Monday, July 13, 2015

Spring Happenings #2

I am so sorry I haven't been very regular on here!
Life is busy!
I've had a lot of comments to update the blog so I found some time and here it goes!
April was a busy month!
We had an adult only weekend away in Des Moines with our friends Westfalls and Wardenburgs.
The weather was beautiful and the company was fun!
Love me some day drinking!
 Piano bar!
 Of course we had to do some shopping!
 Why wouldn't we all pack and wear our firemen t-shirts....HAHA!!
Travis' favorite place to eat....Joe's Crab Shack!
For a fundraiser Cash's class got to serve their families supper one night at the golf course!
It was super cute and the food was delicious:)
Pierce's kindergarten class read stores aloud and parents were invited to come listen!
The sun was warm and these boys took advantage of it!
We love living so close to our cousins...we make random stops to see Delaney!
And of course the garden is going in....
Everyone helps!
Travis introduced The Sandlot to the boys and Pierce loved it!
Santa Claus brought the Digmann/Heitman/Spratt kids a weekend away to a waterpark hotel.
After rescheduling it because of influenza we redeemed our weekend away in April!
The kids had fun but there were way too many people there and it was hard to keep track of your own kid!  Not sure we'll be visiting there anytime soon....
Pierce complained of a tummy ache all weekend but it never slowed down his playing or eating so we didn't think too much about it.
On the car ride home he was in so much pain complaining about his side.
We called trusty old Mercy on-call and they told us to get him seen ASAP!
After evaluation and an x-ray it was confirmed....Pierce was full of poop!  Yep, constipation was the reason for all this!

They gave him an enema and sent us on our way home.
He was pretty miserable for a few days but got back on track!
Pierce has issues pooping at school so he holds it and then we run into this...
I found chocolate laxatives and within 30 minutes of taking one he's in the bathroom.
This is not the best solution but for now it works.
I figure we'll work on public pooping this summer;)
Thanks for taking the time to read this!
I love everyone who follows Hello Heitmans!

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