Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Dunk'n Eggs

It's always been a family tradition of ours to have "dunk'n eggs" for breakfast on Saturdays.
{dunk'n egg = eggs over easy}

I remember doing this as a kid and if you walk into my mom and dad's house on Saturday morning you'll still catch a whiff of eggs!!

When Pierce was younger and up until Cash was 8 months old we had dunk'n eggs every Saturday morning.

Until that awful morning we tried to give Cash eggs and his throat was closing and we spent the day in the ER.

We made the decision to quit the eggs on Saturday morning tradition because it got too hard. 
We had to be careful what rag we cleaned up with and that the same rag didn't get used to clean Cash up.  I once gave Cash a kiss after eating an egg and his whole face broke out in hives!  As he got old enough to talk he would scream and yell for eggs and I felt horrible so we just didn't have them...here!
Have to say though, we were very fortunate because he could have eggs in everything just not an egg itself.

A few weeks ago we threw caution to the wind and gave him some scrambled eggs. 
{We started noticing he wasn't breaking out with certain things so we had a hunch he was over the allergy!} 
He LOVED them and ate a lot!
He was totally fine and didn't react at all!!!

Since that day we've been enjoying our Saturday morning eggs again:)

This is Cash eating his very first dunk'n egg.....
Sadly he didn't like it...but no allergic reaction so that's good!!


Happy Tuesday to all of you!

The hubs is back to work so that's great!!

Busy week with concealed weapons course (NOT for me!), Iowa basketball, fire meetings, volleyball, spray tan parties and I'm especially excited for Friday night because my parents are keeping the boys over night!  HOLLA!!
We were invited to a very large bowling tournament here in town our friends put on!

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