Friday, May 20, 2016

Field Day, Fire, Friends & Sleeeeeep!

We had a very busy Wednesday this week!
It started with Cash having field day at school!
I do not have any days to take off so Travis took the morning off to be there for Cash.
Last minute my mom (the saint) said she would watch my daycare for a few hours so I could go watch him!
I was very thankful and Cash was excited to see me!!
The weather was beautiful and all the kids did a great job!
Wednesday afternoon Travis came home with his old fire gear because he got brand spank'n new gear!
Of course the boys had to try the old gear on!
Pierce's heaven right here folks!
Travis had fire training that night and said they were doing a controlled house fire.
He asked if I would bring the boys front of Pierce...who doesn't forget anything... guess where we went?!
To the fire!
Travis and Jeremy (BIL)
We could spot Travis the whole time with his super clean gear!

We had to move shortly after this picture because it got hot real fast!

Jeremy in action!!
Travis and the boys!
It was tough because Pierce wanted to stay with Travis...which was not going to happen!
So every time he came around Pierce had 100 questions for him!
It was the last place I wanted to be but I'll admit it was kinda cool!
It brought back memories of me as a kid going with my dad and siblings to controlled fires!
Of course back then we actually got to ride in the trucks with them!
It was fun to see all the firemen in action but it was crazy how fast the house burnt down!
Kind of scary, actually!
We are enjoying the 70 degree weather and wish it was like this year round!

TGIF to all of you!
We are off to watch my niece graduate from preschool tonight... then we have 3 high school graduations tomorrow!
**Boys New Room Sleeping Update**
It's not going so smooth:(
They've been in their new room over a week and we are still up numerous times a night coaxing them back downstairs!
Wednesday was the best night we've had in a week...Cash fell asleep and stayed asleep the whole night...but Pierce was up around 4:30 and didn't want to be in his room anymore!
Travis got him back down there and I had to wake him up Thursday morning!
They seem to do okay falling asleep...with a few exceptions...but it's when they wake up in the middle of the night and get scared!
Pierce has super sonic ears and heard our water softener rebooting the other night!
He also hears me going to the bathroom numerous times a night...sorry kid, I can't hold it!
Last night I gave up at 2:30am and just let Cash sleep on our floor!
{That was after Pierce was already in our room a few times!}
Travis was sound asleep and didn't hear any of that...otherwise Cash would have been in his own bed!
The boys know who to come to;)
I know this is a phase and it to shall pass...but come on!!
I guess I'm glad we are doing this now and not when we have a newborn also up through the night!
If anyone has any suggestions I'm all ears!!
We have a sound machine with 10 different sounds...they hate it.
We turn on country music...but it shuts off on it's own and Pierce freaks out when that happens.
We have left any and all lights on...doesn't work!
We got all new night lights and spread them throughout the house (their route to our room!)...they don't care!
Pierce helped build the damn room...doesn't matter!
Pierce wants to leave their door open, Cash wants it compromise has been met!
A 9 month pregnant mom just wanting to get some sleep before the baby arrives! 

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