Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Dog Days Of Summer

 At the beginning of June we participated in a fundraiser for a friend of our friends...catch that?!
My friend Sara's friend from high school has a baby with Krabbe Disease.
Sadly I don't know everything about it but she has a blog at Sweet Williams Way!
Here is sweet William!
 The fundraiser was a shuffle board tournament!
Each team had a sponsor and donated so much money for each point played!
I hate to brag and all but our sponsor (Spratt Construction) had to pay a hefty fine because Travis and I came from the losers bracket and got 3rd place! 
We scored the highest amount of points out of anyone there!!
It was a fun day and we had a fun Williamsburg group that traveled to play!
I caught these three taking a selfie of themselves...how adorable!
Wish I had the outcome but unfortunately the phone was fake;)
My dad took Pierce to the farm one day and my mom took this!
Pierce looks up to his great Uncle Pap (Pat) and great Uncle Tommy. 
He's taking it all in here!
All these men are hard workers, they have great work ethic and they are amazing role models!
We did swim lessons in Williamsburg for the first time this year.
Pierce did great and learned so much!
Cash did great for the first 6 lessons then did not participate the last 2...oh well!
They were his first swim lessons ever so I'll take it!
Story of my life....
We had a day planned at the pool then the weather was crappy so we decided to check out City Park in Iowa City.
The kids had so much fun and it was cheap entertainment!!

Love this picture of my boys:)

Ahhh yes....and we've officially hit the dog days of summer!
Pierce finally mustered up enough courage to go down the BIG RED SLIDE!!
{It's a big deal people!}
Now I can't keep him off of it!
Not sure I've mentioned this before (since I'm so far behind in blogging I doubt I have!) but Cash won a family membership pass to the pool from his preschool prom!
We have been taking every advantage of it too:)
 And here I am...forcing my kids to take selfies with me....because without selfies I wouldn't be in any pictures!!
He loves me...he really does;)

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