Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Memorial Catch-Up

I'm a few days behind...
WARNING: Picture Overload!!
{Believe me...I cut out a lot!}

Last Wednesday Pierce had his field day at school!
Nice form:)

I took a vacation day on Friday and a friend and I had a spa day!
We went to La James in Iowa City and had an hour massage, a facial (AWESOME!), manicure, pedicure, shampoo and style!
It was a nice, relaxing day and we'll go back for the massage and facials again soon!!

Friday night we were driving around and saw my cousin Jenna had a front porch full of people so we stopped by!
That's the great thing about a small town and family...there's always someone around!
My cousin Tracey was home from Canada so it was nice to see her and her family!
We did some front porch sitt'n:)

The weather was sh*tty ALL weekend...seriously, it rained ALL weekend!

We weren't doing much around the house so we decided to head to Walmart and do a big grocery trip!
You know, that's always fun in the rain!

Rewind a minute..... We've been wanting a new patio set so I put our old one up for sale on Facebook and sold it within hours!

Here's the old....
 Back to our Walmart trip....
We decided to take a look at their patio sets and this was the first one we saw and loved it!
My OCD husband couldn't let it sit in boxes so he put it together as soon as we got home.
Unfortunately it sat in the garage for a few days until there was a break in the damn rain!
But we got it out!
We still haven't enjoyed it though:(

Some of you might be thinking, I really like the old patio set...why are you getting rid of it!
Believe me I loved it too....but it was bar height (Travis doesn't like bar height) and the cushions, although super cute, always flew off and we were always chasing them.
Now we can enjoy a bigger table with six chairs and we won't have to run after flying cushions:)

 Saturday night we declared as appetizer/bubble bath(for the boys)/movie night!
 The boys have been introduced to our jet tub in the master bathroom and now they are obsessed with it!
 Noth'n says Saturday night like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!

Once again....crappy, rainy weather!
We planned to go to the zoo but that didn't happen.
Luckily I didn't tell the kids so they weren't bummed when it didn't happen!

We did however take the boys to their first movie...Epic.
This was the only picture I got in the theater...
They did great...much to my surprise!
I, however, had to pick my jaw up off the floor after hearing how much we spent!
Good grief....why is it so expensive?!
It cost $54 for all of us to go!
We won't be back for a while;)

We had friends over Sunday night for supper and adult beverages:)

 Memorial Day
We attended Memorial Day services in Holbrook, as we do every year!
If you don't take part in any service I highly encourage you to!  It's a very neat thing!

My mom had us all over for lunch and I made my mom's famous pasta salad!
I LOVE this salad!!
It makes a big batch and it screams my name from the fridge all day!!

My dad made homemade chocolate ice cream so the kids enjoyed that!
 And of wouldn't be a family get together without Phase 10!

We had a great supper at my in-laws Monday night then headed on home!

Travis got a wild hair and decided our carpets needed shampooed!
I was not going to disagree and let him go to town!
It's like a whole new living room with white, fluffy carpet!
Travis is the best:)


Another crazy, but short week!

My friend Stacy and I had a Thirty One and Scentsy party Tuesday night.
{Both parties are still open...if you want to order click on the link!}
Pierce had his first T-ball game Tuesday night (pics to come later).
Women's golf tonight...please, no rain!!
Spray tans Thursday night.
Travis starts slow-pitch softball Thursday night.
Off Friday to head to Southwest Iowa for my cousins wedding!

I hope you all have a great Wednesday!!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Garden Flood

I had a spray tanning party Friday night.
I picked up Carlos O'Kellys on the way home.
We sat on the deck and enjoyed the beautiful night!

I had spray tans Saturday morning that I finished up quick so we could go to my moms.
We had family here from out of town Saturday morning so my mom made a delicious breakfast we all enjoyed.

Saturday afternoon was a napping kind of afternoon:)
We all took one!

We enjoyed the awesome weather Saturday evening having drinks with friends!

Sunday we got up and went to Theisen's, Lowe's and Red Lobster for lunch.  We had every intention of going to Costco but the boys weren't being very good and Travis and I had enough!
We headed home and made do with our local grocery store (our checking account took a hit!).

We spent the afternoon at the garden.
It's at my parents again this year and it keeps getting bigger and bigger!
 Don't worry...Pierce was only pretending here!


Thursday night while doing spray tans I noticed we had some water seeping in the spray tanning room.
Travis checked it out and we think it's coming from under our bathtub.
Luckily our spray tanning room is the only room with water.
 We've been drying it out all weekend and it's still wet this morning:(
And the smell isn't the best either;(
I guess we are just going to wait it out and let it dry.
The carpet is already ruined from spray tans so that's not a huge deal BUT I don't want to bring any clients into a musty smelling room!

We got a huge storm last night (60mph winds and ping pong ball size school today because the school doesn't have power!).
Travis was at a fire most of the night.  A power line fell on a tree and started it on fire 20 feet from someones house!

I was up most of the night also because Pierce is scared to death of storms and this was a big one. 
I also don't sleep very well when Travis is at a fire in the middle of the night. 
I'm what you would call a WORRIER!! ;)

I was also worried about our basement but so far we don't have any extra water in the basement but I'm keeping an eye on it!


I'm so excited about this week!!!

Pierce has field day at preschool Wednesday so I took the whole day off!
Cash will be going to an in-home daycare that morning so Travis and I can be with Pierce.
Wednesday afternoon my cousin is coming to watch the boys so I can spend the day with my sister and cousin, Tracey from Canada!! 
I can't wait!

I took Friday off a while ago so I could enjoy a 4 day weekend!
{I've had 3 days off since August 1st, 2012 (besides 1 or 2 sick days and holidays)}

My friend, Kay and I are having a beauty day with a full body massage, European facials, hair shampooed and styled, scalp massage, manicure and pedicure!
I am so excited for Friday it's not even funny!!!

I hope you all go out and make it a good week!!
I sure will be;)


Friday, May 17, 2013

Fun Night With The Boys

The boys and I had a great night last night!

When I was done spray tanning we ran out to my parents for a bit.
The boys love going out there because they have a huge yard and lots of fun things to do.
It's nice knowing they can run wild and we don't have to worry about their safety!

My mom had to leave to go help a friend so the boys and I went to the park.

The boys love Casey's pizza so that's what I ordered.

We played in the park for a while then hit up the car wash then picked up our pizza!

Came home, ate, took baths then the boys watched a few shows while I finished up a few more spray tans.

We were all in bed by 9:30 and it was an amazing night!!

Happy Friday to all of you!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Happy Place

Last night I was in my happy place......


I have been gone every night this week with spray tans and then golf.
Tonight is my only night home!

I've been having mommy guilt and feeling terrible so I blocked off tonight just for the boys!

The plan was to not do any spray tans so the boys and I could go and do whatever we felt like doing!

Turns out I can't say no....
...So I told everyone I'm NOT doing tans from 5:30-8:30 so if they can make that work I'd spray tan them...

...I have 10 people coming between 5-5:30!

I'm just glad I'll be done working by 5:30:)

I'm thinking eating at Pizza Haus and then the park (if it doesn't rain!).
It will be a great night and I'm looking forward to it:)

Happy Thursday to all of you!

Had to share this funny Cash story! 
It made me smile many times this morning!

I let the boys have chocolate milk for breakfast today (HUGE treat here!)
When Cash asks for his chocolate milk it sounds like "f*ck-it milk!"

Does this make me a horrible mom because I laugh every time?! ;)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Tan, Anyone?!

The weather has finally turned HOT here in Iowa.

It's that time of year when clients are frantic for a spray tan because we all realize how white we are from the LOOOOONG winter!

You are not alone are not alone!

It was really hot Tuesday (93) and I wanted to wear shorts or carpi's to my spray tan party.
I've never been fond of my legs....wait...that's not true...I loved my legs when I was 125 pounds and my legs were toned! 
Those days are gone so now I'm stuck with chunky, hail damaged legs!

Anyway...I wore sweat-pant carpi's Tuesday during the day and I laughed out loud at how white my legs are!
So...I took a picture....
I think it's about time I start spraying my lower body as well!
{In the winter I see no point in having tan legs so I usually do my face, chest and arms!}

So....I wore jeans to my spray tan party to hide these white babies!

If you're frantic for a tan (like I am) give me call and we'll take care of it!


Today is our first golf meeting!
A group of us girls are going out before the meeting for a round!

Happy Hump Day!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Preschool Graduation #1

We have one proud graduate!!

Like I said in an earlier post Pierce will be going to preschool another year.
He turns 5 in August and I'd rather him be 6 going to kindergarten then a fresh 5!
I'm sure all you teacher reading this will think that's a fabulous idea:)

Anyway...just wanted to share these adorable pictures of Pierce actually smiling!!

Happy Tuesday all:)

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mothers Day WEEKEND

I knew this weekend was going to be great and I was 100% right!
Such a fun and exciting weekend!


I went with 25 other women to SPANK (The Fifty Shades Parody) in Cedar Rapids.
I didn't read the books but thought it was hilarious and juicy:)
Great time had by all!


 Saturday morning I had 2 spray tans bright and early then I picked up my SIL, Amy and we met my sister in Coralville to get manicures and pedicures.
It was a nice and relaxing time!!

I thought my nails turned out great!
I never paint my nails but I love when they are done!
 This is probably why I don't do my nails....because they look like this in less then 24 hours of getting done!
Not worth the money to me!
Oh was fun while it lasted!

We had lunch at Charlotte's in North Liberty.  It's my favorite place ever!!!
Their chicken salad wrap and lobster bisque soup are to die for!!

We then went shopping where I proceeded to buy myself some new golf sandals and golf attire (Happy Mothers Day to myself!).

The boys were messing around in their Hawkeye helmets so I put one on.
Pierce wanted to do his "mad" face;)

There was a tree on fire across the street from us Saturday afternoon/night so the kids thought it was neat to watch!
Pierce swore he saw his dad...I didn't have the heart to tell him his father was at Buffalo Wild Wings with his I just let him believe his dad was there!

We sent all the guys out and the kids and wives came here for pizza and a movie!

SUNDAY: Happy Mother's Day!

We went to church then to my SIL, LynDee's for lunch.
We came home and let the boys rest (all three of them!) then Travis and Pierce fulfilled my only Mothers Day request....they washed my spray tan tents:)
We had supper and outdoor fun at my parents Sunday night.

 Three beautiful flowers from my three loves!!
I'm one lucky lady!!
Of course Pierce won't smile for any pictures and I went to snap this.....
....and he smiles!
This mama does not approve of 4-wheelers, motorcycles, dirt bikes or anything of that nature so he's pretty much dreaming!!
{Cash agrees with me;)}

Fun on the swing set!
 Oh yes, and of course the "must-have" grandparents/grandkids picture my mom wants at every gathering!
Amy made a wise suggestion....lets do the picture right when we all arrive (when the kids are excited to see everyone) instead of when we're all leaving (when the kids are pissed about going home)!

I've posted this before but I just love it and it seemed appropriate for Mothers Day!

I hope you all had a fabulous Mothers Day yesterday!
Hopefully you spent it doing something you love!
I know I did!


Busy week again.
We start it off with Pierce's preschool graduation tonight.
I'm not at all sad about this because he'll be doing it again next year!
{Turns 5 this August so we are waiting another year for kindergarten}

I have a spray tanning party 4 nights this week!
Travis had fire training and women's golf kicks off with the first meeting!

I'm gonna need lots of Diet Pepsi this week:)

Have a good week everyone!


Friday, May 10, 2013

TGIF & Teachers!

Feels good to have this week coming to an end:)
Pierce finished up his swim lessons {finally...oops, did I say that?!}, I did a lot of spray tans, got some golf in and a big Walmart trip D.O.N.E.!


This week is teacher appreciation week and like everything else...I waited until the last minute (you know Thursday night after 20 spray in bed...husband out...can't leave the house kind of last minute!).
I went to my go-to resource (Pinterest) and typed in Teacher Appreciation...
This was the second picture to show up....
Consider it done!

This was really a no-brainer because Pierce LOVES donuts and it was simple enough!

I felt like super mom this morning because I worked out, showered, got ready and took the boys to Casey's for fresh donuts all before 7am! 
I feel like I can tackle anything now;)

Here's our version......
Not too shabby if I say so myself!
And who wouldn't want one of these delicious donuts?!

Pierce was SO EXCITED to take these to his teachers!
We all enjoyed a fresh donut for breakfast (there goes my workout!).

I received an email from Pierce's teachers already saying they loved the donuts and had never seen it done before (GO ME...or pinterest!).  She said Pierce had them out of his bag before hanging his bag up and he had a BIG smile on his face!
Gotta love him:)

**I confessed it was not my idea and Pinterest was to thank for this one!**


You all deserve a donut:)


It's also nurses week! 
HAPPY NURSES WEEK to all my friends and family who care for so many people and make their visits so much better!
**Confession...I've always wanted to be a nurse!  I'm so mad at myself for not getting my nursing degree in college. 
I've actually thought about going back to school and becoming a nurse...just scared about all the "what-ifs!"
Thank you for all your hard work...I'm truly envious of your job!


I'm so excited for tonight!! 
There's a group of 25 ladies heading to Cedar Rapids to watch SPANK at the Paramount Theater.
Should be a fabulous time!!

I'm equally as excited for Saturday morning because Kellie, Amy and I are going to get pedicures, out for lunch and shopping!

Did I mention Mother's Day is all weekend here?! ;)
Oh...and if any of you see Travis you might want to remind him Mother's Day is Sunday...he has no clue!

Hope you all have a great weekend and HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all of you deserving mothers who read my blog! 
You're all the best!!!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Weekend Recap

Another great weekend in the books!

We packed up and headed to North Liberty Friday to spend the night with my sister and her family!
 The kids always have fun together!!
 Funniest part of the night was telling ghost stories with the kids!
We shut all the lights off and the person telling a ghost story had to put a flash light up to their face!
It was hilarious until bedtime rolled around and I was regretting my scary story that ended with me screaming really loud and scaring everyone...including making my mom almost pee her pants;)

Neither of my boys wanted to go to sleep and they were both crying to go home! bad;)


Saturday morning my boys were up at 6:45...of course!
We got up and ready then our cousin Janey came to babysit all 4 kids so we could go out to garage sales!

We hit up Coralville (disappointed) and Tiffin and found some deals.

My favorite part of the day was lunch at Carlos O'Kelly's and this liquid treat....

I continued the Cinco De Mayo festivities with a GNO Saturday night!
Good times:)


We had our niece's first communion on Sunday then golfed in a tournament all day.
It was a beautiful day and it was so nice to be outside!

It was a great weekend with lots of family time, time with great friends and beautiful weather!

Happy Monday!
Go out and make it a good week!!