Friday, September 2, 2016


This has been the longest, craziest week and I'm glad it's Friday!

This week was full of Travis coaching youth football 3 nights, Pierce having flag football practice, a fire meeting for the Ass Chief, 2 spray tan parties, a coach's BBQ here (that I didn't know about til the day before!), the kids' first early out (seriously, they JUST started school!)... oh and lets throw a sick 5 year old in there...poor Cash had a fever this week:(

We don't have any plans for the Labor Day weekend and I'm not sad about it!
There's going to be a whole lot of nothing going on!

Here's our lives lately...

Pierce has been BEGGING to mow!
My friend Haley had this Lawn Boy and wanted to get rid of it.
Travis ordered some parts and got it running again!
This is Pierce's heaven!

Last Saturday night Travis and I went out with Wardenburgs and Westfalls.
We ate at the local Mexican restaurant then were headed to a fellow fireman's party.
On the way to the party the guys got called to a fire:(
It was an exciting ride to the fire station!
The guys all took off for the fire and we women hung around and did what any fireman's wife would do... took selfies:)
Unfortunately we never made it to the party and I feel bad about that!
So, Eldon and Julie, if you're reading this just know we were on our way...but plans changed:(
Happy 30th wedding anniversary!

On Sunday we had a quiet morning at home!
Love my boys!!

Sunday night my sister had Kahne's birthday party at the North Liberty pool.
She's a brave woman for inviting this many kids boys!!
The boys had fun but we didn't get home til almost 10pm.
That made for a rough Monday morning...
...luckily they went to school... bahahahaha!!

Teaching them the game of football again.
I should really be listening;)

Cash gets lots of smiles out of Kroy:)

And this seems to be the only place he'll nap...
I'm working on it, I swear!

One of my friends posted this on her Instagram and I LOVE it!
This is so spot on with how I hope my parenting goes/is going!
How many correct words they read per minute is not high on my parenting list...
...being nice is!
All I ask of my kids is to be nice!
Every day when they walk out the door to go to school I tell them "do something nice for someone today!"  Pierce gets excited to come home and tell me he held the door open for so and so... one day he told a girl in his class he liked her shirt!  This brings me more joy then any school work ever will!


My best friend in the whole wide world had an awful summer.
She lost her dad.

Her dad was her world and now her world has been rocked.

I'm sad that she's hurting.
I'm sad that she has to go through this so young.
I'm sad that her kids have to go through this so young.
I'm sad that she'll never see or talk to her dad again.

There's not a manual for "what can I do for my best friend who lost her dad?"...
...I wish there was!

I just made sure she knew I was here.
I texted her a lot... often times without a response... but as long as she knew I was here that's all that mattered.

I had no idea what to do as far as a memorial.
I finally had an idea but drug my feet because, like Stacy, I am still in shock.
I don't want it to be real.

Two months later I delivered this to her...
I bought the Iowa rock and then had Troy Collingwood out of Marengo engrave it.
{I would highly recommend him!}

She was very thankful and I think she loved it.

Dave was a HUGE Iowa fan and went to every football game...home and away!
This weekend is the first game of the first season Dave will not physically be with them.
It's going to be rough for all of them.

I pray for peace and strength for Stacy, her mom and her two brothers.
Your dad was a great, great man and he will never be forgotten!

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