Tuesday, March 4, 2014

I'm Needed....

This article has been trending on Facebook: Mommy, Somebody Needs You and I've ignored it too long.  I decided to read it....after all my mommy friends shared the article!
Okay, take a minute and read the article please!!
I cannot get this woman's words out of my head!!!
Very well said and written!!
It's like she's living my life and wrote everything I would have!
I long for the day where I can take a shower without being barged in on!
Or when I sit down at 7pm for the night to relax and somebody always needs more milk, their butt wiped, a snack, their favorite sword out of "time-out", a spilled mess cleaned up, a piggy back ride to bed, 10 hugs, 10 kisses, a drink of water, a bathroom break...... and so on and so on!
Last night the boys seemed to be extra needy and my patience were running thin and this article kept running through  my head! 
She talks about being alone in a retirement facility some day and having no one to need her.
As much as we go through and as much as we do it's sort of sad to think one day (all too soon) this will be it...no one will need us:(
The boys came in our room at 3:30am last night (of course walking right by their dad!) and woke me up.  They wanted to sleep with me and my first thought was...they won't be doing this in 10 years, I should just let them sleep with me!  But then I realized none of us would get any sleep if all four of us were in the same bed so I ushered them back to their beds!
Being a mommy is a tough job...but it's all I've ever wanted to do.  When I was a little girl I played "house" all the time!  I had a few babies that I would take care of in the morning, then I would go off to school then I would care for them when I got home every night!  I knew at a young age I wanted to be a mommy!
 God gave me my two boys and they are my world!  I will continue to do the best I can in fulfilling all their (sometimes ridiculous) needs!
It's always nice to read articles like this because it gives me reassurance that I'm not alone and other mommies out there are struggling and thriving at the same time!!
It also puts things in perspective and I shouldn't do a private eye roll when I just sat down all snuggled in my blanket and Pierce asks me for a cup of milk...even though I was just in the fridge and asked if he needed one!  I know that one day I will be able to sit in the chair under my blankets and the silence will be defining.....

So until then I'm going to live each day like today is the best day of my life:)

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