Saturday, October 31, 2015

Fall 2015

WARNING: major picture overload!
Fall was very fun and busy!
 In September my cousin Anna got married.
Spratt weddings are the most fun!!
 Best picture I got of the boys and they are protecting their jewels...GEEEEZ!!!
 My whole family!
 Beautiful Spratt ladies!
 Beautiful bride and handsome groom!
Cash called her the princess all night!
 My 86 year old grandma!
Cash started a gymnastics class and he loves it!
 Picture of myself with the boys on my birthday!
 I got to go boating on my birthday with this fun group!
It felt like I was on a boat for 2 days after but it was worth it!
 Travis helped Keith Mews farm this fall and Pierce LOVED helping too!
 Cash Edward meeting Nash Edward!
Football was a big part of our fall!
Whether it was Iowa Football, flag football, Raider football or Packer Football we cheered loud!!!
Outdoor Iowa Wrestling meet was so much fun!
Cousins playing under the lights for flag football!
This is what he wanted to be this year...scary scream man...whatevs;)
 Travis and I had fun on Halloween too;)

Famous matching clothes/pajamas picture from Grandma Van!
Happy Fall Ya'll