with friends and the kids celebrated NYE;)
 Saturday we got up bright and early and had all our Christmas decorations down by 9am!
We headed into Iowa City and hit up Walmart, Scheels, Greenburgs, food court and the carousel!
 Travis and I got a good laugh because our kids are obviously sheltered and had never been on an escalator!
They made numerous trips at Scheels;)
 Saturday night we had a family night at the local bowling alley.
The boys had so much fun and even woke up Sunday asking to go back;)
With all of our public outings somewhere, somehow Pierce picked up the flu!
I knew there was a reason my kids are sheltered!!!
So far Pierce is the only not-so-lucky one:(
He woke up at 10pm on Sunday and had round one of vomiting in our bed:(
We didn't have anywhere to sleep after the explosion so I slept in the recliner, Travis slept on the living room floor and Pierce slept on the couch.
Pierce and I were up from 10pm to 6am:(
Meanwhile Travis slept like a baby on the floor!!
Luckily at 6am he came around...and finally fell asleep!
Not so lucky for me Cash got up shortly after and I was up with him!
Pierce was good to go after that....running around wild and eating all day!
A BIG bummer came along with this flu crap.... brother and SIL had their baby and we're stuck with all these germs and quarantined to our house;(
They had a little baby girl....Delaney Jo Spratt!
She was a tiny thing weighing in at 6 pounds, 5 ounces and 18 inches long!
Here's my brother with his brand new baby girl:)
 She is so cute!!!
I can't wait to be germ free and cuddle her:)'s to no one else getting the pukes and me getting out of my house to cuddle my newest niece!!
Have a great week everyone and try to stay warm with these freezing temps!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Years Eve

We had the most amazing night on New Years Eve!
A close family friend got married and we went all out for the day!
By all out I mean I bought a new dress ($20!), got my hair did and stayed in a hotel for the night!
Here's our night......
The BEAUTIFUL bride, Kiley!

Stacy and I getting crazy and having a lot of fun;)

My parents:)
I wanted a good picture with my dad so I had my aunt take one.
This is what she got.....
Nice photo bomb Stacy!!!
Much better;)

My gorgeous family:)
Lindsey, Janey & TerriLe

I decided to get in on the fun!
Good times!

What a great night!
Like every other woman I tend to not like my body (like ever!) but this night was different!
I actually felt pretty. 
It's amazing what a little tan, a new dress and your hair done will do for your confidence!
{It about killed me to write how pretty I felt but I'm sure all you women reading this will understand!}
For me, NYE gave a whole new meaning to LOVE THE SKIN YOU'RE IN!

Go out and make it a good day!!