Friday, May 6, 2016

We Return...

I haven't had a post in a while...
...but to be honest our lives have been pretty boring!
Not much new is going on...just normal every day life!
When your first grader is learning to tell time this is what happens...
He stands in front of our ONLY clock with hands and lets us know when the time changes!
Good times!!
And we are still on the UNO kick!

Travis and I have actually gotten out of the house a few times for adult time!
It's always much needed!!

The one and only morning Cash is ready for school early...
...field trip day!
He was so excited he couldn't wait any longer for the bus to come!
 And this is why we aren't moving the bunk beds to their new room...

...they don't sleep in them!!!
This was a Sunday evening, after a LONG rainy weekend...which means we were stuck indoors...and I was not going to fight with them about sleeping in their beds!
 Pierce had his 1st grade track and field day!
The weather was perfect and I was actually able to go!!
 The garden is officially started...
Cash has been testing my patience lately.
In his defense he's the oldest one in "daycare" and gets bored...which then turns to being naughty!
My friend Stacy asked if he could come play one afternoon and I said "HELLS YES!" without any hesitation!
I later got this picture...
Oh Cashy!!

This week is teacher appreciation week and we always enjoy doing fun things for our teachers!
Teachers work really hard and deal with a lot and they deserve to be shown appreciation!
We repeated one of our favorites and went with the donut again...

The boys and I woke up early today and were at our local grocery store by 7am for fresh donuts!
They have thee best chocolate long johns!!
The boys were beyond excited to deliver their packages!
Who would turn down a fresh Burg Foods donut?! 
Not me!!
I also like to ask boys questions about their teachers.
It's always fun to see what they come up with!
This is about Miss Stacy (my BFF who is also Cash's teacher) from Cash:
What gets me is the "My teacher is really good at.."
His answer was driving!!
For anyone that knows Stacy, knows this is not correct!!
Sorry Miss Stacy;)
And her response to me would be "but did you die?!" Bahahahaha!!!
And here is Mrs. Belland's from Pierce:
I think Pierce is getting the "spaces" thing down;)
In all seriousness we have been blessed with Mrs. Belland this year!
Without going into detail she's been amazing with Pierce and a huge blessing to Travis and myself when guiding us in the right direction!  She goes above and beyond (behind the scenes) and we appreciate it more than she probably knows!
{Prego mama getting all emotional...I need to stop!}

 Lets changes directions real fast like!
I saw this one evening on Facebook and thought someone seriously wrote it for me!
So many things jump out at me!
I have to share the similarities with me and this e-card!
-I cannot drink now...but if I could I'd probably be doing too much of it!
-Cuss words regularly fly out of my mouth in front of my kids...never in front of daycare!
-I totally watch too much reality TV!!
-Naptime is my favorite part of the day!  About an hour before I saw this we were eating supper and saying our "favorite part of the day" and I, no joke, said naptime because that's all I could come up with!!
-One night this week at 5pm (when daycare is done) I went and locked myself in my bathroom.  Guess how many knocks I got....Ugh!!!  Didn't they know I was in timeout?!!!
-I wore the same pair of jeans 3 nights in a row this week...because I'm cool like that!
-I'm totally guilty of failing at the tooth fairy (and Pierce has only lost 3 teeth)!
-Doesn't every mom feel overwhelmed?!!!  I do!
-Cannot get out of Target under $100!
-I would order pizza every night if my husband liked pizza!
-I look forward to Travis coming home every day...not just because I miss him so very much during the day (wink wink) but because for some reason the boys respect him a whole hell of a lot more than they do me!
What I LOVE about this little e-card is someone sat down and wrote this...
...which means I'm not alone and it actually makes me feel "normal"...whatever "normal" is!!
We all struggle in our own little ways...
...and we all survive!
So here's to surviving...
...and welcoming a third child into the craziness we call life!

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