Thursday, August 2, 2012

No Egg in this Sweet Corn...

We had our first round of sweet corn this week!  I wasn't sure how Cash would do but both boys enjoyed it!!
Pierce looks really mad but he wasn't...I swear;)  He was just really enjoying his corn!
 To say Cash LOVED his corn is an understatement!  I think he would have eaten 10 ears if we let him!  I was not willing to change those diapers the next day...if you know what I mean;)
Looks like sweet corn will be a repeat meal!

We had Cash's 18 month check up yesterday...even though he's 20 months!  {Geesh...we get lost in the system and I forget to make one appointment and now we can't get back on track because of insurance and only being able to make appointments so many months a part!}

Anyway...when Cash was 8 months old we gave him a fried egg for breakfast.  Not a good idea!  He had hives everywhere, his face was as red as a tomato and he was coughing and wheezing!  I wasn't smart enough to realize his throat was closing!  We called Mercy on-call and she said get to the hospital ASAP!

Scariest ride to Iowa City...EVER!
We spent the next 5 hours in the ER....and we were sent home with an EPI-pen to be with us at all times!

Fast forward 12 months and here we are and Cash hasn't had an egg since!  He's able to eat everything with egg in it...just not an actual egg.  We are lucky with all of that because there are eggs in everything!

 His pediatrician has been amazing and has answered all our questions we have (a lot!).  She decided he was too young to go through allergy testing so decided at his 18month appointment we would give him an egg and see what happens.  I had prepared for this appointment a month in advance because she said to take the afternoon off work (could end up in the hospital) and she also said this would be a good appointment to bring your husband with.

That was scheduled for August 1st and she called on July 31st and said she doesn't think we should go through with that.  Instead she decided to draw blood and test for allergies from the sample.  We won't know anything for over a week and we'll decide what to do when we get the results back.  If the egg allergy is severe then he'll have to stay away from eggs for a while longer but if it's not severe then we'll give him an egg and see what the plan of action should be!

She's also testing him for a peanut allergy.  He breaks out from peanut butter but can eat chocolate covered peanuts and be fine!  She's not sure what the deal is there!  If any of you have any insight on this I'd love to hear it! 

Turns out Cash is a healthy, happy, husky boy!  He's in the 96% in everything but his head!!
I am totally happy with a healthy, happy, husky boy:)

Have a great Thursday everyone!

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