Friday, January 17, 2014

Finally Friday...Vent Session

Whew....what a week! 
Nothing major happened but it's that time of the month for me (TMI?!!) and things seem to escalate during this special time;)
Vent Session here:
Travis had a meeting Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday nights this week (got home around 9:30 each time.)  He got called out to a fire two hours after falling asleep Wednesday night/Thursday morning and was up 19 hours after.  He looked like hell (sorry Trav!) and finally decided to go to bed around 7:30 Thursday night....which left me to deal with the boys....AGAIN!
{Love my boys to death but the whole 24/7 thing really wears on a person....just saying!}
So...continuing all know Pierce is crazy for his dad and not being with him a lot this week has really gotten to him!
And when I say "gotten to him" I mean he's been a little sh*t for me!!!
Just a glimpse into our Thursday....I finally got a baby to sleep (twice) Pierce threw a Texas size fit and slammed the door and woke her up....BOTH times!!
I swear he was running around the house like I gave him Mt. Dew (which he's never had!).
The icing on the cake happened Thursday night when I was in my spray tanning room doing a mother/daughter tan and he walked in!  I.ABOUT.DIED.
He knows that room is OFF limits to kids!
I know these things don't seem like a huge deal but like I said...I'm PMS'ing and this all just accumulated and accumulated and I had a breakdown last night.
The boys had dumped out every.single.toy. they own in their room and it was a disaster!
I went in and yelled at them (yeah...I what?!) and then walked to the kitchen and broke down!
Travis heard all this and saved the day....for all of us!
He helped the boys and gave me the 5 minutes I needed!
The boys fell asleep with Travis in our bed and I sat in the recliner, under my blanket and watched TV for 3 hours!!  I didn't move!!!
At 11:30 I put the boys in their beds and snuggled in my bed and I was about asleep when Pierce came in because he was scared of the wind!
I was up with him until 1am!!!  1 AM PEOPLE!!
But...I'm finding the good in all this and after 5 hours of sleep I looked at myself in the mirror (noticing my lovely bags under my eyes) and decided today is a new day (and Friday at that!) and to make it the best day I can!
It won't be hard because tonight is our annual girls Christmas!!!
Travis and the boys have a date of their own and this mama is getting O-U-T!! 
Can't wait!!
Vent Session over!!!
I hate complaining about the boys and my life but like I've said's not all peaches and cream over here!
There are a lot of women who dream of being a stay at home mom and what I'm here to tell you is it's not easy!!  It's the hardest thing I've ever done.....but it's also the most rewarding!  All those sweet kisses and big bear hugs erase the "I HATE YOUs" (yea...I heard that for the first time this week!) and tantrums!
{I'm still waiting for my sweet kisses and bear hugs after yesterday!}
I assume all moms go through this and it's 100% normal...or at least I'm telling myself it is;)
Before all hell broke loose Thursday we did manage to get a few fun things in this week!
Pierce got Crazy Eights from G'ma Donna and he loves playing it!
I used to play this all the time growing up so we've been having fun playing together!!
I'm sure I've mentioned this before but Cash loves to play with baby's, wear princess dresses and his favorite color is purple!  I remember Pierce going through all this when he was his age also! sister sent me this today and I thought it was perfect!!!
Happy Friday!!

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