Wednesday, July 24, 2013


I'm not sure why but I've been getting an itch to get things organized and cleaned up!
I think it's because I'm in my house all day and I see things that bother me!

The first of these things was our pantry!
It was so unorganized and messy I would open the door and not even know what we had to give the kids for snack!  Things were thrown all over and super unorganized!
It was so bad I didn't even want to take a before pic!'s the after picture!


Another thing that drove me nuts in our house was our laundry room!
We do not have any organization for our shoes and they were thrown in a huge pile!
All daycare families come through the garage so everyone saw our mess...everyday:(
Once again I didn't take a before picture but here's the after.....
 I went to Dollar General and bought everyone their own basket. 
I separated all the shoes and put them in each of our baskets.
We are a week in and so far so good!
{I'm actually the only one who's left my shoes out!}

I'm definitely not done with the laundry room!
The floors are looking better but our up above shelving is pretty sad! 
I can organize and situate things as best I can but it still looks messy!

Here's what I'm thinking.....
....gray paint on the walls and yellow and white chevron curtains across the top shelves (to hide my junk!) and around the utility sink!
I need help with all this because they don't sell what I'm looking for!
I need to find someone who can sew;)

How do you keep clutter out of your laundry room?!
Anyone have any suggestions for me?!
Anyone up for hire for this job?! :)

Here's what I want for my garage to reduce clutter in the laundry room....
(Picture courtesy of Pinterest!)
We have the perfect space for it and it looks somewhat do-able!
I guess this will be a work in progress!


And finally...I needed to clean-up my hair!
I love it!!!
I can even do it myself!
All I had to do was blow dry it and it was done!!!

There are a lot of women who fear the short hair cuts...not me!
I love change and to me shorter hair is easier!
Plus I had been getting pretty lazy with my longer hair.
This cut and style makes me do my hair everyday!


Happy Hump Day!
A friend introduced me to this video and I cannot get enough!

Reminds me of myself on Wednesdays for golf:)

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