Friday, February 24, 2012

Mother Of The Year

It's official...I'm out of the running for mother of the year;( I accidentally pulled Cash's elbow out of socket today!

It was lunch time and he was standing by his chair ready to eat, as he always is! I took him by the hands and lifted him up to his chair. He seemed fine until I went to pull his sleeves up to wash his hands and then he started bawling and clearly in pain. I watched him throughout lunch and realized he wasn't using his right arm at all. He usually eats w/ his right hand & he was getting upset because he couldn't eat!

He was really upset and I started to panic...okay I spazzed out! I was shaking and crying b/c I knew I hurt him. As most of you can imagine lunch time in a daycare isn't exactly calm! I had 2 babies in high chairs eating, two 3 year olds and a 2 year old finishing up and running around wild! Then there was me...freaking out myself and on the phone w/ the pediatricians office and sending a massive text to my daycare parents to come get their kids (I didn't want to make that many phone calls b/c I knew I'd have to explain how I had hurt my son! Thank goodness for texting.)!!

Luckily my parents are super close (my mom was here w/in 5 minutes). She stayed w/ the daycare kids until their parents came. My dad escorted Cash and me to the doctor! Poor kid was in pain and I felt terrible! There was no way I could have drove.

As soon as it was popped back into socket he was fine! Seriously..he was wondering around picking up books and laughing. She taught me how to pop his elbow back in if this ever happens again. I told her she was wasting her breath b/c I would NEVER attempt this! I made sure my dad was taking notes;)

We left at 12:30 and we were back by 1:45! Simple process and she claims this happens all the time! I think I'll believe her;)

He's good to go and everything is okay!

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