Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Spring Break 2016

The boys actually got a spring break this year!
It was also dubbed Easter break!
They got out of school early Tuesday March, 22nd and didn't return until Tuesday, March 29th!
We didn't have anything planned and I worked the whole time.
It didn't bother me until I noticed everyone else (or what felt like everyone else!) was doing something fun with their kids!
Mommy-guilt started to set in and I quickly was regretting not taking any time off!
{vaca days are slim due to the baby!!}
Travis was off Friday for good Friday and after hearing my ridiculous explanation of mommy-guilt he planned a whole day for he and the boys!
Travis is a great dad and loves spending time with his boys....but I also think he was giving me a little break after a long week with extra kids because of spring break!
They started out going to Theisen's!
They all love that store!
Then they ate at Red Lobster for lunch (lucky boys!!), hit up the Children's Museum, walked the beach at the Coralville reservoir and ended at the fossil gorge!
Travis' first selfie!!
I cannot get over the smiles on the boys' faces!! 
They love the outdoors!
{PS: Pierce NEVER smiles like this for me!!!}
 They had a great time and I'm very lucky to have a husband so involved!!
Friday while they were gone I came up with a game plan for Saturday!
A day trip to Des Moines:)
We started early in the morning and stopped at the Botanical Garden.
It didn't take us too long to walk the whole place but it was beautiful!

Next stop...Iowa State Capital!
This was not on our itinerary but the Botanical Garden didn't take as long as we thought...and we drove right up to the capital trying to find our next we got out!
Pierce and Travis loved every minute of it...Cash and I were pretty much just along for the ride!
Not exactly my cup of tea but I did it with a smile on my face!
We decided we were going to eat at Spaghetti Works for lunch!
It was a very eventful lunch because Pierce choked on a mozzarella stick and had to have a few whacks to the back by Travis and he spit up his food into a napkin!
Then about 20 minutes later he lost his front tooth that he'd been working on for a few weeks!
It was hanging by a thread so I asked if I could do it in the bathroom.
It was out in one tug and he was so excited!
He hugged me and said "Oh mommy, thank you so much!!"
 Never a dull moment!!
While we were finding a parking spot for lunch we ran right into another one of our destinations... The Science Center of Iowa!
The boys loved exploring and trying all sorts of new things!
We attended a "fire works" show and all three of my boys LOVED it!
We were at the Science Center for over 2 hours!
On the way out of Des Moines we stopped at The Bass Pro Shop!
We've made numerous attempts to stop here but every single time one of the boys gets sick!
That didn't happen this time!!
Here the boys are dreaming of owning a 4-wheeler!
Dream on!!
We have a favorite Mexican place in Grinnell we love, Casa Margaritas, so we stopped there on the way home!
I had a big 'ol burrito and Travis enjoyed a big 'ol beer!!!
It was a very busy but FUN day!!
The boys were so excited and it makes it all worth it!!
Did you do anything for Spring Break?
Travel anywhere?
Do nothing at all?
The boys are still working on earning their new TV!
Blog story here!
Cash had been slacking but once he got into the swing of chores he realized how much he loves it!!
On Monday alone he:
-made his bed
-got the mail
-loaded the dishwasher
-put his dirty clothes in hamper
-cleared the supper table
-got all of the recycling ready for garbage day
-cleaned the laundry room
-put his clean clothes away
-swept kitchen floor
-wiped door knobs with a Clorox wipe
-and helped clean the bathroom!
They love the visual of their lists and actually checking off the chores!
If we can keep this up I'll be one happy mama!!

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