Monday, June 20, 2016

Almost A Family Of Five!

 I cannot believe we are about to become a family of 5!
It is happening THIS WEEK!!!

I've been in full nesting mode and I can't stop!
I'm obsessed right now with the laundry...
...I cannot stand to see any dirty laundry in the baskets so I'm doing laundry daily!
I feel the best when it's all washed, dried and put away!

I have NEVER been like this with laundry!
It's driving my boys CrAzY!

We've been really busy with the same activities...swimming and baseball:)
With daycare numbers low this summer we've been at the pool a lot!
All the kids love it and it's nice for me too:)

I like it because it wears the kids out!
This was a Sunday evening at 7:30pm!

Travis took the boys to Lake Iowa Outdoor Adventure.
It was their first time attending and they all loved it!
Pierce loved shooting the guns and Cash loved being in the canoe!

I haven't been to a lot of Pierce's games because Cash plays at the same time:(
When I do get a chance to watch I am amazed how far he's come!
Pierce has tried many sporting activities and it's been quite the journey of trial and error!
He truly enjoys baseball and it makes my heart so happy to see him work hard and get something out of it!
I can't wait to see what the years ahead have in store for us!

Last Thursday evening I started having contractions but didn't think too much about it because we were busy.
After the boys went to bed I started timing them and they were 3 to 5 minutes apart!
We decided we better get to the hospital....
...but first we took...what we thought was...the last pregnancy picture...
38 weeks and 4 days!
 They got me all hooked up to monitors and watched me for 2 hours...
My contractions were getting stronger and stronger and only 2 minutes apart!
After 2 hours they checked my did not change:(
I had gotten too much sun at the pool that afternoon so they thought I was dehydrated so they pumped me FULL of fluids!
Turns out they were correct because as soon as I got the fluids in me the contractions stopped.
They sent me home:(
I've been drinking water and Gatorade like it's my job and I haven't been outside too much.

The show must go on here!
Pierce played in What Cheer last Friday and Cash played in Williamsburg.
I went with Cash and Travis went with Pierce and we met up at the Sundown after with some of Pierce's teammates!

My mom brought me some cupcake goodies on Saturday and asked me to take their picture before heading off to a wedding!

Saturday evening we had family in town from Minnesota so there was a Spratt gathering at my Grandma's farm!
This is just a small fraction of us!
The kids had fun running around and riding bikes!
There are 5 more babies coming in 2016!!
 It's always fun when the Spratt's get together!
There's so many of us that it doesn't happen very often...
...but when it does it's sure to be a great time!

Sunday was Father's Day!
I hope all three of these guys had a great day!

 And this right here is the story of my life...
I had a text from my sister early this morning...
..."Every morning I wake up hoping for a text from you!"
Not today sister, not today!

I get it ALL the time but Travis isn't always with me.
While eating out in town the other day, after numerous people came up and couldn't believe I was still pregnant, he looked at me and mouthed "LETS GO!"
I guess he can't handle it!!

Soon friends, very, very soon!!!
Stay tuned:)

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