Monday, December 17, 2012

One Weekend Away From The Best Time of Year!

First of all I'd like to take a second and say my heart goes out to all who were affected by the horrific tragedy in Newtown, CT last Friday.  I cannot imagine going through anything like this! 
I do not want to give any attention to the piece of shit that caused all this!  I'd rather hear about the heroic teachers and all the students involved.  They are the victims and they are the ones who should be getting all the focus!

I took this picture of Pierce Friday morning.... not knowing how the day would unfold in CT.  Lets just say he got lots of hugs and kisses when he got home from school!

There was news coverage on every single channel about the tragedy so we turned on Charlie Brown Christmas!  Perfect ending to an emotional daycare day!
{I do NOT understand how someone can hurt...let alone kill a child!}

Friday night Travis, Cash and I had a date and we went to McDonald's and to Theisens (Pierce was with Grandpa Heitman at a wrestling meet).
Cash had an allergic reaction to something (not sure what!) so we came home, gave him a shot of Benadryl and sent him to bed.
Travis and I turned on White Christmas and wrapped presents like the loving, happy couple we are (enter sarcasm here!!)  He started out in the chair watching the movie and I kept cracking jokes about doing it all by myself...then he joined me and I quickly regretted every comment I made;)
Good news was we got it all done and now they are under the tree!


Saturday morning we woke up early to get Cash out to G'ma & G'pa Heitmans along with Pierce!
We helped my brother and his wife (Jacob and Amy) move to Williamsburg!
They bought a "fixer-upper" and it's not quite done.  Luckily they sold their house in Tiffin and needed to get out.  They will be living with my parents for a few weeks until their house is done! 
I am so happy to have them in Williamsburg!

Last week we realized all of Pierce's shoes are too small! I swear it happened overnight!
So while at Theisen's Friday night we picked him up these sweet pair of snake-skin boots!
He loves them!


We ended our weekend on the couch, with popcorn, watching Brave!

Thanks to social media I found out everyone was to wear green today to support all the victims of Sandy Hook Elementary. 
The boys chose their Green Bay shirts.
Doesn't hurt the Packers beat the Bears yesterday;)

Praying for every single family involved and for that community to find peace....

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