Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Busy Life...Happy Wife!

It's been a while since I blogged....oops! 
We've been really busy with birthdays, soccer, weddings, preschool and everyday life in between!

Every year I do a scrapbook for my kids.  I start it from birth and go through their next birthday.  I just finished Pierce's 4th and I'm working on Cash's 2nd one! 
No..I don't go and actually craft a book...I go here and create one online!  It's taken up every last bit of my extra time (when the boys go to bed...nap time...you know, the down time!).  So I've neglected the blog!

Luckily I'm a little crazy with my photos and every last photo is labeled in the correct monthly file (on my computer!).  So I pretty much upload all my photos and create a book! 
Pierce LOVES looking at his books and will sit for an hour and look at all his past ones!

Anyway...life went on around me and I did manage to snap a few photos so here's our last 2 weeks in a nutshell!

Cash got a hold of a beater from my mixer while making cupcakes for Pierce's birthday!  The raw egg didn't help him:(  He broke out in hives everywhere!  Luckily Benadryl does the trick!

The birthday boy wanted blue cupcakes...so he got them!  Nothing fancy but he thought I was the coolest mom...hey, I'll take it!

Pierce started soccer...and doesn't like it;(  This is his first organized anything so it has been a transition!

For Pierce's 4th birthday he got a Spiderman bike!  He loved it and rode it up and down the sidewalk for an hour!

We celebrated his birthday at Chuck E. Cheese's.  He and all the other kids had a blast....and that's all that matters!  That's all I'll say about that;)

If you look at all their faces you'll see some pretty terrified kids!  All in all a good time....for them!

We celebrated a fellow firefighter and friends wedding!

It's pretty safe to say we all had a good time!

Pierce had his first soccer game and he touched the ball ONCE!  I'm totally okay with this...as long as he was running with the crowd and not throwing a fit I was pleased!  He actually did 100% better then I thought!  We talked about it all morning Saturday (game was at 9am) and he was ready to go!  We walked through the dug-out to get to the field and he tripped and skinned up his knees!  I thought we were all in, all done at that point!  But he pulled himself together:)  That's my boy;)

Pierce had a very busy month!  He started preschool this week!!  Most mamas are sad and cry about this but I'm going to be one of the few that actually admits...I.WAS.EXCITED!  It's only a few hours out of the week and it's good for both of us!  He had so much fun and is so excited to go back!  I think it's good he actually has to listen and follow directions from someone else!  When the bus comes at 8am Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays we both have smile on our face:)

2 Minutes after he walked in the door from preschool...his shirt was off!  It was a long 3.5 hours with it on;)

Oh yea....and my other child! Well, he found the backup markers and colored all over himself, his friends, the walls and trim work!  Luckily I got everything out...but his hands!  They came out later that night in the tub!
Happy Wednesday to all of you! 
I'm a little bummed because tonight is the last ladies golf night:( 
But that means women's volleyball is right around the corner!

Oh...and let me just say I'm am so flip'n excited about a home Raider game this Friday and we FINALLY get to watch our beloved Hawkeyes Saturday!!

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