Monday, January 21, 2013

Weekend = Doozy

Actually the weekend started out great but didn't end well:(
Friday night I went with my sister-in-law, Amy and BFF Haley to Menard's to pick up light fixtures, fans, gutters and a few other things for Amy & Jake's house.  We stopped at a few watering holes on the way home and made it a good night!

Saturday morning I woke up with thee worst sore throat.  I thought maybe it was because I snore (after a few drinks;) ) but I never got better. 
Travis was helping my brother at his house so I had two wild boys and I felt like shit!

I had a spray tan party at 1pm that day so I tried to convince myself I was okay so I got in the shower.  It physically hurt me to shower.  I was in tears!  I felt like such a baby!!
I took my temperature (101) and called Travis...crying!   He came home and took care of me and the boys.
I canceled my spray tan party...which killed me.  I let down 15 ladies:( (luckily they love their tans and have already rescheduled!).

I decided I did not want to go to the doctor Saturday because all I wanted to do was sleep.  I was successful with that!  I napped from 1-5!  Felt awesome but I didn't wake up feeling any better.

Sunday I planned to take Pierce and myself to Urgent Care right away in the morning.  I woke up and felt horrible.  Travis had to take us so he and Cash sat in the car and waited.
Pierce started draining fluid out of his ear which we know is ear infection.  He's a trooper and never complained once!

Strep came back negative but she said my throat looks horrible so they put me on prednizone.  She only gave me enough for three doses and I've had 2....I still don't feel the best:(
She looked in Pierce's ear and gasped really loud...I guess his ear is awful!  We are going to his pediatrician this week to talk about a 2nd set of tubes:(

We finally got home and I crashed on the couch again!  My temp never got over 99.9 but I just ached and felt like crap.  Thank goodness for Ibuprofen!

I'm hoping the start of the new week brings healthy air!!

Travis is off today and is helping with the daycare.  He's also on his 3rd load of laundry and did all the dishes!  I don't get sick very often (the last time I had a temperature was in 2003!) but maybe I should to get some extra hands around here!
Travis is a great dad and the best husband!  I really appreciate all his help these last 3 days!
His birthday is tomorrow so we're hoping to get out to do something fun!

Happy Monday to all of you! 
Hope your weekend was better then ours!!

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