Monday, March 18, 2013

BIG Weekend Recap

We had a very busy but FUN weekend!

I had gotten a pedicure and put my shoes on too fast.  It ruined my big toe paint job so I put a Jamberry sticker on them!  Not exactly the same pink but it works:)


 My sisters husband had deviated septum surgery Friday so she and the kids spent the weekend at my parents house to let him heal. 
I took the boys out there Friday night. 
They had fun playing and making popcorn:)


Saturday morning Pierce had his last session of Rompin Raiders.
They got the parents involved and we actually had to race our kids on did NOTHING for my confidence...not because Pierce beat me but because my a$$ is too big for that scooter!!
The kids had fun and that's all the matters!!

 Saturday Travis and a few guys cleaned the fire station (getting ready for the big fish fry this Friday!).
He called when he was done to bring the boys out. 
Pierce is always in heaven out there!

 My brother and his wife (Mimi & Bubba) finally got to move into their new house this weekend!
Pierce has been there every week "helping" with he remodel and he was so excited when "his" room was done!
We actually couldn't get him out of there!

 It was Mimi's (Amy's) birthday so we sang happy birthday to her!
My boys love their Aunt Mimi!
The adults enjoyed a nice dinner out Saturday night for her birthday!


**St. Patrick's Day blog post to come soon**

Sunday night we enjoyed a family movie in our basement.
My sister talked about staying here Saturday night but then we all decided to stay at my parents house.
Travis got this bed out all ready for Kellie but no one used it.

We decided to veg out with popcorn and milk shakes while watching Hotel Transylvania (the only movie Pierce will watch!).
We've had surround sound for 5 years and I bet it's been used 5 times...if that!  We turned that baby on last night and it was like we were in the theater!
Boys had a blast!


Happy Monday to all of you!

I've said this a million times already but I'm so over winter and need spring! I write this, this is what's going on outside;(
STOP the madness!


  1. I don't know you well, but i absolutely love reading your blog,,,brings back the memories of my girls when they were small and we were all so busy running them here and there!!Now they are all grown and in their 40s and 50s, so you can see why i so like the memories!! Marlys

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Marlys! I enjoy writing posts for my blog. It's fun to look back and read posts from a year ago! It's pretty much my journal;)
