Tuesday, March 1, 2016


Oh my, where to begin?!
I guess we'll take it back to last Wednesday (one week ago!!).
Pierce's teacher texted and said he had a horrible headache and was not himself.
Luckily my mom was around and she went and got him.
He looked terrible when he walked in...
...so much so this emotional mama had to fight back tears!
He had a temperature of 101 and fell asleep immediately.
Thursday he stayed in our bed ALL day...which is NOT like him!
Around 4pm he said he couldn't see and everything was blurry!
That initiated a last minute call to the doctor, and a visit within minutes!
Sure enough, positive for strep throat.
Great, get him on meds and he'll be on his way back to healthy in no time...
Friday he bounced back and seemed like his normal usual self!
Fast forward to Friday night and Cash was up all through the night with a temp over 102 and also vomited once.
Saturday morning Travis left bright and early for fire training in Ames ALL day and I manned the sickies...
Pierce got up shortly after Travis left and could hardly walk because his legs hurt so bad.
I thought he was having charley horses so we pumped him with Gatorade, water and bananas.
Meanwhile I got Cash into the doctor and another confirmed strep throat.
This kid refuses to take any and all medicine so I opted for a shot of antibiotic...
...he was so pissed at me!!
I know it's not very fun getting shots but it's also not fun fighting this kid to take gross medicine twice a day for 10 days!
Saturday Pierce got outside (the weather was gorgeous) and Cash stayed on the couch...ALL day!
His temp climbed to 103.6 and he was just miserable.
Pierce put himself to sleep Saturday night pretty early and Cash followed shortly after!
Each night was a mess...we were all up numerous times through the night every night...BOO!!
One big slumber party!
Like I mentioned earlier Cash refuses any and all medicine.
I tried everything (I even chopped up chewable tablets and put them in yogurt!) and we were close to an acetaminophen suppository...but luckily I found a non-dye, no taste liquid he could handle.
This was our counter for 5 days!
I also had to keep track of who got what and when!
Sunday brought more fevers, sore muscles and grouchy kids {and maybe a grouchy mama}!
Pierce had been fever free since Thursday but all of a sudden spiked one of 101 around 4pm.
I gave him medicine but he continued to be miserable.
 So we ended up here...
...in the hospital where he tested positive for influenza A!
Ugh...are you kidding me?!!
He was diagnosed too late so they could not treat him.
Monday I closed daycare (honestly who would want to come anyway!).
The doctor who tested Pierce for influenza wanted Cash and myself checked out and tested also.
So I was on the phone with my baby doctor and Cash's pediatrician. 
My doctor put me on Tamiflu just to be safe and Cash's doctor didn't want to test him because there was nothing they could do at that point anyway.
However, I am convinced he also has/had influenza!
The rest of Monday was a day of rest for the boys and cleaning day for me!
It's Tuesday night as I'm writing this and we have been fever free since Sunday!
I attempted this homemade chicken noodle soup...
...and it was amazing!
It's just what the doctor ordered:)
Recipe here!
So, here's to warmer weather and healthier kids!!!
 Out with February and in with March!
**Wednesday Update**
Cash coughed so hard last night he threw up all over.
He also has sore leg muscles today and can hardly walk.
No school for him today...he gets to spend the day with Grandma Van.
{Thank God for Grandma Van!}
**Thursday Update**
Cash started running a fever last night after being fever free since the weekend.
It was 101 here at home so I called trusty old Mercy on-call.
He also developed a nasty cough and they were concerned about pneumonia so he needed to be seen right away.
Our pediatrician office closed at 8pm but they were booked solid. So our second choice was a Mercy Urgent Care.
By the time we got there his temp climbed to 101.8 with Tylenol and he was miserable!
Luckily his lungs sounded clear and there were no signs of pneumonia!
Just the same influenza running it's course!
And home we went!
Let me paint a little picture of our night last night.... I had just picked Cash up from my moms because she had him all day yesterday.  I rushed home to get them supper before Pierce went to church (so I may have stopped and got them popcorn chicken and pizza fro Casey's...haha!)
Cash sat down to eat and went pail white!  He said he couldn't see and everything was blurry and he didn't feel good...ummm PANIC!!!
Pierce was picked up for church so he was taken care of (for an hour and 15 minutes!).
I was on the phone with mercy then headed straight to Iowa City.
My wonderful, loving husband {enter sarcasm here} was at a fire meeting and was not answering his phone.  I was trying to figure out what to do about Pierce and the 3 girls we had to pick up from church at 7:45.  Luckily everyone else was answering their phones so we got it all worked out that they would drop Pierce off at my parents after church.
Of course after everything was situated Travis called me back.
I wasn't the nicest wife last night...I'll admit it!
I'll also admit I'm over my husband being Assistant Chief!!!
I'll leave it at that!
Check this post out from last year at this exact same time!

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