Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Life Rules

I love these rules to live by....

I would have to say I struggle the most with #2.
{What others think of you is none of your business}
I learned this rule the hard way:(
I thought I really needed (and wanted) to know how someone in my life was feeling about me...turns out I didn't want or need to know at all! 
It happened a while ago and it's something I still think about!


I'll never make that mistake again;)
I'm hoping #3 and #5 help me!

What are some rules you live by?!

One of my all time favorite rules is THE GOLDEN RULE....treat others the way you want to be treated!
You have no idea how many times I repeat this rule daily!!
I remember hearing this rule as a child and it stuck with me...I remember thinking, "wow, how true is this?!"
With every situation in my life, this "rule" runs through my head!
I will raise my boys to treat others the same as they want to be treated!

Another saying I love is "EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON"
Not everyone likes this saying but I'm a believer!!

A big saying I tell me kids (daily!) is "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit!"  Of course that doesn't always work but Pierce has repeated it a few times to his friends in the right context...I'm just glad it's sinking in!

Okay...there's Kim's deep thoughts for the day;)

Hope you all have a great Wednesday!

I wrote this post a few days ago and scheduled it for today.
This morning I was checking Facebook (as I do every morning!) and one of my friends shared this from Sweet Empowerment's status....

What others think of us is not our business. Everyone has a their own perceptions, experiences and fears. They will perceive us through the filter of their story no matter what we try to do or say to change it. It's not personal, it's their perception and it has nothing to do with Who you are!


  1. Ditto on the #2. I am always worried about what kind of person people think I am. But I think you are fabulous :) Have a great Wednesday!

    1. Thanks Nicole!!! I updated this post so you should read the bottom!!

  2. I have always taught my kids that they live their life by the CHOICES you make every single day. You can choose to have a good day, or a bad day. You can choose what to wear, what to eat and how to do your hair. You also choose how you treat other people (like you, I LOVE the Golden Rule!). And my personal favorite - you can't always control what others will do or say to you or about you - it's your CHOICE that will determine how you act (or react) to every situation that may come their way. Hopefully, I'm teaching my kids the right choices!

    And by the way, it's fun for me to watch your family grow up!
