Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Life With a Baby

WARNING: picture overload!!

We have all been adjusting well...some better then others (**cough**Cash**cough**)!

Poor Cashy is having a hard time...he loves Kroy and always wants to hold him and know what he's doing... but he's working overtime getting our attention... and he'll get it anyway he can... mostly negative:(
My heart breaks for him because his whole world has been rocked and he's not exactly sure how to deal.  It's a work in progress and we are surviving!

We've been trying to get Cash to ride without training wheels for over a year (he's been ready!) but shortly after Kroy was born he decided to finally make the move!
{He of course was getting TONS of attention from Travis and me!}
Either way we are happy and he's thrilled he mastered the art of bike riding!

He also attended a beach party themed dance camp at Melinda's!
He absolutely loved it!

Our friend Rose from California sent the boys these adorable Seal Beach tshirts!

I walked into this adorable sight one afternoon:)

Mr. Leo turned one and we had fun celebrating with him!

Cash's preschool teacher, Miss Dawn, called one day to check on us and see how Cash was adjusting to baby!
I told her the truth... he wasn't doing so well!
So she asked if giving him a responsibility would help...
They were leaving for a week and needed a guinea pig sitter for Gizmo!
I thought about it and decided this would be great for Cash... so we said yes!
It went really well and Cash was thankful for his big brother who helped A LOT!

Funny how everyone gets a nap...but mom!
Also... you'll notice the only pictures I'm in are the ones I take myself...selfies!!

 The boys had swim lessons with my cousin Kiaya this summer in North English!
They loved it and both were brave enough to go off the diving board!
Pierce on the left and Cash on the right!
This was me and Kroy during swim lessons!

Oh... and this right here people... this is real life!
He really is a good baby...but we all have our moments:)

And look at this moment...
I finally caught his cute little smile on camera!!

Just chill'n!

I absolutely love this picture!
Although I feel like I have to explain it...
Kroy is getting up 3 times through the night...which is good for a newborn!
However...these older two yahoos still wake up by 6am and they do not know how to leave their mom alone!
On average, I bet they are in my room 10 times between 6am and 7:30am when I finally get up!
To say it's annoying is an understatement!

I'll admit...one morning I was so fed up I locked my door...they picked the lock! 
On a different day I was fed up again (you can imagine my patience with little sleep!) so I locked the door again... Pierce lost a tooth at 6:30am and he was SO excited I felt guilty about ignoring it...
...so I opened the door and made a big deal about another lost tooth...
...then I shut the door and went back to bed!
I haven't locked the door since!

Don't judge me until you've been in my shoes!!


 The boys are like their mama and do better when we get out of the house!
We would love to go to the pool every day (like we used to!) but it's hard with a newborn.
I don't want to take Kroy along and leave him under the tent, in the heat!

Grandma Van has taken Kroy a few days so we can swim and I've also swapped Kroy for cousins!
Melanie watched Kroy while I took the 4 kids swimming!
If anyone (local and who I obviously trust!) wants to do the same swap let me know!
Or...if you want to take Pierce and Cash along with you to the pool I won't say no!
Only joking...kinda!

Pierce had a lot of friends showing their bucket bottle calves in our county fair this year.
We went to see all of them and Pierce and Cash got to stay with Grandma Donna to watch them show!
Here's Pierce and his friend Matt!

My dad was in charge of his family farm's chores for a week.
He asked Pierce if he would help him one day and he was super pumped!
I found him like this at the end of our driveway waiting for grandpa...
Notice the DeKalb hat, Capper tshirt...tucked in, rubber chore boots and leather gloves in his back pocket!
He was in heaven!

My sister and her kids came to Williamsburg for one Friday night so we were at my parents with everyone!
Grandpa Ed and Kroy getting a snooze in!

All the crazy kids with glasses on!

We took the kids to Secret Life of Pets and they had so much fun!
I'll admit I got a good nap during the movie...sorry...new mom problems!
Pierce and Delaney also got a good snooze!
From what I saw the movie was super cute!

And this is what I see every night before I close my eyes:)
Sweet baby Kroy!


I also blogged about our 4th of July!
You can read all about that fun here!

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