Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Back to school time snuck up on me this year!!

You would think for how excited I am for Pierce to go back to school I'd be organized and ready to go...but I'm not!

Monday morning rolled around and I had a daycare mom ask me about preschool carpool and mentioned something about the meeting that night....
...I was like "WHAT...come again?!"

Turns our the parent meeting/registration was Monday night for BOTH preschools.
I could not find any paperwork for WCP (W'burg Community Preschool) so I called one of the teachers.
She said Pierce brought it home last spring...GREAT...that means it's probably gone!
She said I could get a new packet....for $5!

I like to think I'm pretty organized and keep preschool items in one of two places...
1) in the preschool drawer (makes sense!)
2) in the manila envelope labeled "IMPORTANT PAPERS!"

I was convinced I never received the papers.

Then I did a little digging in the preschool drawer and found them!

I made it to the meeting and he's all ready to go...for that preschool!


Then there's Lil' Raiders....
I actually had registration on the calender for that one..go me:)

Our summer newsletter said registration was at Mary Welsh so that's where I went.
Nope...the letter was wrong!
So I continued to the high school.

Long story short I never picked up a packet to get him registered for LR so they had to give me all of them that night and I have to return them ASAP!

Once I get my sh*t together and return all papers he'll be good to go!!


I walked away from my Monday fiasco feeling so unorganized and frazzled!
I hate that feeling!!

I took matters into my own hands and made a late night trip to Walmart to get myself organized...and for Pierce's school supplies and a little grocery shopping went on!


And here are my fancy new folders to keep me organized between two preschools!!

I got all paperwork together and separated them into their new folders and I'm feeling confident that I can do this:)


**I'm not sure how mothers do this with 3+ kids!!**


Happy HUMP day!!
Beautiful night for golf:)

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