Friday, March 1, 2013

Snowy Week

We got a few more inches of snow AGAIN this week. 
I'm totally over winter and am ready for spring!

I braved the great outdoors with these 6 cuties!
They all had a great time and took really good naps;)

 It's not a big hill but it's perfect for them!
I often forget how beautiful our backyard view is! 
We don't appreciate it like we should!

 Oh man...this kid is a worker-bee!  We've called him that since he was a year old!
He loves being busy and doing work (on his terms)!!
Travis works for the county and obviously has to scoop snow for his job early in the mornings which leaves the driveway to me:(
Pierce wanted out so bad to help so I let him!
He was actually a big help and I appreciated it:)

 Mama got some new kicks! 
They were $10 at Gordmans and I love them:)
I've designated them my spray tan shoes!

 Another Pinterest idea!

We started swim lessons this week!
It took Pierce 15 minutes to get in (classes are only 30 minutes) but when he was in the water he did great....and loved them which is all I ask!
His BFF Rogan and cousin Kahne are in his class too!
{Not sure what R is doing in this picture...I think he's pulling his pants up!}

They are every Tuesday and Thursday nights for the next 3 weeks.
It wasn't a problem until Thursday night!
I, not so smartly, rescheduled a spray tan party for Thursday night, Travis had volleyball (men's night out...duh!) and Pierce had swim lessons. 
Luckily we carpool with Rogan's family so they offered to drive Thursday.  Cash went to Grandma Spratt's and Travis picked him up after volleyball then picked up Pierce from Rogan's house.
I met them home around 9pm and Travis quickly left the house.  He was just dying to get up to the local bar for food and drinks with his friends;)  I'm not giving him any sh*t because when it's ladies night I'm the same way!

One of my besties is having a spray tan party here tonight.  She did great and rounded up 13 gals!
Everyone is welcome to bring their kids and just hang out for the evening!  I'm sure there will be some adult beverages consumed....after I spray tan of course;)
I'm especially excited for Saturday uncle Pat turns 50 and his wife is throwing a surprise 50th birthday party for him at Wildwood (I LOVE THAT PLACE)!  Hope he doesn't read this;)
There are a lot of Spratt's going and that's always a good time!!  Can't wait!

Have a great weekend!!

PS: I cannot believe it's March!  Where did February go?!

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