Monday, April 4, 2016

Weekend Recap

Happy Monday morning!!
I just want to start out by saying this....
Ugh...why do weekends go so fast?!
We didn't have any major plans this weekend but we found time to have some fun!!
I think the nesting stage is setting in because I'm having a hard time being in my house 24/7!
I keep finding things that need to be cleaned and/or organized!
Travis and the boys jumped on my crazy train and we did a lot of spring cleaning!
Lets just say a trip to the dump is necessary! 
Lets back up a bit...
...way back!!
This picture was taken on March 31st, 2006....the night Travis proposed to me!
I cannot believe it's been 10 years since that picture!
Quite a bit has changed since this picture!
Cannot wait for this next chapter in our #3!!
 The boys had spring pictures at school and we got them back last week....
Of course they're good....when I had no intention of buying any!
I have yet to hand out their fall pics...which are still in the envelopes sitting on my pile of papers in the kitchen!
Such a money trap!!!
Friday night I had a group come for prom spray tans (I did a total of 25 last week!) then we went to the Sundown to eat.
After supper Travis and Pierce went to help friends with a controlled ditch burn so Cash and I made a few stops!
Our final stop was at my parents and Cash was having fun with my camera!
Here are the pictures I found on my camera the next day...
Oh my!!
My parents are gonna love this;)

The boys have been working really hard earning their new TV!
{blog post here!}
Over the weekend we decided they earned it!!

To say they were excited is an understatement!!
And surprisingly they still continue to do their chores...which is all I ask!!
Saturday morning our friend Rick tilled the garden....
....let the gardening season begin.
{enter "not ready face" here!}
Saturday night was PALS family fun night at the boys' school!
It just so happened we made plans to go out with Wardenburg's and Westfall's so we lined up a babysitter (Kenady) and she took the boys to family fun night!
That's a win/win if you ask me!
I don't have any pictures but I know they had fun!
We adults went out to eat then to Hurts Donut because I was the driver and that's where my vehicle took us;)
SOOOOO good!!!
We went to church Saturday afternoon so we had a lazy Sunday morning...
So sweet!
Sunday afternoon the boys and I went to the high school play Peter Pan!
It was great and the boys had a good time!
After the play we took our nephew Rayce home from baseball practice and Pierce got to bottle feed their calf...
They got the calf last weekend and Pierce hasn't' stopped talking about it since!
He was in heaven!!!
As we shared our "best part of the day/weekend" at supper Sunday night Pierce said feeding the calf was his favorite part of the whole weekend!
It took a total of 10 minutes, yet it was his most cherished time:)
Travis is starting to think he needs one...
...only one problem...WE LIVE IN TOWN!!
Not sure that's even legal...and I'm not sure our neighbors would appreciate that!
I'll leave that up to Travis!
Go out and make it a good week everyone!

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