Monday, June 26, 2017

Heitman Boys Catch Up

Nevermind me and the six month break I took from the blog... oops!

The good news is I'm back and playing some major catch-up!

So much has happened in six months... SO MUCH!
But for now I'm going to highlight the boys and their big events.


Pierce made his First Communion in May.
This is a big deal in the catholic church because now he can walk up front during communion and eat the "bread!"

Pierce's suit he wore was his cousin Nick and Luke's. 
Our nephew Kahne also wore it! 
I'd love to keep it in the family and have Cash wear it in two years but at the rate he's growing that's never going to happen!

Pierce looked so handsome!

Buddies Sawyer, Rogan and Pierce
{Pierce and Rogan were baptized together...wish I would have taken of picture of them then!}

Cousin Makenna

Cousin Keston

Kroy couldn't hang!

Great Grandma Spratt... and the most genuine smile from Pierce the whole day!

My cousin Ryan and I made our First communion 27 years ago and our kids made theirs together!


In June Cash was ring bearer in my cousin Lindsey's wedding.
I'm a little biased here but I'm pretty sure he was the cutest ring bearer EVER and she was the most beautiful bride!

Cousin Marley was the flower girl and they both did awesome!

I just can't take it!

Too cute!

The reception was in a barn... with no air... and it was 90 some degrees!
Kroy ditched his shirt!
And we all had fun regardless of the heat!

Don't mind the blurry bear paw and naked baby... bahahahaha!!

The Spratt's always know how to have a good time and we did not disappoint this time!
So much fun!!


I cannot believe this happened already but my baby turned one!
Pretty sure that was the fastest year of my life!

His birthday was on a Thursday and he was extra!
We took him to the doctor and he was diagnosed with double ear infection.
His first ear infection... on his first birthday:(

That night he was a bear and with baseball practice and an early bedtime for Kroy, we didn't get to celebrate at all.  I had a really hard time with this.. I actually cried a little when I put him to bed because we didn't do anything special.
Travis reassured me he has no clue it's even his birthday and we were going to celebrate that weekend.

By the time his party rolled around he was feeling much better...
...but he wasn't sure what to think...
 Once he got a taste of the good stuff he dove right in!
Proud big brothers!

{All was fine and dandy until he broke out in hives from the cake! No known allergies but he reacted to something...ugh!}

He's been having so much fun playing with all his new toys!

 My friend Stacy took his one year photos and they turned out awesome!
This poor kid doesn't have one picture up in our house yet {third kid probz} so I'm hoping to get them ordered ASAP and showing him off!
He is pretty cute:)

My fav!!

Thank you Stacy for the most amazing pictures!

He's been such a happy baby and I cannot wait to see the trouble he gets into as a toddler!

Thanks to everyone who has been asking me to update the blog!
I really do love doing it and I love looking back at older posts even more!

I'm hoping to update even more very soon!!

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