Saturday, April 7, 2012


It's been a while since I blogged! Last week was an interesting one...nothing major, just a LOOOOOONG week! Thank goodness for the weekend!!

While at the Williamsburg vendor event in March there was a table set up for Jamberry Nails ( I was very interested so I bought a few packages....after looking online at all the neat designs!

While the kiddos napped on Friday I decided to test them out! This is how they come:

You cut the piece in half, blow dry it so it gets flimsy, apply to your nail, use pressure to secure it, cut access off, file down any extras you can't cut & apply more heat (with a blow dryer) and pressure! And ta-da.......

I love them!! I've gotten a lot of compliments so far! You can also put them on your toes! I plan to do so when my recent pedicure wears off:)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the share, I'm glad they worked out well for ya!
    If any one has questions, I'd be happy to answer them!
    Kimberly Jones
