Thursday, June 2, 2016

Memorial Day, Anniversary & Gorillas!

 School is officially out and summer is here!
Four days in and I'd say it's going good!

We had a great Memorial Day weekend!
Cash and I went to Kadence's dance recital Saturday morning!

 We had the Horvath's and Haley over for a BBQ and sparklers!

Like we do every year, we attended the Holbrook Memorial Day service!

After the service we went to Ryan and Amber's for a BBQ and a dip in their pond!
 It was a fun day!!

 I was very surprised how brave the boys were jumping off their dock into the water!

We are still in full swing of baseball!
So far the boys have played at different times so I'm able to go to both but this Friday Pierce is in Sigourney and Cash is in Williamsburg.
Travis will go with Pierce and I will go with Cash...divide and conquer! 

We had a Spratt family get together for my cousin Jenna becoming a nurse practitioner!
There are three of us cousins pregnant so we got a few pics...and a video that will never be shown;)
I am 36 weeks, Jenna is 30 weeks and Amber is 24 weeks!
Jenna is having a girl (her 5th girl!!), Amber is having a boy and mine is still a mystery!!

I got a pedicure...can you see it?! 

~36 weeks~
Cash is my designated baby belly photographer!
He took this (standing on a Rubbermaid) and it only took about 10 takes!
Please ignore the no-makeup, just woke up look!

Today Travis and I are celebrating 9 years of marriage!
It hasn't all been peaches and cream but we're still going strong and I can't imagine life with anyone else!
I never imagined I would be pregnant on our 9th anniversary but here we are:)
I'd say we've created a pretty great life!
 We have a busy day of work, spray tans and slow-pitch softball but I'm hoping to sneak in supper together somewhere....kid-free!!
I woke up to this....
I sweet card and a king size Kit Kat....
...he gets me:)


I have been thinking and thinking about the Cincinnati gorilla/child tragedy that took place!

If you haven't heard anything about this here's the rundown...
-Parents turn their back for a second on their 3 year old.
-3 year old goes into the gorilla exhibit and falls into the cage with a 400 pound gorilla.
-Crowd freaks out.
-Gorilla drags boys smacking his head on concrete.
-Zoo officials react in minutes and kill the gorilla to save the boys life.
-The whole world is in uproar about the gorilla dying.

I have a lot of opinions but sometimes it's scary to throw yours out there into the world of social media!

Here's what I have to say...

To all of you people saying it's the parents fault and they should be charged for this tragedy...
...I sure hope you're the most perfect parent and have never taken your eye off your child for a second!
Because that's all it takes....ONE SECOND!!
{I work with kids and unfortunately I know!}

I couldn't find Pierce a few weeks ago and he was "missing" for 25 minutes!
I'm just glad he was hiding behind a couch and not in a cage with a 400 pound gorilla!

If that was my child in the cage with the gorilla I would hope the zookeepers would have done the exact same thing and put my child's life before anything else!

Kuddos to you fast thinking zookeepers for saving a child's life!
Hopefully the zoo makes the exhibit safer so this never happens again!!

I pray for peace for the parents because they are human.
No one is one!
Simple as that!

There, there's my two cents!
I'm not looking for a debate...
...if you don't like my opinion please don't read it!

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