Monday, December 3, 2012

Cash-Man Turns 2!!

Happy 2nd Birthday to the funniest kid I know:)

You went from a baby that was up every two hours for six months to a loving, tough boy!  You often get called "bully" during daycare (by me) but I still love you!  I love when you wrap your arms around my neck and give me the biggest kisses and hug a mama could ask for!  I especially love it when you don't release your arms from my neck until you get just the right amount of kisses:)  Melts my heart every time!

You have a love/hate relationship with your older brother and I can only assume that will get better/worse as you grow older!  You two are the bestest friends and I just love when Pierce protects you!  I know you're in good hands with him!

You are learning new things everyday and your vocabulary is crazy!  You have to do/try everything on your own and mommy has to muster up the patience but I know you're only learning!

You have no idea how much we love you!!  I wish you nothing but the best and I'll work my behind off to make sure you get the very best!  YOU DESERVE IT BUDDY!!


We had a great birthday party on December 1st (his actual birthday)!
Warning: picture overload!!
Best cake balls around.  Find them here!
 Getting ready to take a family picture for Grandma Spratt!
 Best idea for a cooler...I take full credit for this idea;)
It was full at the beginning of the night...this picture was taken at the end!
This was my attempt at getting ONE good picture of him on his birthday!
As you can see it was a process!

2 Days Old....
2 Years Old:)

Thank you to all our family that came to his birthday and for all the messages, texts and emails from friends with birthday wishes!

Cash didn't have a clue it was his birthday but I think he had a good day;)

Happy Monday

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