Monday, December 12, 2016

Winter Tidbits

I had some time over the weekend... Travis took ALL 3 boys out of the house {I'm pretty sure it was so I could regain my sanity!}

So I thought it would be a perfect time to update my blog...
...then I realized I haven't posted since November 4th!

Oh my...
...As you can imagine a lot has happened since then!

So here's your warning...PICTURE OVERLOAD!!

One Saturday morning I took some time with my SIL's at the Barn in Wellman!

We've been to a few Packer parties!!
Instead of watching the game Pierce chose to rake Westfall's whole front yard!
He did a great job!


Sometimes my favorite nights are the ones with no plans and showing up at Jake and Amy's!
{Sorry about my cheeser smile... I was trying to get Leo to smile!}

Kroy, Andie and Slate {Slate is not happy!}

I'm not sure if you can read this but it's a journal entry from Pierce about his dad coming to school to be a guest reader.  And then Travis commented how fun it was to be there!
{I really don't give Travis enough credit... he's a great dad and we're all lucky!}

And then there's this journal entry from Cash... this one pulled at my heart strings:(
Cash was punched by a 3rd grader on the bus one Friday morning.  I didn't catch word until Friday evening.  He seemed okay so I didn't take any action.
Then I read his journal entry (picture).  It's of himself and me and he had something over his heart.
I asked what it was and he said it was his broken heart from getting punched!
So to make a long story short I contacted the school on Monday and things were taken care of.
I still get a lump in my throat when I picture my Cashy getting punched by a kid 3 years older...

Moving on....

 A tradition Travis has carried over from his childhood is popcorn and milk shakes on Sunday evenings.
We all love it!
 Popcorn, milk shakes and AFV!


Kroy has started all sorts of new tricks since I last posted!
Here he is rolling over for the first time!

He started sleeping in his crib!
{It was a rough transition but we are good to go now!}

He turned 5 months old!

He started to sit on his own!

And he started eating cereal!
A HUGE month for Kroy!


 The middle-man, Cash, turned 6!!
 He chose to have his party at Iowa Gym-nest!
It was a good time had by all!
 The day of his actual birthday (Dec. 1st) we had Pierce's holiday concert.
So after the concert we went to the Landmark for ice cream!

Holiday Concerts!
Pierce out of slicky pants and a t-shirt!
All dressed up for his concert!

You can dress them up, but you can't take the wild boy out of them!
Cash all dressed up for his concert!

 All my mom wanted was a decent picture of the grandkids for a Christmas card...
Here's how it went!

Ugh... the elf (Jody) is back...
It's only mid December and I'm having a hard time coming up with ideas!
So this only seemed appropriate since I'm doing this all solo!
"Your mom is the Queen... Don't forget! -Jody"

When Kroy was a little baby my family gave me a hard time because I held him all the time!
Well, they'll be happy to know I'm not holding him while he sleeps anymore {that's impossible} but we're still touching!

The boys are still a huge help and Kroy loves them!!
New rule, though.... you cannot get Kroy out of his bed unless mom and dad say it's okay!

We've gotten a few inches of snow and Pierce loves to scoop snow.
He did our drive a few times so he and his shovel headed down the street to do neighbors driveways!
He received $5 from one neighbor and he was SO happy!!

And we were hit with a little tiny bug... which I hope is it for a while!
Cash came down with a fever and the runs on Saturday.
I, of course, got anxiety thinking about how he would start puking through the night and it would travel to every family member!  Luckily my Hail Mary's were answered and he went to bed, slept all night and woke up feeling 100% better the next day!

With all the craziness and chaos of the holidays I plan to wear this a lot this month:)

Thanks for sticking with me til the end!
Stay tuned as I have a few other posts to come... one being Thanksgiving!

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