Friday, April 18, 2014

This & That

We've been busy keeping busy:)
Boys started swim lessons three weeks ago...and we have three left to go!
Pierce loves it and has a great time!
Cash...not so much! 
He loves the water and isn't afraid of anything but he doesn't get the concept that it's a structured swim class and he has to listen to the teacher and can't do whatever he feels like!
We've struggled for three weeks and I told him last week was make or break for him!
Well, he decided it was break time so we pulled him from lessons!
It was a huge fight every week to get him in the pool and when he was in the pool he did whatever he wanted!  Mind you I'm fully clothed and can't jump in after him so he thought it was hilarious to test boundaries!
We didn't start Pierce til he was four years old so I guess we'll give Cash another year!
By the way...if anyone is in need of swim lessons the Coralville Rec Center is amazing and very reasonable!  We paid $50 total for two boys in lessons for 6 weeks!
 In between lessons we were able to go to the park last week!
We had a picnic lunch and the boys had a lot of fun on the tire swing!

My sister had Delaney Friday night and she sent us this picture....
I just thought it was too cute not to share!
Kadence loves all her babies and she made Delaney one of them:)

I read a blog called Momma Gets Real and she has a shop (Dear Nicole) and they make amazing cuffs!
I have had my eye on a few and saw she posted these cheetah print cuffs.
I had her custom make it with "Everything Will Be Okay" and I am in love!!!
You should definitely check her out! 

Oh boy.....
I am fully aware this is not a flattering picture of me.....
...but every time I look at it I LOL!
It rained all day Sunday and Pierce and I were snuggling on the couch!
We were doing silly faces and he was laughing so hard which makes me laugh even harder!
It really is the little things:)
WW Check-in:
Not happy to report I gained a few ounces:( 
I know I need to do better and I will!!
Found this and had to share...
...I agree 100% ;)
TGIF to all of you!
Go out and make it a GOOD Friday!

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