Friday, February 13, 2015

I'm Baaaaack!!

Yikes...I apologize for the last 5 months of no posts!
Honestly a few reasons stopped me from keeping up! 
First of's harder and harder to come by!  Also...I felt like I was being judged with the pictures I would post and the things I would say!  No one likes the feeling of being judged so I stopped...
It wasn't until recently that I realized how much I missed it and how much I LOVE going back and reading older blogs!
Thanks to Timehop app I recently read my Valentine post from 2 years ago!  It was so fun going back and reading about my babies!
So I've decided...I'm doing this for them!
I will update as big events happens (big to me!).  It may be daily or it may not be for a week!
I don't care if I have 500 people reading my posts or just 1!  I'm doing this for my family to have for years to come!
{I was beyond happy when I went to figure out when I posted last and it was only 5 months ago!}
I would love for you to join us on this ride we call life!
I welcome all positive people:)
I have a few major events to catch you up on but until I do....I'll leave you with this:)

Have a great Friday and Happy Valentines Day tomorrow!
I'm super excited because I get to help in Pierce's classroom today for Valentine's day events!
I'm also excited because my brother and Amy find out if they are pregnant with a baby boy or baby girl today!  Cannot wait for that news!!
UPDATE: it's a BOY!!!!
Go out and make it a good one!!


  1. I just want to be the first to say that I LOVE YOUR BLOG! and absolutely enjoy reading it, and I've checked it weekly for the last 5 months waiting for a Kim update! Since we moved away, I found it a great way to keep up with what you and your awesome family have been up to. Please don't let a couple haters keep you from sharing your gift of blogging. You are so good at it! Just remember, haters gonna hate! Hope all is well lady and definitely miss seeing you. xo - Christin

  2. Awww...Thanks Christin!! Your words are very kind:)
    We miss you guys!!
