Friday, May 16, 2014

Accidents, Behavior and Dancing!

Bad weather means another day inside....
 Gotta love IPTV that gets the kids up and moving:)
We had an accident this week....Cash stepped on a nail:(
WARNING...not for the faint of heart!
Every time I look at this picture my stomach hurts:(
Luckily our neighbor randomly stopped by at the right time and she doctored him all up!
Thank you Heather!!
Pierce was doing a happy dance because he was going on a field trip to the Children's Museum and had a playdate after:)
We made a trip to the dentist and this is how it started with Cash....
 Luckily Dr. Megan is amazing and he did a complete turn around and actually let her look in his mouth!
 Pierce always does a good job!
Here he is waiting for Dr. Megan to finish up with his brother!
And although Pierce is good everywhere else...he's not so much at home!
It's not all the time but he has his moments!
So I decided we are going to get shit straight before summer and lay down some rules!
I made this behavior chart and so far so good!
He's very proud of it and tells everyone that comes over!
Oh yes....and this happened;)
Oh....and these happened too...
I had rice crispies that needed to be used up so I made a batch of scotcharoos.
I decided to make them thin (copying our friend Jess!!) and I think it was the best batch I've ever made!!
I have no will power so I had to get them out of my house! 
My friends and family benefited from my lack of will power;)

Travis went with his dad and brother, Arec, to a Boston Red Sox game in MN Thursday.
They stayed overnight so the boys and I had a sleep over!
This is what I woke up to this morning;)
Happy Friday to all of you!
We have a weekend full of graduation parties:)
Cheers to the frick'n weekend!!!!
A shout out to my SIL is her birthday!
I hope you have a great day!!

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