Monday, January 25, 2016

Weekend Recap

We had a fun filled weekend!!
Friday was Travis' birthday and his brother invited him to the Iowa Wrestling meet.
I decided I did not want to sit at home all night so I made plans to take the boys bowling!
My SIL Melanie and her girls joined us!
I didn't take one picture...what's going on with me??!!
The kids had fun and I enjoyed a pizza burger and cheeseballs;)
Before we left I had Travis take this picture of me...
{18 weeks}
I'm not a fan of side shots of myself...
...but I regret not taking many pregnancy shots when I was pregnant with the boys.
Although I plan to take more pictures of my growing belly, I will NOT be blasting them all over social media!!
These pictures will be fun (I hope) to look back on years from now!
Travis wanted to take the boys ice fishing but he only got one to go willingly! 
Cash and I stayed at home and watched CMT:)
Pierce had a lot of fun and caught a few fish!
You can't see the little fishy because it's camouflaged in with his outfit...but it's there!
After ice fishing they came home to thaw out for a while then it was off to a birthday party for Pierce!
It was his friend Charlie's birthday.
I showed up to the Marengo bowling alley to pick him up and this is what he was wearing...
I had no idea he was hiding shorts under his pants!
It was freezing outside so I'm glad he at least wore a hat;)
Man oh man, what is with kids these days!
After the birthday party Travis headed out on the town (TJ's in Parnell) with his friends and all of us women took the kids to the Iowa gymnastics meet...aren't we amazing wives?!!
It was actually a really good time and the boys had so much fun!
The best part?  Kids got in for free!

This is not the best picture of Pierce but I had to share because the little girl behind them had a great photo-bomb!!!  LOL

All the kids did great and had fun!!
The roads must have been slick Sunday morning because Travis got called into work...BOO!
The boys and I went to church. 
Of course they got in a fight over who got to sit at the end of the pew...Pierce won and Cash pouted the whole time!  Geesh!!
After church I was going to take the boys to the little Raider wrestling meet.
Travis gave Pierce the option to go watch wrestling or go help him clean the fire station...
...Pierce picked the fire station with Travis!
So Cash and I headed to the high school to watch Carter and Rayce!
The first round they wrestled at the same time...
I have no idea how parents do this!
Friends of ours have 2 boys that wrestle and on B's first match he got beat and was crying and so upset.  Just seeing his tears, my eyes started filling up!  Pretty sure I'd be a mess if Pierce or Cash were out there!  Luckily, I don't think we have to worry about that!
Sunday evening I made this amazing peanut butter cheesecake!
It was to die for and a great way to end the weekend!
 A personal trainer after this baby!!!
Have a great week!!

Friday, January 22, 2016

January Catch Up

We are just hanging out living the dream over here!
January is kind of a blah month...the holidays are over, the snow is no longer pretty and according to Pierce "it's colder then a witches tail" out there!
Not much has changed...except my growing belly!
{No pics provided!}
The other morning I was putting on deodorant which included me lifting my shirt and Pierce was watching.
I saw him snickering behind his hands looking at me. This is how our convo went...
Me: "What?!!"
Pierce: "Oh my gosh...your belly!"
Me: "You know what that's from, right?!"
Pierce: "Yes, the baby is growing!"
Me: "Exactly!  As long as we're clear on that!  No get out of here!"
Never a dull moment!
We have been finding stuff to do to keep us busy out side of the house!!
Miss Delaney Jo turned 2 January 5th so we stopped over quick to give her a present!
Grandma and Grandpa were there too!
My dad loves his head rubbed...even if it is from a 6 month old!
Happy Birthday!!!

You know, sometimes I need a break! 
I am constantly needed ALL day and it's nice to catch a few minutes to myself!
So this particular night I turned on a show for the boys so they were quiet and Travis always seems to find the back of his eyelids while sitting in his chair!
Win-win for me...I got 30 minutes of total silence...until a commercial came on, that is!
It was good while it lasted!

Love this picture because it's all my boys looking at our wedding album!!

In my best redneck charm...
...I shit you not, my husband made squirrel gumbo one night for supper!
{Don't even ask!}
I REFUSED to even try it but he made the boys (sorry boys!).
As you can imagine this was the feeling around the table!

Sometimes, when you have a bad day and can't have an alcoholic beverage, you enjoy a cookie ice cream sandwich...when the boys go to bed of course;)
It didn't have the same effect but it sure was good!
My cousin's daughter got married on January 9th and as always we had a great time!
The kids were circling the dance floor watching the bride and groom!


Delaney, Amy, my mom, and Kellie with the bride, Lily!

But first, let me take a selfie!
{I can't believe how old he looks in this picture!}

My father-in-law, Randy, turned 60 on January 18th!
All the grandkids had fun celebrating with him!

On a random week night we had an impromptu movie night!
We watched Max and it was very good!
And yes, we are all on the same couch;)
 Oh my, and then there's this....
My boys still wake up too damn early and on this particular day they were up at 5am.
At 6am I could hear Cash crying and Pierce ran in our room yelling "CASH IS BURNING!!!"
Nothing makes you jump out of bed so fast quite like that statement!
Turns out Cash was not burning (thank God!) but his rubiks cube sure was!
Cash wanted to see what would happen if he put it on the lamp in their room!
Luckily Pierce was smart enough to unplug the lamp first, then run and get us!
Cash was very upset!
Needless to say we are very happy nothing worse happened....and you bet your ass they got a good talking to from their dad (Asst. Fire Chief!) about fire safety!
We are all safe, and that's all that matters!!
I'm just going to chalk this up to #MyLifeWithBoys!
Ugh...and it's that time again...political crap!
I am neither Republican or Democrat but I feel I am totally a Rational Human Being!
I don't flaunt my views anywhere...and I cannot stand when people do!
My vote will go to the candidate I feel will be best for the American People!
{This is NOT an invitation to persuade me to believe what you do!  Mkay? Mkay!}

To all those people who are posting numerous times a day supporting your favorite candidate I give you this....
Back to what's really important...humor and having a good time!!!
I'm always a sucker for funny ecards!
This made me laugh!
 If you missed my last post about Friday Funnies you can find that here!
{But please take note this was posted on January 8th}
And here's a big shout out to my husband who comes home everyday to something very similar!
Speaking of Travis, today is his 36th birthday!
He is a great husband and even better dad!!
The boys think he walks on water!!
 Just this week he proved a perfect point of him being a great guy!
It snowed a little on Tuesday night and with having a daycare our driveway needs to be clear for everyone to walk on it!
He was at a meeting late Tuesday night and got called to work at 4am Wednesday.
I got up early knowing I would have to scoop the driveway and was beyond happy when I realized he already did it!
So sometime between the last hours of Tuesday night and early hours of Wednesday morning he made time to scoop the driveway for us!!
{Pierce was pissed he didn't GET to do it...and I was thrilled I didn't HAVE to do it!}
Little things like that go a long way in my book!
Love ya Trav!!
Also, please take note of the updates on my blog:)

Friday, January 8, 2016

Friday Funnies

Happy Friday to all!!!
When I see a funny ecard or meme I save them and later go through them and just laugh!
A few of my friends and family members are lucky enough to get them in texts too!
I declared today Funny Friday! 
Here are some of my favorites I've seen recently.
I will warn you this week was a rough week...(I'll leave it at that) if I offend you, I'm sorry...(not sorry)!
This is totally me this week!
No caption needed... you all know the feeling!

Bye Felicia!

Some days, maybe!  Just kidding...just kidding!!

Bahahahaha...Love you Travis, really!!

Every f*cking day!!!!




Sent this to Stacy yesterday because it made me LOL thinking about our recent road trip to California!

For sure!
Please tell me this happens to other people and not just me!

I haven't had a drink in a long time but for some reason this cat makes me laugh every time I see it!

I've said it before and I'll say it until I die....I do NOT want to see OR hear the food in your mouth!!
Manners people, manners!!!
Pierce and I had a conversation at 8:45 last night when he couldn't fall asleep and I ever so kindly warned him "don't make me get out of the chair!"

I love Campbell's response to this ignorant (in my opinion) comment!
Just so happens her name is's a different Kim...this most certainly would never come out of my mouth!!  #LoveIsLove

A to the Men!!!!
 I first started seeing these "Mexican Word Of The Day" quotes on social media.
They are hilarious and my sister and I share them back and forth.
Here are a few of my favorites from this week!

I felt like this on the ride home from CA last week!!

I laugh every single time!!!!!!
And last, but certainly not least......
I couldn't resist!
Happy Friday everyone!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Rose Bowl 2016

Mid December I was at a preschool board meeting and my BFF, Stacy, says to me..."I really think we should consider going to the Rose Bowl...we can keep it cheap and drive!"
I immediately thought she was being ridiculous and brushed it off as a joke!
After the  meeting she pulled me aside and assured me she was not kidding and we should really think about it!
I mentioned it to Travis when I got home and he had a look of excitement in his eyes and I knew I was going!
He had his nose in his atlas the rest of the night (yes, he's one of the few people who still use an atlas!) figuring out a game plan of driving, how many miles it would be (1750 if anyone cares!) and even figured out gas expenses!!

We had a few conversations and I really tried to get out of it...
...not because I don't love Hawkeye Football but because it is a 24 hour drive, I'm pregnant, can't partake in adult beverages, I hate being a passenger in the vehicle (I'm a "point A to point B in the quickest possible way" kind of gal!), I already had the time off work to spend with my boys and going on this trip would take away from that....
....and so on and so on!
I went as far as to beg him to make it a guys trip!
{BFF Stacy wasn't having that!}
None of it worked...
....and on December 29th off we went to California!
We left this cold, white crap!!
The Horvaths were in Kearny, NE at Mark's parents (where they left their kids) so we had to pick them up!
Stacy had no problems sleeping in the vehicle and probably slept 18 out of the 24!
I was jealous because I didn't get much sleep at all!
Our route to California was Iowa to Nebraska to Colorado to Utah to Nevada and finally to California....straight through!
 The drive was beautiful and Utah really surprised me with its scenery!
 (I believe this was Arizona on the way home!)
Ugh, finally arrived at our destination...25 hours later!
We slept in on NYE and slowly started our day!
We stayed with my mom's BFF from high school, Rose, and her place was perfect!
Her sister lives right down the road so she gave up her two bedroom condo for us and stayed with her sister three nights!  It was very much appreciated!!
Our first stop was Seal Beach!
It was a bit chilly but we made the most of its beauty!
Rose's daughter, Ellen, drove us all around and was Travis' personal history guide!
After the beach we met Rose and her other daughter, Katie for drinks and appetizers!
 After drinks and apps we went to the USS Iowa (BB-61).
They were giving free tours to anyone that showed an Iowa ID.
As you can imagine it was crazy busy and the wait was 3 hours long and we didn't have time to tour the ship.  Travis was bummed but he'll survive!
 They did shoot off the back of the ship so we were around to hear that!
 There were lots of things to do and we took part!
There was over 20,000 Iowans to tour the ship that day...a record high!!
After the ship we found a yummy seafood restaurant on the water!
It was delicious!!
Last picture of 2015!
I will admit we did not see midnight in California but we watched the ball drop Eastern time!!
{Cheers with a Sprite..wah wah!}
So excited for the game!!!
Beautiful backdrop for tailgating!
We were just standing at our vehicle tailgating and I saw my sisters nephews, Matt and Zach walk by!
Had to get a picture for Kellie!
We also planned to meet up with my SIL Amy's brother, Jerad and his friend Andrew!
Four or Five jets were writing a message in the sky so we were all getting a picture of it!
(My friend Jess took the pic and I was shocked at my baby bump!! 15 weeks!!)
Here's what we were taking a picture of....
Pic #1 "America Is Great..."
Pic #2 "Trump Is Disgusting!"
Pic #3: "Anybody But Trump!"
I'm not getting political here (that's NOT me!) but it was so neat to see these jets doing all this then to have this message as a result was hilarious!!
Okay, back to tailgating!!
We had a fun group from Williamsburg representing!!
Had to get this picture in front of the Rose Bowl!
 Security was ridiculous...but made me feel safe!
This was the line just to get in our gate!
We left our tailgate (right outside stadium) at 12:20pm and we did not get to our seats until 1:50pm!
We had amazing seats!!
Our poor Hawkeyes struggled the whole game which was very sad to watch...
...but we made the most of it and cheered on our Hawks til the end!!
Travis was NOT happy about the game (luckily he kept it to himself...some Hawkeye fans did not!) so he wasn't exactly thrilled to be taking this picture!
Smile Travis!!
There's a smile from the hubs!!
I was obviously the DD on the way back from game and I had to deal with these doozies!!
I'm only kidding....kind of!
 I decided In-&-Out Burgers would be best for everyone...
...and that most definitely included Mark...LMAO!!!
Our route home included California to Arizona to New Mexico to Colorado to Nebraska to Iowa!
 Look how happy we are to start the trip!!!
There are no pictures during or after the trip because around hour 14 in the vehicle we realized we had another 14 hours to go!
We drove straight through and it was a haul!
I was fine and dandy the first 14 hours but I was a royal bitch the rest of the trip!
I wanted to be home and out of that car!!
My ankles swelled up and I was just uncomfortable!
So...Stacy, Mark and Travis...I am sorry you had to see me at my worst;)
We left California at 7:45 am on Saturday and got home at 1pm on Sunday!
After getting the boys back home all was well in the world again!!
The boys had a great time and that was never a question in my mind!!
I love this picture my SIL Jeana sent to me!
Thank you to my parents, Travis' parents, Arec & Jeana and Austin and Melanie for watching our boys while we were gone!
It truly does take a village and we have the best one!!!
A lot of people have asked me "bet you're mad you wasted your time and money on that game, aren't you?!!"
"Do you regret going now?!"
"Will you ever go again?!"
Here's how I answer that....NO!!!
No, I am not mad we went!  We did NOT waste our time or money!  It's all what you make of it people!!!
No, we do NOT regret going!
And hell NO I will not be driving to California EVER again!!!  Flying?!  Yes, for sure!!  It was beautiful there and I for sure want to go back!! Just not in a vehicle!
Welcome to 2016 folks!
Make what you want of it!