Monday, May 16, 2016

Pregnancy Life

This pregnancy is going great and I'm feeling good!
And to be honest I can't believe how fast it's going!
If you would have asked me in January/February I would have never said it was going fast!
But looking back it really is going quick!
{Travis says it's been the longest 7 months of his life...I feel so sorry for him...NOT!!!}
I am 34 weeks pregnant tomorrow (Tuesday)!
In this picture I am 33 weeks but I don't think much has changed in 6 days!
The weather has been cool and I'm glad I haven't had to bust out the maternity shorts yet!
These legs are not ready to be seen!
We still don't know if this baby is a boy or girl but my gut is saying girl.
Everything about this pregnancy has been different.
Even subconsciously I always think girl.
The other day I found myself picking out a really cute pink blanket...I had it in my hands...then realized I have no idea what I'm having and I put it back!
It's gotten to a point where I'm telling myself to stop because if it turns out to be a boy I'll have a lot of mental adjusting to do!
Of course we'll be happy with either gender...healthy is all we ask!
 The only thing I will complain about is my heartburn!
It's so out of control:(
I wake up every single night with vomit (TMI) in my throat/mouth and then can't get back to sleep because nothing helps!
I've heard celery and milk will do the trick...and they do...but only for a few minutes...and then it's back!
I've gone without supper many times because I fear how my nights will go!
I already take a Prevacid and a Zantac 150 daily.
They help...but still aren't 100%!
{I don't ever want to know how bad it would be without these meds!}
I had bad heartburn with Cash also and this is how he came out...
And those cheeks:)
Looks like I enjoyed my food with that pregnancy as well:)
Speaking of food...some of my cravings this pregnancy have been cereal (Kix), apples and oranges!
Oh, and don't forget the sweets!
{I won't mention the bars I made yesterday...choc chip cookie on bottom then layered with chocolate bars, peanut butter, graham crackers, marshmallows and topped off with more choc chip cookie dough! AMAZE-balls!  Oh...and the best part...they're totally fat free;)}
However, I realized a big part of my heartburn is due to sugar so I've cut back...
...really, I have!

This weekend we spent most of our Saturday moving the boys completely out of their old room and into their new room...
...and making their old room the nursery...again!
Travis (with my help!) got the bunk beds out of there, cleaned the whole room, painted and put the crib together!
I may or may not have had a panic attack!
Yikes...ready or not...we are about to have an infant in here again!
Anyone else think it's hot? you feel like you have an elephant on your chest?...can't breath?
Oh, that's just me?!  Eeeeeeek!!
After all of our hard work Cash and I had a date!
We went to the MDS dance recital at the high school!
He loves watching all his friends and cousins...and so do I!
It was a fun night!
Travis and Pierce had a date at the Sundown!

We are super busy this week with it being the 2nd to last week of school!
Cash graduates preschool tonight (sniff sniff!), we are in full swing of baseball practices and games starting next week, there's field trips and field day, and water day, and high school graduation parties, and hair cuts and doctor appointments and... AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!
Okay, I'm going to go get this elephant off my chest!
Happy Monday ya'll!!

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