Monday, November 5, 2012

MEDIUM...or Large

I'm not exactly sure when but one day I stumbled across this face...
...Theresa Caputo...
...and fell in love with her show Long Island Medium.

It's never really crossed my mind to see a medium but after watching this show I'm a true believer!

I've never wanted to do something so bad!!

I've made my mom and sister true believers as well (and still trying on others!!).
I honestly don't know how you couldn't believe in this after watching just one show!
[Show airs Sunday nights on TLC]

Theresa is doing a tour across portions of the United States and she's going to be in Des Moines tonight. 
We tried to get tickets a while ago but they were sold out:(

My mother-in-law loves mediums and I've never quite appreciated it more than I do now!
She gave us a list of mediums she respects so I called her #1 gal.

She lives in North Liberty (along with my sister) and her only open appointment is Monday, November 5th!  Coincidence that it's the same night at Theresa's show in Iowa...I think NOT!

My mom, sister and I quickly took the available time and are set to meet her today at 6:30pm!

Sadly we've had a lot of family pass away so we are hoping to reconnect with some (or all) of them!

To be continued.... 

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to here how this goes! I would also like to go to one sometime! I find Long Island Medium very interesting as well!!
