Friday, February 7, 2014

Winter Blues...

I recently was reading my blog from February 2013 and it's amazing how I feel the exact same way in February 2014.....SO OVER WINTER!!
I'm tired of being stuck in the house...I'm tired of my 5 year old's attitude...I'm tired of no routine...I'm tired of school never being in session because of this weather....I'm tired of these damn germs...basically I'm just tired!
Okay...enough complaining....we have been having some fun around here!
We were invited to Ryan and Amber's beautiful new home for pizza and beverages!
The kids always have a good time!
 Not even sure what to say about this....
...he loves pink:)

We had our own little super bowl party and it was fantastic!
The menu included wings, hamburger/velveeta/rotel dip, little smokies and fried pickles!
The super bowl itself was a waste of time but the food (here) was good:)

Dry-Erase work book from G'ma Heitman was a hit!
And a nice pass time indoors;)
And someone ran out of undies so that said someone had to do laundry!
I sent this pic to my sister via text and captioned it with..."Fold my clothes b*tch!"
LOL...oh boy...I'm still laughing about it now!
{He's gonna kill me!!  Sorry Trav!}

Pinterest can be a very, very bad thing!
I saw this recipe and had to repin it!  Monster Cookie Bars!
I totally made them and let me tell you...they are amazing!!
And...once again we have germs!
This was Pierce on Monday....
 ...and this was Cash on Wednesday:(
Both complained about tummy aches for a couple days.
Pierce's didn't amount to anything but the tummy ache but poor Cash had the squirts:(
Another reason I'm over winter!
We got more snow:(
Pierce loves to shovel so at least someone is happy about it!
He actually does a really good job!
He didn't even make it into the house after school....he dropped his back pack and grabbed the shovel!
Love that kid!
My sister might kill me for this but I had to share these Glamour Shots from 1992!
She is 14 and I'm 11!
Gorgeous aren't we?!
My mom is cleaning out all her closets and finding some very interesting things!  These Glamour Shots being one of them!
She also cleaned out "my" closet (the closet from my childhood!) and she made me come out and go through it all!
Oh's done!
I am off today because I decided I needed a mental health day!
Cash is going to Grandma Spratt's...Pierce is going to school...and I will be enjoying a massage and facial!!

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