Friday, March 18, 2016


Here's our week from Instagram!
You can follow me @kimheitman.

Yep...this happened...AGAIN!

Parenting at it's finest!
Both boys were mesmerized by Henry Danger and I enjoyed 30 minutes of quiet!

I had me some Leo time on Wednesday night!
He's the cutest thing ever!!!

Get your prom spray tan booked!
I am VERY proud of this kid!!
We had his preschool parent/teacher conference this week and it went great!
Not only is he excelling in the education department but they raved about how good of a kid he is!
I want my kids to do well in school... but to me, being a good/nice person is way more important in life!
Being a decent human being will take you farther then anything!!

I am NOT a fan of this picture (maybe it's the angel) but I figure what the hell!
25 weeks pregnant!
{Photo cred: Cash Heitman}

And St. Patrick's Day was this week!!

Throw Back Thursday with this gem...
In 2012 we took the kids to the Cedar Rapids parade and it was 80 degrees!!
Today we are in the 40s:(
We enjoyed our traditional corned beef and cabbage at my parents last night!
I love that meal!!
I also enjoyed a NONALCOHOLIC green beer! It's a tradition!!
And one more plug for our local firemen and personally the my Ass Chief, Travis!!
Be there!!
I just have to share this!
I know a lot of women are all about image and how they look!
I am no different!
{See prego pic above!)

There are plenty of pictures I take and don't post because I don't like the way I look!

I didn't mean to do just happened...
...but these pictures were taken 12 hours apart and I'm in love with one(#1) and not the other(#2)!

The difference in pictures are:

Picture #1 was taken at 7pm and picture #2 was taken at 7am the next day!

(both selfies taken by me!  I personally like the high angel shot of pic #1 but I fit my kids into pic #2 so the angel was lowered).

-Location and lighting!
(#1 was at my parents and #2 was at my house!)
(I had makeup on in pic #1 and was oh-natural in pic #2! The only reason I had makeup on for #1 is because we had a school conference)
-Spray tan!!!
(In pic #1 my spray tan was fresh!  I had showered and some came off for pic #2)
Some of you may be looking at these two pictures and wondering what I'm going on and on about!
I'm sure you don't notice a huge difference at all!
This is my point!
We are too hard on ourselves!!!
I'm conscious of the way I look and wonder what others think about me.
And 9 times out of 10 nobody probably gives a damn about how I look...
...not because they're rude or mean but because they are probably self-conscious about the way they look!
If you have no idea what I'm talking about and don't care what others think about you...GOOD FOR YOU!!
Seriously, kudos to you!!
I'm not saying my life is consumed with this...'s not!!
I am a confident person in my own skin!
However, I'm just like any other female!!
That's all:)
So to make a long story short...pic #1 would totally be my profile picture and pic #2 will be saved to my computer as a memory from St. Patrick's Day 2016...and that's it!
Also, moral of the story...GET A SPRAY TAN!!!
The boost of confidence you get with just a little color is amazing!!!
{Sorry, had to throw that in here....BAHAHAHAHA!!!}
TGIF to all of you!!
We are celebrating Easter this weekend with my family and also at my friend Haley's for the kids!!

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