Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Napping...No Longer:(

This sleeping beauty has decided napping is for the birds:(

I'm about to get selfish with this post...bear with me...

I have kids here all day...10 hours a day...5 days a week with daycare and then my own two....24/7 (obviously).  I really, really, really look forward to the quiet house for an hour or two in the afternoon.
I need that time to unplug and not speak (more importantly, to not repeat myself) for an hour!
Mind you..I also have an infant who cat naps and rarely ever naps with everyone else so I'm not 100% by myself....BUT this baby doesn't talk back!  I like our quiet snuggle time...every baby in my daycare has gotten this time!

So now my problem is Mr. Pierce!  I know he's four and should be getting out of his napping routine but I'm not ready to give it up!
We've never had fights at bedtime when he naps so I told myself we'll let him nap as long as he wants!
That time has come...he's just not tired at nap and when I make him lay down he's up 6-10 times saying it's taking too long, he has to pee and every other excuse in the book.

Now I'm constantly telling him to be quiet, sit still, stop talking...all because EVERY single room of my house is occupied with napping kids (including his room!).  I can't send him anywhere...
I was sending him outside but it's too muddy this week.

I need some ideas for him!  I've had him play Candy Land, Leapsters, color, finger paint, play-doh...but all seem to get too loud and he ends up getting in trouble...because he woke someone up!

It's making me a little cranky because I'm not getting my down time (insert selfish part here).  Not to mention this kid asks 500 million questions a day!
I've dealt with kids not needing naps in the past with other daycare kids but they all listen to me...Pierce does NOT!

I realize this complaint of a blog will not win me mother of the year but lets be honest, I lost that a long time ago;)

I love my kids to death and I'm just trying to be a better person (and not so cranky) for them!!
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated...and please no judging.  I already know I'm extremely lucky to be with my kids 24/7 and I'm even luckier that I get to answer his 500 million one day;)

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