Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Strep + Busy = Yuck

It's official...I have strep throat:(
I went to urgent care Sunday and the test came back negative there.

After working WITH KIDS for 2 days they called back and said the culture they sent out came back positive. AWESOME;( 

As much as I don't want strep I'm sorta glad I have it because I have felt like a HUGE wimp that can't get over a sore throat!  I haven't had a fever since the weekend but I've been sweating like no other...I actually took a picture of me sweating through a grey shirt but I'll share that with the hubs only;)  You're welcome!

The prednizone they put me on did nothing and I'm on Ibuprofen and Tylenol around the clock just to deal with the pain! NIGHTS.ARE.THE.WORST!
The only good thing to come out of this is the fact I've lost 5 pounds because I can't eat anything!

I have not had strep throat for 10 years! 
I remember it like it was yesterday...I did a semester in New York City in 2003 and a week before I left (in January!) I came down with strep and a fever.  Exact same symptoms I'm experiencing now...exactly 10 years later!
I guess if it's a 10 year cycle I'll take it....but it still sucks!!
My sister gets strep at least once a month...if not once every other month.  I have no idea how she does this!  She doesn't even have her tonsils! 
I feel her pain now!

Yesterday was Travis' birthday and I tried to look all good and put some tan on my face....
Turns out I still look sick:(

The kicker in all of this....I threw away all my onions last Friday and I got sick Saturday morning...and so did Pierce!! 
They were dried out and I was going to get more on Saturday.
I've since gotten more;)

Pierce still has fluid draining from his ear (SO GROSS) but he continues to be a trooper!  Never complains!
He's headed back to his pediatrician Friday (I'm hoping to take him but I don't really have the best job for that).
They are going to check him over then decide if we are headed back for more tubes. 
His last set was when he was 19 months and I thought we were in the clear! 
I thought wrong!
I really don't want to go through this again.... :(

Anyway...I'm done complaining now! 
I need to buck up because today is a busy day.
I have a group coming at 6pm to get spray tanned...I have a Kirkwood class from 6:30pm-8:30pm...then volleyball at 8:45pm. 
Not sure if volleyball will get played...I don't have much energy.  
I doubt my team wants me there anyway!  We shall see!

Happy Hump Day to all of you!
Go out and make it a good day...I...will...try! 

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