Thursday, November 14, 2013

We Are Family

This past weekend we spent a lot of time with family and I LOVED it!!

Saturday we had a baby shower for SIL Amy. 
Our family from Minnesota made the trip and we all had a great time!

Cody & Cash
We have a picture of Cody on our fridge at home and for some reason Cash is drawn to it.
Cash couldn't get over the fact that Cody from the pic was here in real life;)

We had the most delicious cupcakes from Il Morso Dolce!
 It's a new bakery that just opened in Williamsburg.
Amy and her food spread!
 Isn't she the cutest prego lady you've ever seen?!
 This is Amy's (soon-to-be) SIL Sara and her mom Debbie.
 Me, Amy, Kellie and Vanessa
 Cash got in on the cupcake action too!
It was a great shower and I think Amy feels a little more prepared for Baby S!

Sunday we decided to round up all the Heitmans and have a family dinner at Travis' parents house.
We used to have family suppers every Sunday but as the kids get older our lives get busier!
It had been a while so it was much needed and a great time!
 Who doesn't play toddler/daddy chicken?!
 Look at those shit grins Cash & Ryland are flaunting!
Arts and crafts with Aunt LynDee and Uncle Jeremy;)

We need to start doing family suppers more often!
It's fun to catch up with everyone and my boys absolutely love seeing their cousins!!


I'm happy to report we are germ free here!
It was a long two weeks but it's over!
I just have to report that this one little flu bug infected 26 people in my daycare (daycare kids, their moms, their dads, their siblings!) carpool families and close family!

But...we are over it and I'm hoping that's all the germs we're going to have all winter....

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Bowling Bears & Pics (oh my!)

A few weeks back a group of us went to the bowling alley in Williamsburg.
This was a first for Cash and he loved it!
Baby hog!!!
 The whole group!
Can you tell Iowa played that day;)

Pierce was given a weekend with Mr. Bear for preschool.
We went into the weekend with zero plans and it ended up being quite exciting for Mr. Bear!
Pierce enjoyed going through his Halloween candy with him.
Mr. Bear had fun playing trucks with Pierce!
Travis washed the truck at the fire station Saturday morning and Pierce and Mr. Bear went along!
A friend (Rogan) asked if Pierce could go to the Iowa game.
Mr. Bear opted to stay home with me to watch the game but I snapped a pic before they left!
And last but not least we had Casey's pizza (Pierce's favorite!) and a movie night Saturday night!

 And I have to share Pierce's school picture this year.....
Oh Pierce!
Makes me smile everytime I look at it!

Happy Hump Day from the Heitmans!
Go out and make it a good day:)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


I've been putting off this post for a few reasons....
#1: I'm waaaaaay behind on posts and
#2: Every time I think about Halloween I get teary eyed.

Travis and I both were puking on Halloween and I felt so bad for the boys:(
All they wanted to do was trick or treat and I wasn't sure that was going to happen!

We had big plans of going uptown from 3-5 trick or treating on the square then all around town to our family and friends.

Luckily my dad got off work early and took the boys around town!
I would have had my mom do it but it was her birthday and we gave her the flu so she was puking too:(

Anyway...we took 2 weeks...but we survived!
{worst flu ever!}


So this brings us to November 12 (11-12-13!) and I'm ready to share our Halloween pics!

The boys were all excited and it lasted approximately 10 minutes!
 Soon after these pics they were down running around playing and left us in the dust!
 Travis and I worked hard and I was pretty happy with our end result!
 Here's the boys on Halloween waiting for Grandpa!


I hate to say it but it was a crappy Halloween followed by BOTH boys getting the flu:(

I guess there's always next year!

2012 Halloween here!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Fall Happenings....

Once again I'm blaming my space in posts on this damn computer!
A new one is officially on the Christmas list.
I better start being good so Santa will bring me one;)

A lot has happened in since I last posted!

I had an amazing week a few weeks ago.
I got cocky and posted about it on Facebook...
Actual quote: "Having the best Friday! I only have one daycare child (and my wild boys!) so it feels like a vacation day!  I made M&M & cherry bars, I'm in the process of doing laundry, the sun is shinning and my mama is bringing me Pizza Haus for lunch! To top it off we got FREE tickets to the Iowa game tomorrow and this mama is getting O-U-T!!!!  Nothing to complain about here:)  TGIF friends!!"

Ever since I posted that things have gone downhill:(
We've all gotten the flu...and when I say 'WE' I seriously mean it...
...every single child in my daycare AND their parents...Pierce's carpool sisters neighbor.. Okay, maybe my sisters neighbor wasn't our fault;)

It has been AWFUL!!
All four of us have had it in this house and I'm pretty sure I made it clear to Mr. Flu Germs to pack his sh$t and leave!!!

So rewind a bit back to my Facebook post!
I'm not gonna lie...I posted that because I am so sick and tired of negative posts from some of my Facebook friends! 
I wanted to put my post out there not to rub in their faces that life is grand here (it's not all peaches and cream!) but to make them realize you can find good in all you do! 
Things don't have to be awful every day!  Find some good people....find.some.good!

Someone once told me..."never complain about something you can change!" every time I want to complain about things, that thought runs through my head!

I guess I shouldn't get so cocky about things because that post bit me in the a$$! went on here and I of course snapped some pics!
Don't count them!! ;)
These were our free tickets:)
But not to be outdone by his parents....Pierce was invited to a game and they had box seats!
This is probably the only box seat ticket I will ever see;)

Fall is here!!!
 12 hours after the "fun in the leaves" picture this was Cash...
Poor guy:(

During the puking rally our beloved Red Sox won the World Series!!
This was one of our pumpkins....
 Travis found a box from his childhood and found this coat!

Okay, I think that's about it!
Thanks for reading this and hearing my rant!
I'm done;)

PS: Halloween post to come soon....