Friday, April 8, 2016

Friday Funnies and Not So Funnies

It's been a long two weeks!
I've worked over 100 hours with daycare plus over 40 spray tans!
I've climbed into bed earlier in the last two weeks then I ever have!
I've also taken the leap into my 3rd trimester...
...and along with that came my nausea again:(
It's only been in the mornings and isn't terrible but... seriously??!! 
I can definitely do without...that's for sure!
I have my 28 week appointment today.
I get to drink that fun sugary juice for the glucose test...wonderful...
Recently I've been saving more funny (and some serious) ecards!
As I was reading through all of them you can definitely tell where my stress has kids;)
Poor boys get the brunt of everything!
I'm working on it...I really am!!
Here we go....
OMG....this could not be any more true!
This is what I'm dealing with!
Thank goodness the boys now clean their bathroom;)
I agree 100%!  Wish everyone would see this!
Haha...this just cracks me up!

I have never, never had any issues with Pierce getting dressed and ready on time.
Cash is a whole new story!
This is totally him and it drives me crazy!!!

{See previous picture!}
Yes, sometimes you just have to do this!

For sure!

At least 3 times a week!

So true!

This ecard was made especially for my friend Amber!
I saw this and really laughed out loud!!

Manners people!!!

I am currently doing this sober...
...I don't recommend;) 
Just this morning alone...all before 7am...this all happened:
- Pierce came into my bathroom all dressed and already had breakfast (pancakes with peanut butter on them). However, he doesn't know how to use a napkin so he had peanut butter ALL over this shirt and pants!  Ironically enough, that was the same shirt he tried to wear Wednesday but couldn't because of the SAME problem!!
- A few minutes later Cash came running into my bathroom crying because Pierce purposely threw Cash's pancake on the kitchen floor and stomped on it!  Thinking back, I should have made Pierce eat that pancake...but I didn't!  Yes I am the mom who buys the frozen pancakes (I've actually had a lady tell me how lazy that is in the freezer section at Walmart once... Ask me how much I care lady! And if buying premade, frozen pancakes for my kids is bad parenting, so be it!)!  And yes my boys make their own breakfast in the morning because they only take 45 seconds in the microwave!
- My husband thought it would be a good idea to give Pierce a Dr. Pepper at 6:45am!  WHO DOES THAT??!!  Not sure how much he drank but I was the bad guy for taking it away from him!  He was bouncing off the furniture (for reals!) and wild as ever!  We're I'm the parent that only allows pop on very special occasions and I hardly call 6:45am on a Friday (school day!) a special occasion!  I feel like he needed a warning label for school...sorry Mrs. Belland!! This is what I'm dealing with people! 
- Cash putzed and putzed around all morning and finally picked out an outfit.  The only problem is the jeans he picked had a hole in the butt.  And since today is a school day I made him change!  That just prolonged everything...and I may or may not have had to freak out before he listened to me!
I'm so glad my appointment isn't until this afternoon because I'm sure my blood pressure was through the roof at 7am!
Once both boys are out the door and off to school it's like this calmness comes over me!  I take a deep breath and prepare myself for the rest of the day!

All jokes aside...I truly love my boys to death!
They may drive me bat shit crazy most days but I wouldn't trade them for anything!!
Happy Friday everyone!!

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